
The command room was silent, Kentaro was thinking about all sort of things. The door suddenly opened, a shinobi brought a little paper in and gave it to Kentaro.

Kentaro looked at the shinobi exiting the room he then opened the folded paper and read the content. His face quickly turned ugly, he stood up and slammed his fist on the table.

"FUCKING DESERT BEGGARS!" Kentaro's sudden rage took the three Anbu leaders by surprise, they were curious to hear what the matter was.

"I've underestimated those of Suna. The one thousand men army we had dispatched near The Land Of Wind has been nearly decimated." the three Anbu leaders widened their eyes, they understood why Kentaro reacted like that.

"Reto has sent an eight thousand men army. Luckily for us, ninety-nine Jonins have survived and completely halted their army's advance at Shi Ravine." Kentaro was impressed by the ninety-nine Jonins' ability of accomplishing such a feat, he obviously didn't know about how they sacrificed their own comrades for it.

"I can't let their efforts go to waste, I must personally make a move." Kentaro removed his Tsuchikage attire and prepared himself to fight.

"You can't! Lord Tsuchikage, reconsider. We understand the level of emergency, we shall send reinforcements. As for you, your presence here is imperative!" Koro tried his best to change Kentaro's mind.

"The main battlefield is a carnage for both sides, reinforcements must be spared to be send there. Our reinforcements can't be wasted for the desert beggars!" Yuno who was silent the whole time stood up and pulled Kentaro's arm.

"With all due respect, you are acting rashly, Lord Tsuchikage. Personally, I feel like you don't have enough trust in the village's shinobi. To keep your mind at rest, I'll lead the reinforcements coupled with my clan. How does it sound to you?" Kentaro looked intently into Yuno's eyes, he didn't like the fact that Yuno accused him of not having trust in the village's shinobi.

"As you wish....Yuno, you and your Ichika clan shall lead the five thousand reinforcements. That's the most I can allow you to bring." Yuno wanted to try and argue with Kentaro to convince him of allowing him to take more men, but he would only waste his time doing so.

"Very well, I shall go now then." Yuno gave a nod to the two other Anbu group leaders and left the room. Kentaro sat back down and looked at the map in the center of the table.

"Lord Tsuchikage, you must keep your cool. If there is really a matter where you're requested to act personally, we won't stand on your path." Zarachi could sense the change of mood in Kentaro. Kentaro preferred to keep quiet, he only gave a nod.

"I have deep trust in all of you, do not get it wrong. I just want to be useful to Iwa....." He didn't know why, but Kentaro had a sense of guilt since the beginning of the war.

Sitting in the command room, far from the battlefield, far from his dying and suffering men, Kentaro didn't like that feeling at all.

"If you want to be useful, Lord Tsuchikage, you'll have sit here until the war ends. That's how you'll be useful." Zarachi permitted himself to say this to Kentaro.

"I see." Outside of the command room, in the surface, the shinobi who were part of the reinforcements prepared their equipments. Five thousand of them had been assigned under the Ichika clan, more importantly under Yuno's lead.

"What are Lord Tsuchikage's orders?" a middle aged man asked to Yuno who was fidgeting with his armor.

"Shi Ravine, eigt thousand men from Suna. We have to drive them back to The Land of Wind, we also have ninety-nine Jonins who are waiting for our arrival." Yuno briefed the middle-aged man pretty quickly.

Soon later, five thousand shinobi rapidly left the village. The families could only hope and pray to see their loved ones once again....they could only hope.

It took the reinforcements five hours to reach the south. The forces were exhausted, but it was the downside of wanting to get there as quickly as possible.

"Here!" the yelling voice of a man took the army's attention. A slender man came out of the ground from a hole, he placed his two axes on his back.

"We didn't expect the reinforcements to arrive in a matter of hours, that's some real proof of determination from you guys." another man came out of the hole, he was muscular and had orange hair.

"Because they're not as lazy as you, Shiba. It's good to have them here. I'm not gonna lie, I was kinda worried that it would take them a few days." out of the hole, the Jonins came out one by one.

They were dirty and wounded, they weren't in the best condition. But their faces displayed their rage and will to defeat Suna's army. It was clear to see that the ninety-nine Jonins were ready for battle.

"I am Yuno Ichika, the captain of this reinforcement army. I will need proper and detailed information about the enemy forces. We'll need to be smarter than them as we have three thousand men less than them."

"Being smarter than those desert beggars? It's no big problem at all, they can't even sense or find concealed traps. Hahahaha!" the majority of the Jonins burst out laughing.

It was maybe their way of trying to forget the recent happenings, the images of their bloody and dead comrades. As for Jurou, Shiba and Shime, they didn't laugh.

The army layed a camp under Yuno's lead, his men proceeded to rest and regain their lost energy. Yuno made sure to give enough food and water to the ninety-nine Jonins, it was the least he could do.

While they ate, the ninety-nine Jonins recounted everything that happened. Some even recounted how Jurou, Shiba and Shime used the Chunins as bombs to damage Suna's army.

This, Yuno didn't like the sound of it. The stone's will passed down by Kentaro to the shinobi was to never relent, never cower from a fight, to always follow orders, to kill comrades who could potentially divulge important intel before they got captured. Here, it sounded like they killed the Chunins to gain some extra time to retreat.

'I'll inform Lord Tsuchikage after my return.' Yuno had priorities, to prepare a plan of attack. The battle to drive Suna's army back to The Land of Wind was only hours away.

This battle would be remembered as the battle of Shi Ravine.