
when su Lou agreed happily to be with master mo in the some carriage , lee xie oppose them and suggest for them to get in his carriage under the reason of they gonna be late and lee xie had a lot of work to do beside his carriage was big , so the four of them in the end use lee xie carriage.

As if lee xie gonna let her stay alone with another man, he doesn't know why he was acting like that but he had this weird feeling that he need to protect her … maybe bcz she was crying miserably yesterday or he look at her as child….a lot of ideas and thoughts were roaming in lee xie head but in the end he doesn't like her being close to other men.

At the entrance of "the Zing" when the waiter saw su lou coming he run to her "welcome young miss and esteemed guests" the waiter bow respectfully to her and her guests .

"En" then she nod her head and said "prepare the third privet room and come up with our special dishes fast ,we are hungry" .

"emm ... young miss , mistress using that room right now" the waiter said nervously.

Su lou rise her eyebrows and said "aunty is here , it's ok we will take the other room".

"yes young miss" the waiter said then he run to do the preparation .

(what's she doing here? , she even used that room, it must be really important guest) .

su lou walk with the other three to the second privet room at the third floor then she stopped when she saw her aunt walking with her brother bu lou and another stranger , he was a young man at his thirty a handsome one from his cloth you can tell that his rich and esteemed .

"hey aunty brother… mister" su lou said waving and smiling to them .

"what are you doing here?" asked su xuan xie.

"am with his highness and brother Mo" su lou said pointing to the group behind her .

They all get on their knees and said "long leave prince Jin ,long leave princess , you may all leave for a thousand years".

Lee xie glare at su lou and said "you may rise", he really hate that attention and 'she did it again that damn brat am gonna punished her hard this time , she always used my name to save her a**s' .

Su lou look at his glare and shrank back then she smiled awkwardly (what it's…it's not like a big deal … fine I used his name again so what! , it's not like am doing a bad thing with it … right ).

"so aunty em _ as you see am in kind middle of work , so see yea later" su lou said with wary smile and walked to the room.

"bu lou take master tang and go ahead of me , I'll catch up I need to talk to lou lou" su xuan xie .

su lou froze at the spot (heh… that's doesn't sound good).

su xuan xie turned to prince rong lee xie and bowed and said "your highness if it's not a disturbance can I have lou lou for five min ".

Lee xie glance at su lou he saw her shaking her head , his lips curved and said "sure , we will just wait for her inside".

'pfttt , she look funny , I think that a good punishment for now'.

(you stingy man can't you just help comrade in distress , or whatever they saying in that situation …. buhuhu now my aunt gonna beat me …).

Su xuan xie bow slightly to prince Jin then she take su lou hand and entered the same room she was in it before … she close the door behind her and said "sit" .

"aunty we just open this restaurant , don't be reckless because insignificant one like me" su lou said with shaky voice.

those room are sound proof so there is no way they can heard them even if they were in the next room , her aunt gonna give her a good beating .

"what are you talking about!" xuan xie said confused while sitting next to her.

( ah thank god I though she's gonna beat me up…) su lou exhale a relief of breath and put her hand on her heart and murmured "thank God".

"stop your playing and answer me "

"yes aunty" answer her with stiff.

"until when you gonna stay at prince Jin place"

"oh that ,I guess until I finish my mission , you see aunty I have contract with his highness I need to take them to Tie chuan mountain"

"huh, you have a contract … it's ok then i guess after all work comes first " then she sigh and ask her with worry face "lou lou did you…"

"did I!?... what!"

Xuan xie exhale then said with shaky voice and knit brows "tell aunty ok …I won't get mad , did you fall for him ,is that why you wanna stay at his place….lou lou you know the rules right , no falling for royalty".

"wh_what what are you thinking aunty , it's not like that" she said shaking her hands.

xuan xie knit her eyebrows not really convinced 'she still young what if she really fall for him what then'.

"I know that look and you are wrong, there is nothing between us except for business, beside he already had a fiancée , you know her...princess Lui min yaya" su lou said explaining .

"oh his engaged to princess lui min yaya I didn't know that ,did you meet her? She asked curiously .

Su lou get close to her aunt and active the gossip mood and said with hushed yune "I met her aunty ,she's a real beauty you should see how delicate and elegant she was … she's even nice and kind"

"oh , really…"

"yeah…on the other hand whose the handsome guy huh! , is he gonna be my new uncle"

"ouch ouch that hurt aunty" su lou said while soothing her red ear after her aunt pinch her.

"I didn't said anything wrong , beside you still young and beautiful, until when you wanna stay like that?" su lou said crossing her hand and pouting.

Xuan xie sigh then said "I know what you mean but I can't forget him, you wouldn't understand, you'll get it when you fall in love; beside that's your father client".

Su lou hugged her aunt shoulder and leaned at it and said with a sad voice "I know you love him , he was a good man but you have to move on" .

xuan xie pated su lou head and let big breath of air and said "you should go , his highness waiting for you".


"don't take a long time, after you finished your job come home"


"are you crying silly girl sniff_look at what you done you make me crying sniff" they both hug each other and cry in silence .

(it's not fair , my aunt and her husband love each other so much)

their love story was the most known in that time after they get married buy six month the war broke , he go to war and left his pregnant wife su xuan xie , after a while su xuan xie got the news of his death , she couldn't handle the news and lost the baby from her sorrow and agony , from that time she never forget him and even reject any Suitor for her , she just decide to rise su lou and her brothers .

After a while su lou get up and said "give grandpa kiss for me"

"you know his gonna kick you right!" xuan xie said while smiling.

Su lou chuckles "teheh ,no he won't he loves me…bye aunty" then she left the room leaving her aunt for her thoughts .