CHAPTER 27: Sports Incident

A moment of silence enveloped the room as the conversation became serious. The expressions of the people were solemn. 

After a moment of silence, Zack opened his mouth and commented with a stern face. "Faulty pole huh…. No doubt its a attempted murder."

Rossete who was silently watching the whole time finally speaked up with a furious tone of voice and furrowed brows.

"They still haven't stopped coming at them!? What will they even get from hurting them?"

Upon hearing her cry, Grayson answered with his index finger on his lips and a serious expression. "Its pretty obvious. Jealousy and revenge. That's what drive most people into doing the worst things." He said. 

Draco ,who was still on the bed, turned his line of sight at the guards ,who was standing by the end of the bed. Still with a blank expression, he stared at them and asked.

"And that's all you found?" He raised a question as the coldness of his voice resonated on the room.