Who are you

"Lou Lou…Lou Lou" someone was calling from a far.

"huh…whose calling for me" a girl sitting in the darkness asked.

"Lou Lou" a man voice could be heard.

"whose calling" she asked

"Lou Lou…it's me lee..." he answer

"huh , I can't hear you … why you sound sad…are you ok !?" she asked.

In spaseuse place there was a girl sleeping in the form of a baby in the womb while surrounded by indless dark.

"kyyyya…pain" the girl screamed in pain.

"Lou Lou don't be afraid am gonna save you" the sound of a man calling for her.

"who are you stranger ? Why you keep calling my name?" she asked again.

"kyyyyyyaaaaa…huff huff" su Lou eyes shot open after a horrible dream or that what she thought.

"Thank God…you finely awake" lee xie said with melancholy , he was sitting next to her bed , he is been waiting for her awakning for two weeks now.

"mistress how do you feel?" san yue ask with anxiety , he was sitting in the other side of the bed holding su Lou hand.

Su Lou looked at lee xie then she looked at san yue , they both looked worried and anxious but she didn't know why ,when she try to sit stright , her body ache with pain … more accurate her chest .

Su Lou lower her eyes looking at her chest , she could feel the medicine on her skin in round shape , she reach her hand and to touch it.

"don't touch it , it didn't healed yet" lee xie said anxious grabbing her hand , su Lou gave him side glance and free her hand from his grips and touch her chest.

There was a bandage and under it she could feel around wound on her fleche , the wound was in the middle of her breast , she looked at lee xie and asked

"what happen to me?" she keep looking at him waiting for answer , the last thing she could remember that she was in his study room finding a book.

Lee xie sat there not talking for awhile then he knit his brows and asked "what's the last thing you remembered?"

Su Lou looked at him trying to find her last memory and said

"I was trying to find a book…then…then" su Lou looked at lee xie and ask "what happen after that? .... I can't remember anything".

Lee xie sigh of relief , good thing that she can't remember , it was for her own good… but how is gonna explain what happened back there.

"you get attacked by assassin and his highness saved you" san yue said

Lee xie looked at san yue with confuse but he nod after that , su Lou also looked at san yue and nod her head and said :

"ah! that's what happened!" … " what assassin's...why would assassin's want to hurt me , i have no enemy's"

"sigh...it's my fault...the assassin's was for me , you just been in the wrong place and time" lee xie explaining to su lou.

she nod then turned at lee xie and bow her head respectfully and said :

"am in your debt your highness , thank you" , of course she will believe anything san yue will tell her without a doubt , he was on her side after all.

"En" lee xie hummed and fist his hands at the side of the chair , it was his fault and she was thanking him for her pain , lee xie felt like he was the most horrible person in the world .

"I wanna sleep" she said

"I understand , you still need some rest , I will visit you later" lee xie said then he stand from his sit , su Lou give him nod with a plastered smile.

San yue stand up too , he was about to exit the room with lee xie when su Lou call for him

"san yue you stay".

Both of them stop walking and looked at su Lou , su Lou plastered another smile and said "I need him to get me something" .

lee xie nod understanding and exit the room while closing the door behind him.

"what do you need Lou Lou?" san yue ask

"how long I been in the bed?" she asked

"about two weeks" he answer

Su Lou rise her brows , that much huh , it must be serious injury then , su Lou stare at san yue and said :

"san yue can you tell me what really happened back there , I may can't remember but am not a stupid" she said , she has her own doubt , they must be hiding something on her.

'clever as always and that's why I like her for' .

san yue walked at su Lou bed and kneeled beside it and put his head on her legs hugging them and said with sorrow

"sorry Lou Lou , it's all my fault…I couldn't save you in the right time" and he tightened his grips on her legs.

"you mean what you said before was the truth" she said

"yes…please forgive me Lou Lou…I promised to protect you but I failed" san yue voice was full of agony , he wasn't lying when he said he failed protecting her , when he reach her she was already in lee xie hands unconscious.

Su Lou sigh and put her hand at san yue hair and start caressing it and said

"it's ok , it's not your fault…don't blame yourself".


after awhile he let su Lou take a rest and exit the room to find lee xie waiting for him outside.

"so what she asked you" lee xie said

"it is none of your business " san yue answer grinning his teeth.

Lee xie just ignore his bad attitude and said "did she asked what happened to her inside the study room".

"I take care of that , just remember to keep your mouth shut" he said that and take his leave using his Gin Qong.

Lee xie rub his forehead and sigh , he can't blame him after what happened to su Lou.



when lee xie was running with su Lou in his hands , he was stopped by san yue the moment san yue saw the blood on su Lou body he turned to become a mad dog , he start lunching attacks at lee xie and try to take su Lou from him but lee xie avoid him and his shadow guards appears and attacked san yue.

San yue block them easily , he even throw them on the ground , he become more angry and shout at lee xie :

"I warned you before did it I … and what you did! Why did you harm my Lou Lou" he finished his words and attack lee xie again , Liang zhen barley could block him , he was like raging bull , Liang zhen got a cut on his right shoulder.

San yue shout again but this time he release his deadly aura "give her back to me" , the atmosphere become suffocated the shadow guards fell on the floor catching their chest , they feels like their eternal organs gonna explode .

Lee xie fell the presser but he can handle it easily , he looked at san yue and said :

"stop acting like mad man and let me treat her first , if she stay bleeding for long time she's gonna die from losing blood" lee xie shout back , he was not in mood to play with him right now.

San yue stopped his movement and stare at su Lou body with worried eyes and said "she better be alright for your own good".

"she will be … I promise" lee xie said.

lee xie got su Lou at his room so no one know about her , and san yue fallow him .

After awhile mong li bring the doctor , the doctor treated su Lou wound putting some kind of mixed herbs and gave lee xie prescription and ointment cream for the scar , of course the doctor was one of lee xie subordinate so he will keep his mouth shut .

Lee xie couldn't find the imperial doctor , he need to keep the accident secret for his and su Lou sake.

Of course san yue notified her grandfather marquise su feng rui secretly , when he get there lee xie become honest and tell her grandfather everything happened in the secret room .

When he heard lee xie tell he almost stump to the ground if wasn't for san yue support , he also know about the egg stone and the old prophecy , after awhile from discussion the three of them agreed to keep the accident hidden on su Lou and the other member of her family , only the marquise will know and he will not risk su Lou life by telling about the accident.

Lee xie was occasionally visiting su Lou to check on her , the doctor did that too for treatment … after the sudden disappears of su Lou , su Lou maid xixi and yuwa start asking for her , lee xie explain that she was on one of her mission and she will take awhile to get back , of course they buy it easily.

As for su Lou lee xie convince her that the assassination was from other country and su Lou was cut in the middle of the fight , lee said it could be a war if he public the accident , su Lou was peace lover and she hate to see people suffering so she agreed to keep the matter hidden .

After another two weeks su Lou wound healed leaving ugly scar , but she didn't really mind it because she's gonna ask her grandfather for medicine to erase it.

And that what happened back there...but she discovered that after the scar start fading there were a shape of flower was appearing , the flower wasn't that big but it resemble the magnolia flower .

Su Lou thought it was cool she got some kind of tattoo without using needles but she keep it at herself after all she can't walk showing her tattoo in the middle of her breast.