Appearences Can Be Misleading

Kinkaku and the unit killed a couple more of Uzumaki, the seven remaining dropped on their knees and let go of their weapons.

They surrendered, it was obvious that if they kept fighting, they would die. Surrendering was the smartest decision right now, if they were lucky, Kinkaku and his unit might let them live.

"All of you, kneel next to each other!" the seven Uzumaki stood up and kneeled next to each other. Ginkaku walked around them like a hungry predator.

"We have killed your leader, we have killed your little friends and you guys surrendered. I think that you are concient of your positions, right?" Kinkaku looked at them nodding to his words.

"Good, good. Tell me what you were doing before we catched up to you. Before Ginkaku threw his blade, I saw you guys fidgeting with the ground." the Uzumaki stayed silent.

Kinkaku looked at them for a whole minute, he wanted to make sure that nobody wanted to talk before he made a decision.

"I see that you have lost your tongues." Kinkaku gave a nod to Ginkaku. The next thing the Uzumaki saw was the rolling head of one of their brethren.

"I will ask this question six more times because you guys are six. Each time, I will wait one minute and if I don't get an answer to my of you will get killed on the spot." the six remaining Uzumaki looked at the head who was on the ground.

When they saw it, they saw themselves if they didn't answer Kinkaku's question. If one of them said that he wasn't tempted into answering, it would be a lie.

Kinkaku asked the same question once again, one minute passed and an answer he didn't get. Ginkaku didn't wait for Kinkaku to tell him, he directly beheaded one of them.

"Five, five more times will I ask this question. Forget about all this 'honor for my clan' bullshit, think about your lives and...yourselves. One answer and we will let you live, I promise." Kinkaku tried to convince them, it proved successful.

"I'll tell you everything, but you must let me live. It's a promise and promises are not to be br-"

"Alright, alright! I know that it's a promise. So, tell me what you were doing here? Also, why is the Uzumaki clan taking part in this war?"

The four other Uzumaki were very disappointed in their fellow clansman, they were teached to never betray the clan or the allies and he was going to do it.

"Our Uzumaki clan has a long history of friendship with the Senju clan, we are also distant blood relatives, that's why. Mito has married with Lord Hokage, it's our obligation to come and help Konoha in its war against Iwa and Kumo." Kinkaku was satisfied by the way he answered, he said even more than what he wanted to hear.

"As for what we were doing earlier, we were busy with a mission. A mission to-" before he could say more, his body was being covered with all sort of scriptures.

The Uzumaki who was going to divulge everything fell face down on the ground. Kinkaku and his unit were taken by surprise, Ginkaku noticed that the marks on the Uzumaki's body were also on the ground and when he followed them with his eyes, they led to an old man who was fifty meters away.

The old man had long white hair and a neat square beard, he was holding his hands together. When he released them, the marks on the Uzumaki's body dissappeared and he lost consciousness.

"To think that the famous Gold and Silver Brothers would track my clansmen and completely disrupt our plans." the five Uzumaki were relieved to see the clan head.

"You know of us, old bones? We're only famous in The Land of Lightning, for now." Ginkaku was surprised to see that the old man knew of them.

"I know about you two, the Tsuchikage and everyone who deserves my attention. Unfortunately for you, today, you have killed so many of my children." the old man shook his head with visible sorrow on his face.

"Your children? Mmh, I see. You must be Ashina Uzumaki, to think that a powerful man like you looks like that." Kinkaku had heard of Ashina. When he imagined about how he would look, he would see powerful middle aged man.

"You are but old bones, just like Ginkaku said. If you tell us what you were planning to do, we might just let you live." Ashina nodded.

Kinkaku smiled, he didn't expect that threatening Ashina would be such an easy task. Ashina stopped nodding and placed his hands on the hilt of his blades who were on his back.

"The two of you must learn that appearances can be....very misleading." Ashina suddenly unsheated his two blades and stood in a fighting stance.

"This old bastard is crazy, prepare to cut him down!" Ginkaku said this to the unit, when he turned to look back at Ashina, he had already dissappeared.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" the sound of agonizing shinobi resounded. Five shinobi of the unit were holding their throats, blood was gushing out. Ashina appeared behind Kinkaku.

"I always thought that your hair was made out of real gold, I'm disappointed to see that they are not." Kinkaku knew that Ashina was behind him because his old voice was sort of loud even though he talked very low.

"Gold And Silver Art: The Golden Cover!" Ashina swung his blade, he aimed for Kinkaku's throat. Just as it was about to land, Kinkaku's growing hair stopped the blade.

"Gold And Silver Art? Is it one of your inventions?" Ginkaku was enraged after hearing this, he ran to Ashina and kicked him in the face. He was sent flying thirty meters away.

"Kinkaku, we cannot tolerate such disrespect from an old man! Let's show him the extent of our true powers!" Kinkaku turned around with his hair sill being very long and thick.

"You're right, Ginkaku. Let's show him the extent of our power when combined."