The Roaming Ghost

It's common knowledge that the dead cannot return to the world of the living. Only one Jutsu is able to do so and only one unique jutsu can trick death and change reality. It's been months since a ghost had been roaming around, waiting to grasp the right opportunity.

Now was the opportune time. Major figures like Mū or Yukaren, the Iwa nins representative returned to the village for the burial of the Shinobi of the Kamizuru clan and Kentaro's child. Troops were aware of everything that happened recently only that they stayed put.

Chariots filled with wounded shinobi made way towards the healing outposts to the north. The convoy was under the lead of Mitsuri of the Sara clan, specialized in the medical field and one of Iwa's great clan.

"I heard that the Tsuchikage's wife has suffered from a miscarriage. This will leave a stain in both their hearts until the day they die. Now that I think about it, won't the Tsuchikage take revenge on Konoha?" Onoki who sat next to Mitsuri thought for some time before answering.

"I'm close to him being the student of my Sensei who's the student of the Tsuchikage. Sometimes he can be reckless and act without logic, but as reckless as he can be I don't think he's dumb. If he acts personally then the Hokage, the Kazekage and lord Uzumaki will gang up on him." Mitsuri listened carefully, she was impressed by Onoki's maturity. He was no ordinary child.

"Lord Tsuchikage was capable of holding Madara and the Hokage by himself, I don't think that the Kazekage or Lord Uzumaki will be of any help to the Hokage. I've always believed and will always believe that our Lord Tsuchikage is the strongest." Mitsuri wore a proud look, she looked in front of her with a big smile.

"Beware of the Uzumaki, Mitsuri. They are a secret society, hiding everything about them from other countries. But it's common knowledge that they are not to be trifled with. It's said that no one surpasses them in the art of Sealing. If Lord Tsuchikage is too strong to be killed then they'll seal him, that's the way I see it." Onoki rubbed his chin as if he had a beard.

"I feel like you're against Lord Tsuchikage, you old looking brat! He's the strongest in all domains from Sealing to taijutsu, everything!" like this, the two of them squabbled for the entirety of the little journey to the north.

The healing outposts were very clean and organized. Every wounded was taken in charge based on the level of gravity the wounds threat on their lives. The arrival of a new convoy didn't bother the medical nins at all.

With the help of other shinobi all wounded were carefully brought in the outposts. Since no major battle took place and only a few skirmishes took place here and there, the outposts were not crowded at all. Everything happened smoothly without problem.

"You see, as young as I am I already witnessed the works of war. How it ravages everything down its path. Unfortunately war is necessary in our world, otherwise how will we show Iwa's superiority to the others?" Onoki started to say all that was in his heart.

"I do not resent Lord Tsuchikage for having sent our shinobi to their deaths, it's our duty after all. Only that my heart is in pain for my fellow brethren. After I'm done with my duty I'll pass by their graves and pay my respects." Misturi slightly widened her eyes, she had totally forgotten that little Onoki was part of the Kamizuru clan.

"I'm sorry I totally forgot you were a Kamizuru. You're still a kid and you already have to endure so much. Isn't it best for you to return home and assist the burial? Now that I think, about it, what are you even doing here?" As young as a shinobi could be, Onoki was truly a young kid. He didn't even graduate from the academy yet.

Since he had not graduated and didn't receive Kentaro's approval to join the warzone, Onoki was here kind of illegaly.

"I'm doing what I should do, that being supporting my village in times of war and this no matter how small my power may be. It's not like I won't see their graves, there is no hurry. I'll go when every wounded has been taken care of." Onoki awkwardly laughed as if he was trying to hide his sadness. Mitsuri was impressed by his maturity.

His awkward laugh soon quietened down, Onoki's face became as serious as a deer who had sensed a predator. There was something wrong around the outpost they were in. His instincts told him to run and never look back.

"Mitsuri, something feels wrong. Tell the medical nins to flee and flee with them, all of you are too precious in this war. I'll tell the others to prepare." Onoki ran towards where the Shinobi who had for duty to protect the outpost resided. A smell of smoke slowly made its way towards his nose.

By this time, Mitsuri understood that the outpost was under attack. The problem being not knowing where the enemy hid, as such, an escape route for the medical nins was difficult to plan. They could escape through the wrong direction and directly fall into the wolf's den.

When Onoki gathered all the combattant shinobi, he led them out of the outpost. Fare enough, a part of the outpost was under fire and if not extinguished it would truly cause massive damage.

"Extinguish the fire!" Onoki's order was not discussed, a couple of Shinobi used their water style to completely extinguish the fire and stop its rampage. Only then did they focus on what lied around them.

Dozen of corpses lied dead. They were not Iwa shinobi and looked more like Konoha shinobi, they were the culprits of the fire. But who could have killed them?

"It pains me to do this but I must pursue my goal. This world cannot change...unless.....unless I change it myself." the cloaked man struck rapidly into a dead shinobi's eye, snatching he's eye.

"Who is this madman?! Identify yourself!" The cloaked man brought his hand closer to his face and suddenly looked at Onoki with bloodshot eyes. In his left eye, a unique patterned sharingan and in his right, the newly stolen sharingan.

"I am a roaming ghost who came back from the dead." when Onoki and the other shinobi looked at all the Konoha shinobi they noticed that all of them had lost their eyes. All of them were from the Uchiha clan.

"I'll spare your lives just for today." the cloaked man turned around and slowly walked away. His steps carried the heaviness of death.