CHAPTER 19: Sorting Out

Every family is not perfect. One might say that a perfect family does exist —If there is and you grew up in one, then you are blessed. Some people grew up with a broken family and some with their non-biological parents. There are even some children who were hoping to have a family someday. If a child grew up in a happy family with a healthy environment,  they will surely adapt to that. But Draco who grew up in a toxic family who treated him as a stepping stool may be the reason for his foul attitude and thinking. 

Draco became silent for a while as he tried to express the exact words to describe what he felt. Draco was not the conversational type of person but he thought that this might be the only chance he had to convey to someone his negative sentiments and being trapped might be his last moments alive —so might as well tell Emma.

Draco with a stern expression and his eyes down continued speaking.