The Cover Of The Night Can Come In Handy

It was night, Kinkaku and Ginkaku had finally escaped from the chains. They got out of the hole and looked at their men lying dead on the ground.

"Kinkaku, they've taken five men with them. On the other hand, they killed all the others, we have to quickly notify the Raikage." Kinkaku stretched his body and nodded.

"Yeah, we need to tell him that the army can advance further. We have successfully disrupted Konoha's sneaky plan." Kinkaku patted Ginkaku's back

"Do we take the bodies with us?" Ginkaku scratch his head, he looked at the bloody corpses and waited for Kinkaku's answer.

"Tch! They mean nothing to us, let's go. We can't waste our time with insignificant corpses." Kinkaku walked away, Ginkaku looked at the corpses for a few seconds and followed behind Kinkaku.


"The Raikage has sent the gold and silver brothers in the morning, they should be getting back to the camp in the hours to come." Koro said to Kentaro.

"Kinkaku and Ginkaku are strong shinobi, but they can be impulsive. I hope that they have recolted useful information about the enemy forces on their front." Kentaro was walking nervously around the table.

"I wanted Lord Raikage to be here with us, he preferred to accompany his men in battle. Maybe I should to the same." Kentaro rubbed his chin.

"Lord Tsuchikage, you must stay here and you know that. Sit down and listen to the recent news and the report of the day." Zarachi took a paper where many things were written.

"Our men near The Land of Wind have spotted more shinobi from Suna, it seems to me that they are preparing an attack of some sort. My advice is to send more men there." Kentaro shook his head, he wasn't willing to do that.

"Those desert beggars don't amount to much. We need to save our forces for the main battlefield, things could really go badly there." Zarachi nodded and resumed.

"The Sensing Battalion has successfully split and made a hideout for themselves, we should expect all sorts of incoming intel from them. The Destruction Battalion has been ready since this morning and are only waiting for your orders. As for the Fighting Battalion, six hundred men died and four hundred were wounded." out of eight thousand men, six hundred died. This was a lot.

"The Sara clan will have a lot of work to do, healing four hundred men is not an easy task. Has Mū encountered particularly dangerous shinobi? Do we know which enemy clans have being deployed in the Land of Grass."

"We know for a fact that the Senju, Uchiha, Hyuga, Sarutobi, Shimura, Inuzuka and Amburame clans are deployed in The Land of Grass. Mū has sensed Tobirama's chakra, that's the only real deal we sensed until now." this was the only information for the day.

The door opened and a man entered with a new message, he handed it to Zarachi and left the room. It was a message from the Sensing Battalion.

"The Sensing Battalion has spotted the Hyuga clan's encampment ten kilometers west of the frontline. Should we act against them?" Kentaro took a deep breath, it would be his first true decision in the war.

"The night will be at our advantage, a surprise attack is the best thing possible. I know that the Chinoike clan is near them, let's task them of taking care of the Hyuga." Zarachi wrote it on a scroll and placed the scroll on a strange symbol.

Kentaro stood up and placed his hand on the symbol, he held the confrontation sign with his left hand. The symbol shone and the scroll dissappeared.


Gedo Chinoike was sitting around a fire, he had his eyes closed. All around him was silent, the other Chinoike waited for him to talk.

"We must sleep, we need to be as discrete as possible. Our clan has been tasked by Capitan Mū to guard this part of the west, we shall do it fervently." suddenly, a light flashed.

Kentaro's scroll fell down on the ground, the Chinoike looked at it. They were sure of one thing, the time for sleep had not come yet.

Gedo stood up and took the scroll, he then rolled it open and gave a confident nod. He looked at all his clansmen.

"We have received word from Lord Tsuchikage, we must take the Hyuga clan by surprise tonight and damage them as much as possible. Prepare yourselves!" Kentaro's word was supreme, the Chinoike were motivated to bring their mission to success.

"Yes, clan head!" Gedo Chinoke was the Chinoike clan's clan head, he had being chosen by Kentaro and even had his eyes replaced with the one Habiki formerly possessed.

The Chinoike wore a black armor on top of Iwagakure's black double-sleeved attire, they placed their katanas on their backs and joined Gedo at their little camp's entrance.

"Earth Style:...." Gedo placed his hand on the ground, it sunk down and the camp completely dissappeared.

"We can go now." Gedo ran further west, he knew that many would not survive. After all, taking the Hyuga by surprise was not the easiest task.

It took the three hundred Chinoike three hours to get near the Hyuga clan's encampment. From far away, there was light and smoke. The Hyuga's were awake.

"Clan leader, do we charge in? They seem to be awake and aware of their surroundings." a chinoike said to Gedo while he was thinking.

"They may be awake....or they may be pretending to be awake. What will an enemy who tries to attack under the cover of the night do when they see that fires are on? They will think twice before doing what they intended to do, but we are smarter than that." Gedo motioned the others to stay while he walked closer to the encampment.

He carried a particularly big cloth bag on his back and it seemed to be very light in weight. When Gedo was close enough, he made sure to see if they were really sleeping and they were.

"For Iwa, for the Tsuchikage." Gedo threw the cloth bag inside, he formed one hand seal.

"BOOOOOM!" all the paper bombs that were inside the cloth bag exploded.