The wind of change

"that's because you have both good sides , princess Lui min yaya beautiful and strong" she said while staring dagger at him.

Lee xie head veins popped up he really hated when she match him with her " as I said before there's nothing between us" .

su lou uttered "not yet but it'll happen in the future" .

Lee xie had been feed enough from her nonsense so he stood up and walk to her then he left her as princess carry in his arm .

Su Lou agapes then she leaned on his broad chest putting one hand on his heart and said "ur highness do you wanna marry me?" looking at him with sad puppy eyes .

lee xie stop walking and said "why do you wanna marry me , didn't you just said am bad man!".

Su Lou titled her head while looking at him then she said "I don't think ur a bad man, you just scary one that is all ".

lee xie mouth twitched why he was always been scary to her ! he know he could be cold sometimes but he never done anything to scare her.

Su Lou put one hand around lee xie neck and the other one on his face and started caressing his face with her thumb , lee xie heart jumped for her sudden touch .

"what do you thing your doing?" he said with frustration.

"Your handsome … you just need to smile bit more" she said with warm smile in her eyes, and stare deep in his eyes .

Lee xie feel the time has stopped and his heart start pounding hard, no body look at him like that before .

Now he look at her eyes he found it beautiful those shiny green eyes , her warm stare send deep shiver inside him , nobody ever look at him like that before , not even his own mother.

" you know lee xie I love ur eyes they are beautiful … it's like ruby gemstone…do you know they are my favor jewels" su Lou said to him with sweet smile .

Lee xie knit his brows , su Lou get annoyed and said putting her finger in the middle of his eyebrows "don't ruin my beautiful gems ".

Su Lou close her face to his for better view , now their eyes looking at each other in the same level .

Lee xie heart start galloping "bud boom_ bud boom" he could swear that his heart is gonna explode , why is this happening to him , is he sick , that was his inner thoughts .

"can I have them" su Lou asked politely .

"huh_why?!" lee xie get shocked .

his mother hate his eyes the most because it's remind her with his father eyes , 'why she think they beautiful , probably because she's drank' ; lee xie been hated all his life because of those eyes and he learn to hate them too , he see them as curse .

"they are sparkling like stars in the sky , how beautiful " she said while still caressing his face with her thumb , she really think they beautiful .

Su Lou leaned her face against his and whisper in his ear sweetly "Me I? I promise to take care of them" .

her sweet sexy voice drive him crazy , he start feel weird at this moment , lee xie clinched his fist hard he didn't know what to do or say he just say except

"En" without even thinking .

all this filling is new to him and what surprise him more he doesn't feel angry or disgust he actually like it a bit , he just want _ lee xie though cut up when su Lou suddenly start rubbing her face on his .

"emm how refreshing" to the drank su Lou lee xie face was cold and refreshing she feel hot at that moment.

But to poor lee xie he feel all his body shivered for the soft plump and squidgy face that was rubbing in slow motion on his face , it was quite weird feeling but he like it , he never thought that her face could be that soft it was warm but soft , lee xie close his eyes enjoying the weird moment .

Su Lou get close to his eyes and start kissing his eyes one by one slowly sweetly like she was afraid they gonna break if she use some force , she was loving them savoring that good feeling like she would never feel it ever again .

lee xie heart skip a bit , he could feel her smooth moist lips in his eye , it feels good … he never feel like that before .

his ears become red he feel all the blood rush to his head his cheek become red too , he wanna move but he couldn't he just froze there … he didn't know what to think or how to act but he didn't reject her , he just stood there closing his eyes enjoying that moment .

those emotions su Lou made him feels... were first , he never been with a women before not that his saint or anything , the women who approach him always had hidden motive , so he built a wall around his heart so he won't get hurt.

After taking her time with his eyes su lou start caressing his lips this time and look at them with lust she let a sexy moan "ummh _so soft they look like red cherry would they taste like them too?" she wonder .

Lee xie could feel his back hair stand up , he froze and open his eyes widely .

su lou get close to his lips then she sucket his lower lip like she do to the fruit usually...she took her time and she was doing it with great pleasure , when she finally finished said let a moan and said "emmm sooo _sweet" she said it with sweet yet sexy tone looking at him warmly still caressing his face , after she let go of his lips she give him the most sweets smile he ever saw and then ….. she just faint on his chest .

Lee xie face was blushing red as tomato , his heart was galloping so loud that he can't hear anything but the sound of "bud boom _bud boom" .

he could feel the heat between his legs…for the first time in his life he feel ashamed how can he feel like that after a few touches from a little girl… a child.

Prince rong lee xie never had any interact with a female accept for his relative so what happen just now ... was it a normal reaction !? do any normal man would act the same in his place or just him feeling like that , he just didn't know what to think .

Lee xie stood there as statue for half hour calming himself , after that he get su lou to her bed .

Lee xie start practicing martial art at midnight so he can forget what just happen but that didn't work out for him , in every move he took he could see su lou warm gaze or her soft touch .

lee xie jump and take three round in the air then landing on his feet , he was gasping for air his breath wasn't regular, he can't make those image go away , he just keep seeing her kissing his eyes and his lips … her soft touch make him loose his mind, her hand was small soft and warm , so soft that he like her touching him like that , and that made him flustered even more.

he was a grown up man and she's just little girl , how could she move his feeling so easily like that .

"I need cold bath" he said to himself after along straggle , he throw his sword and walk toward the bath and took cold shower.

Lee xie never been that close to women before so when that happen all his defense got crushed ; 'am in big trouble'.

"why his highness practicing in this time?" Liang zhen ask with confused eyes , his highness never practice late in the night .

Mong li looked at the confused shadow guard next to him then he said "you where there too and saw what I saw too … so what do you think!?" ; they obviously was there in the shadow guarding his highness as usual when they saw su lou kissing his highness and he didn't reject her .

Liang zhen knit his brows and said "so what_i didn't get it" said while scratching his chin .

Mong li put his hand on his face 'you was the oblivious one to those thing , I wonder if you will find a women one day' , then he sigh and looked to the moon 'I think we will have a mistress soon'.

Our lovely su lou was sleeping on her bed dreaming happily that she was eating sweets with princess yuwa ; she was even smiling on her sleep .

Meanwhile certain someone was toasting on his bed like he was sleeping on thorns .

" I think I need another cold shower" lee xie said after walking to his show for four time that night.