Suna Makes A Move!

It had been seven hours ago since Gedo sacrificed himself for the good of the mission. Iguro led the Chinoike clan back to a safe and concealed place where they slept until now, in the morning.

Kinkaku and Ginkaku managed to reach the camp in the night. The two brothers notified Ay about the happenings with Ashina and their success in disrupting Konoha's and Uzushio's sneaky plan. After reflection, Ay had decided to make the army advance this morning.

As for the forces near The Land of Wind, they waited for something to happen. The two hundred Jonins didn't let their guard down, it had been a few days since they spotted more and more Suna shinobi.

"I think that Lord Tsuchikage won't send more reinforcments. If Suna's army was to attack, we would be greatly overwhelmed." a muscular orange haired man said to his nearby comrade.

"Jurou, you must know that the reinforcments need to be preserved for the main battlefield. Let's be honest, even if those desert beggars were to come, they won't be our match." Shiba, the slender one answered to Jurou.

"I heard that the main battlefiled is a real bloodbath, our forces are making good work of those Konoha bastards. How I wished I could join them and help them kill those sons of bitches!" Jurou stood up placed his hammer around his waist.

"Shiba, get your slender ass up. Let's scout the surroundings, it smells of desert beggars." Shiba stood up and placed his two axes on his back, he patted his armor and walked besides Jurou.

"I too thought that there was a....very familiar smell." the two of them walked down the stony hill, the others looked at them walking. Jurou and Shiba were known as the Explosive Duo for three reasons.

One being for their two opposite personalities, Jurou was energetic while Shiba was lazy. The other being for their feared and respected ability, the destructive explosion style. The last being their great passion for killing Iwa's enemies in a very 'flashy' way.

The two of them had not been integrated into the Destruction Battalion because they were already near The Land of Wind prior to the beginning of the war.

"Jurou, you're walking too fast, slow down a bit. It's not like those enemies will dissappear." Jurou was very dissatisfied when he this coming for Shiba.

"Walk too fast? We're walking at the speed of a turtle! Keep the pace, or else...." Shiba came to a halt and squinted his already nearly shut eyes.

"Jurou, am I dreaming or is there an army approaching from far away?" Jurou looked intently at Shiba squinting his eyes and looking far in the horizon.

"You're joking, right?" Jurou slowly turned his head around, he saw an army of thousands of shinobi slowly making their way to their position.

Jurou's face became serious, he took a scroll out of his poach and rolled it open. The next thing he did was summon the objects from the scroll.

Five big Kunais each five meters tall fell on the ground, Shiba looked at them with a funny look. He found the kunais absurd.

"Shiba, go tell the others that those desert beggars are coming closer. I'll take care of damaging them a little bit." Shiba's almost shut eyes widened, he ran to do what he was asked of.

'It's good that this bastard isn't lazy when there are emergencies. Anyways, I have to focus on those bastards now." Jurou placed his hands one the big kunais.

Jurou possessed two Kekkei Genkai, the explosion and magnet release. He was a strong shinobi, eligible enough to become the Tsuchikage.

Jurou infused each kunai with his magnetized each kunai and infused them with explosive chakra, it was a technique unique to him.

"Alright, desert beggars! Eat this speciality of mine and please, do tell me how it tastes!" Jurou joined his hands together and stood behind the five kunai.

Jurou was controlling them. They slowly levitated, the five kunais flew to the thousands of Suna shinobi. this attack wasn't one who would stop an army's advance, but it would be one that would greatly damage where it hits.

"Wind Style: Wind Wall Jutsu!" a group of Suna shinobi created a wall of wind that appeared before the kunai that was coming down on them.

'Fucking dumb fucks!' Jurou looked at them from far away with a smile, he moved his finger to the left. The kunai stopped before it hit the wind wall.

Suddenly, the kunai swiftly went to the left and easily got around the wind wall. The kunai crashed down on the Suna shinobi.

It crushed and cut some of them, the best had yet to come. The kunai exploded and killed those who were around it, pieces of iron flew all around the place.

"I got them, haha!" Jurou did the same with the four other kunais, he successfully made them explode and kill some Suna shinobi.

"Let's retreat further! We won't be able to win this, I suggest that we place traps further-" Jurou stopped talking and looked to his left.

He saw four massive wind blades coming for him, they were meters away. Before they could hit him, Shiba jumped in front of him and took the wind blades head on with his two axes.

"BOOOOM!" Jurou looked at the large puff of smoke created because of the explosion, Shiba landed on the ground. He had scattered the wind that made the wind blades with an explosion.

"We need to face them head on, isn't it what you wanted, Jurou? We cannot let them enter The Land of Earth, this will be a disgrace. The thought of it makes me sick, the Tsuchikage will be disappointed in us." Shiba looked at Jurou with a big smile and gave him an encouraging blink.

"To think that your lazy ass would tell the truth. We have to fight and buy as much time as possible until reinforcements arrive, we can't let them enter The Land of Earth!" Jurou took his hammer and looked at the incoming army.

The one thousand Iwa shinobi shared the same thought, Suna's army had not to enter The Land of Earth no matter what. If it meant death, then they would gladly die.

"Charge everyone! Charge! AAAAHHHHHHH!" the one thousand man charged and roared savagely, they met with Suna's army.