Danuja and Chibi entered Oshima town, they stopped at the play ground. Akio was sitting there with Kaori. They were having their talks until Chibi got out of the car and called Akio -

Chibi - (yells) hey you!

Akio - I am sorry, Do I know you?

Chibi - you will runt, get each and every person of this town here on the ground right now.

Akio - I am sorry again, you got a misconception, I am not your slave big guy.

Chibi - what the hell.

(Before Akio could say anything, Kaori stopped him so that he may not get into any trouble)

Danuja - look son, we are here for our benefit. But the people here should not think that. They must think that we are here for them.

Chibi - but dad this guy...

Danuja - don't get into small fights kid. We are here for a bigger purpose.

Chibi - okay fine dad.

(there was a guy passing by and Danuja asked him to bring the people of Oshima town in the ground by saying that this is a meeting for their benefit. Slowly slowly people started gathering and Akio wondered what's happening so he asked Danuja)

Akio - Hey big man's father, what are you up to?

Danuja - don't worry kid. You will get to know it very soon. Just wait.

Kaori ( whispering in Akio's ear) - they seem to have come here to make a deal with us. They seem rich.

Akio - that doesn't bother me. Grandpa says "don't be afraid of anyone". I may teach them a lesson if needed. They are in our town right now. They can't do shit.

(Danuja got back into the car and closed the door. crowd gathered, making a circle around Danuja and chibi's car and started raising questions like for what they have come here and asking them who they are until Chibi spoke up)

Chibi - quiet everyone. May I know who is the main man of your town?

( everyone looked for Eito and he was standing behind everyone in the crowd, entire crowd insisted Eito to come forward and talk to the rich guy (chibi) and

then Eito came forward to have a talk with him. Akio and Kaori too joined Eito)

Chibi told everyone about their industrial plan.

It did not make any sense for Oshima's people. Everyone started denying the plan that it should not take place in Oshima.

Eito - I think this shouting crowd gave you your answer. Back off kid, leave us alone. We don't want any trouble for you.

Chibi - (losing his temper) hey old man, standing in front of this crowd doesn't make you a ruler.

Eito - I am not a ruler. I am a predominant here.

Chibi - but I can dominate you, get that into your head.

(Akio standing behind Eito heard this and said-)

Akio - And before that I may eliminate you and you get that in your head big guy.

Chibi - you are irritating as fuck. Meet me on a neutral ground then I may show how this works.

Akio - why on a neutral ground, I promise no one from this crowd will step forward, it will be just you and me. unless your father barks in between.

(Chibi got angry and tried to punch him before that Akio slapped Chibi and the sound echoed for some seconds. Chibi lost his senses and was just about to kill Akio and Danuja came out of the car and crowd got a huge shock except for Akio as he didn't knew him. Eito's eyes were erupting fire as he saw Danuja right in front of him).

Danuja - Chibi, get back into the car.

Chibi - are you nuts, he fucking slapped me.

Danuja - I know. Trust me just get back in the car right now. I won't say that again.

(Chibi went inside the car while shutting the door angrily. Danuja went near Eito)

Danuja - (whispers) Eito, take this jumping idiot of your town back. If he stands in front of me I might kill him. I won't let anybody touch my son and he freaking slapped him in front of the crowd.

Eito - (to Kaori) take Akio with you back somewhere please.

Kaori - Akio, come, let's go somewhere else.

Akio - I am not even gonna move my feet. I'm not going anywhere.

Eito - Akio, please.

(Kaori took him away from the crowd. Now Danuja and Eito were standing right in front of each other)

Eito - try touching my grandson for once and I will bury you right here.

Danuja - (shocked) this bastard is alive.???

Eito - look at him right now, but don't you worry. He doesn't know what you did. If he comes to know both you and your son are dead for good. Imagine if I tell him about you, he

won't have any second thoughts in his mind and he will rip your son apart in front of your eyes.

Danuja - you are still good at jokes. Nevermind, the point is, you are standing in my way again. You did that last time and you know what happened and your missing arm is proof to that. Now let me do you a favour, bring that axe and chop my head off right now or else get ready to regret it later.

Eito - (chuckles) Atleast you know that I'm gonna chop your head off. Since these many years we are trying to live a peaceful life and we don't want a trouble now. Back off Danuja. I am the only one to look after Akio this is why I

am letting you go now.

Danuja - trust me. You don't have to look after him now. Because I will kill you and then, your grandson. He is the last one of your generation isn't he?.

Eito - you started it all years ago and I lost everything. just because I had to look after Akio, if he knows happened, I promise you he will make you go down your knees and then I will chop your head off.

Danuja - sweet dreams my old friend.

Eito - get back to the shit hole where you came from.

Danuja - your entire town will pay the price for it.

Eito - I will be standing right in front.

Danuja - see you soon my friend.

(danuja goes back into the car and drives out of the town)