Chapter 4: Mizuha The Comissioner!

With Hiroshi and Akane.

Minutes later...

Distorted colours blared all around him.

Hiroshi had made sure his partner in crime had swiftly dealt with any of the weapons they had in their hands so that he could fight them one on one, or in his case, he was going to do it the hardcore way.

"There he is!"

"Get him!"

"You are getting beat today for messing with the wrong people!"

The thugs all had their own words aimed at him, Hiroshi barely paid attention to their words and waited patiently.

Voices of armed men in front of him charged at him with quick succession, weapons in their hands that could rival Hiroshi and his pipe that he had taken off of the wall earlier on, his bangs moved slightly as Hiroshi stared at them with a cold stare.

The distorted yet loud color of red blared throughout the warehouse as Akane had called back upon his word. That allowed for limited movement for the thugs and their storing of dangerous weapons, it was at that moment Hiroshi knew he had to fight head-on rather than ignore the problem facing in front of him, only cowards would do that, well that was what the young man told himself as he prepared himself to fight them head on.

Oddly enough, Hiroshi missed the feeling of taking down wanted criminals for stuff they did wrong.

Behind Hiroshi and up on the second floor was Akane, she was ready to help him out from above at any time while he kept the thugs busy until she found the proper time to jump down and get involved. For now, she was a sitting duck.

"I got this."

Hiroshi muttered under his breath as he was a mere meter or two from his first opponent.

Rushing towards him with a baton in one hand and a taser in the other, Hiroshi dodged the overhead hit with the baton before landing a powerful his to the chest using his fist and sending the man crashing down.

Akane had come with a plan a few minutes ago as she had pointed out to Hiroshi that the thugs were sloppy and were not impressed for invaders to attack them, this led to a plan of her's coming to live with herself and Hiroshi distracting each thug using different tactics using something near them, when they had abandoned their weapons in search, Akane or Hiroshi had pulled out the ammo clip and then dismantled the weapon before taking it themselves.

This led to the thugs eventually getting angry at one another, blaming each other for the hiding of their weapons.


The sound of loud groans was made by his first opponent as he remained on the ground.

Hiroshi walked past him as he saw the overhand punch.

Dodging it narrowly before changing the field of trajectory and landing a few punches into the second attacker's stomach.

Making his attacker back off slightly with his ability to fight, Hiroshi already knew he had won this fight by a large margin as he stepped forward, acknowledging that more were approaching fast.

Hiroshi also noticed the quick movements of his opponent.

His legs raised as he attempted to throw a roundhouse kick towards the young lad.


Hiroshi sensed more thugs about to attack him and quickly grabbed the leg and pushed his attacker into the wall, slamming him hard and causing him to have to hold up his opponent.

Without warning, Hiroshi grabbed his opponent's head with his spare hand.

Forcefully slamming it into some wooden boxes that seemed to break quickly while knocking him out.

Hiroshi quickly moved to the side and got into his fighting stance as he saw his next opponent, a punch was heading his way which he managed to duck under and throw a jab to the stomach.


Hiroshi backed off as the man quickly turned around, his face showed he was very angry by Hiroshi's punch to the stomach. A small smile began to appear on Hiroshi's face as he realized he had made the thug mad.

"Your dead..."

Hiroshi timed the attack perfectly, the thug walked right into his trap and was met with a kick to the stomach that sent him flying to the ground.


Hiroshi let out a breath of relief as he looked up towards Akane, the two noticed that the door of the warehouse had begun to open slowly but surely, many officers bursting in onto the scene with their weapons in hand and their chest area covered in a bulletproof vest.

Akane disappeared from his sight as she quickly made her way to the stairs, her support in fighting the attackers was not needed and made her glad slightly. Seeing her friends' moves had inspired her to consider going to the gym for a bit of training had been sparked inside of her, whether she would or not would be left up to her and her gym friends.

Being an officer of the law, Akane liked to use the gym to keep up her fitness and her fighting prowess.

The many officers and swat members headed towards Hiroshi with their weapons pointed at him as he raised his hands into the air, a small smile appeared on his face.

"Easy... it is me, detective Hiroshi..." He said as he felt the weapons raised at him begin to fall at the officer's feet.




The three thugs that Hiroshi himself had beat upon his own had begun to roll around in a world of pain, the three were unaware of what was happening around them with officers swarming them and checking the crates they were supposed to be protecting.

"Detective Hiroshi! I'm glad you had all of this wrapped up! This could have been a dangerous situation."

A woman with a pencil skirt and a shirt that had been neatly ironed with a black tie and a grey blazer hung over her shoulders instead of putting her arms through the arms hole. Kazuko had become used to the woman in question having her own sense of style, he knew it suited her too, he could only count the small number of times he had seen her wearing a blazer properly.

Akane appeared behind Kazuko with a small smile as she greeted the commissioner while Hiroshi was in his own thoughts.

"It's good to see you, commissioner!" Akane greeted.

"You too Akane, although didn't I tell you to call me Mizuha? Calling me the commissioner still feels weird when we are friends pretty much!" Kazuko noticed that Mizuha was still as laid back as ever.

He realized how stupid of a thought that was when thinking about it, not many things were expected to of changed while he was away on break, she still dressed the same, she still smelled as great as ever, very womanly perfume insulted his smell as his eyes landed on a particular set of breasts that stuck out like a sore thumb.

'Focus Hiroshi... The last thing we need is to be caught looking at her breasts.'

"Did you see our little gift out there? I and Akane had distracted the two other thugs and apprehended them in front of this place." Kazuko crossed his arms and looked around.

Many officers swarmed the warehouse and began clearing out some of the dangerous weaponry that was being stored there.

"Indeed, I have had them put away immediately following the rest of these lowlife thugs, they should be locked away for a very long time after this bust." Mizuha, the chief commissioner said as she placed her hands on her hips. "What makes all of this all the better is that the two outside are suspected to have had a few run-ins with other officers before."

"Oh?" Kazuko tilted his head and raised his eyebrows.

"We do not know for sure but that is what we are expecting at the very least, a few of the other officers are looking up their identities and their information as we talk." Mizuha turned to Akane and then back to Kazuko Hiroshi. "You two have the tendency to get yourself in over your head, I know you have just returned but please be careful."

The silent air filled with many of the officers communicating with one another about their findings as they carried out tons of military type of weapons and such.

"Please come with me, we need to fill out a form and put this bust up into the database." Mizuha turned around as the two followed her.