Chapter 8 - Before Graduation

We are in front of the door of one of the most important place in Konoha, the Hokage office, right here we can the a youth of 11-12 year old with a height of 1.60 more or less with pink hair of medium length ,tied with a white band styled in a low ponytail, he is wearing a red sleeveless shirt and black 3/4 pants with boots and on his neck is wearing the same kind cherry blossom pendant of his father.

That youth is Ren, and he still worried that his idea will backfire at him, but as they say the advantage outweight the possible risk.

'I just hope that Hiruzen Sarutobi is not the old fool or Danzo's b***t that some fiction describe, after all he is called the professor, the will of fire can't have burnt all his brain cell'

Why is Ren in front of the hokage door, as nervous as Hinata on her first date with Naruto, waiting for an audience that he requested to Iruka-sensei after having finished the written exam for the graduation?.

Pretty simple, because he will fail the ninjutsu part of the exam as his bond with Senbonzakura crippled all possibility of Ren using ninjitsu of any kind, so even if his written score is the top of the year,and that during taijustu training few are his opponent ,he still will be failed and he does not have a teacher like Rock Lee that would help , so he as to make a petition himself.

But that is not the reason he is nervous, the cause of his nerves is the decision of telling the Hokage about Senbonzakura and making it pass as a kekkei genkai of sort.

'This decision is caused by the fact that sooner or later I will be forced to use his real abilities in front of someone and if i have the Hokage support will make things easier, of course I will not tell him everything kido skill will be kept secrets as some of the sealing kido make the Uzumaki's ones seem child play'

While Ren was thinking Shikaku Nara who is Shikamaru father come out and say "Ren come inside the Hokage is ready for you"

Once inside Ren swept his surroundings with his spiritual sense and soon noticed the hidden Anbu then moved his gaze to Hiruzen Sarutobi the 3rd Hokage and the longest lived Kage after Onoki who is the 3rd Tsuchikage.

The Hokage look a Ren and say "So why have you asked for an appointment Haruno Ren? Is it about the graduation exam of tomorrow" Ren was silent for a moment thinking of how to breach the subject then "Hokage-sama before I talk, can I ask you to send away the Anbu around this office? as what I'm going to tell is rather sensitive,Shikaku-san can remain as I trust him"

Sarutobi looked at boy for some time before send a signal and all the Anbu but one left the perimeter"Go on..."said the 3rd, but Ren pointing in that Anbu direction said "Why is that one still here?" Just as Shikaku was about to go and check a shadow escaped from the direction Ren was pointing

"That is why you can trust few people there are always power-hungry ass***e hidden in the shadow" said Ren in a voice low enough to be heard only by Shikaku and Hiruzen,then continued "As you can see Hokage-sama that is one of the reason for this arrangement"

While in deep thought the 3rd said "Go on..",then Ren "Well as you know Hokage-sama I'm not able to use ninjutsu but that does not mean I am powerless ... I have a special kind of kekkei genkai that I will show you later if you want, but the problem is the threat inside and outside the village that is why no one not even my family knows about it and why I haven't shown any talent that could make me or my family a target"

To say that Hiruzen and Shikaku were shocked was an understatement, they weren't shocked by the fact that the kid was a good sensor ninja or even by the fact that he supposedly had a kekkei genkai those things while rare were seen from time to time.

No what shocked them was the awareness,caution and calmness the kid had toward his situation especially one at this age where most of the times the want to show off for various reason.

Now Intrigued the 3rd said "So Ren what do you want and what can you give?" now seeing the craftiness in the 3rd eyes Ren has more confidence in the person tha lead the village so without hesitation said "What I want is simple I want to be exempted from the ninjustu exam and make me pass as a Kenjustu specialist, and then I want your promise that no one other than us in this room knows about let's call it my special gift and I mean no one not your family,friends or your most trusted men as this is for my and my family safety."

Then with an evil grin continues "what I can give is maybe a future new kekkei genkai clan to Konoha, if my gift pass on my progeny, second is a hidden sword we you need it and lastly an excuse for this" said while pointing around the room "So let's say the reason I asked for the Anbu to leave is to give you information about a traitor in the village and seen that there was one I could not trust anyone else"

Hearing this the gaze of the 3rd and Shikaku turn sharp and Shikaku who until now was only listening asked"is your information true or is only a rouse? do not kid about this thing" with a serious expression Ren replies "Yes a month ago I noticed some strange behavior from the assistant teacher Mizuki-sensei so one day I followed him in secret and i saw that he was exchanging scrolls with a summoned snake...." hearing till this point the eyes of the third widened and clenched his fist so hard the he cracked his pipe.

"Four day ago i was able to get a brief look at one of the scrolls while he was opening and was able to read only a few words,the most important were Orochimaru, Scroll of Seal,Student and Scapegoat is this enough?"

The Hokage and Shikaku look at each other and seeing Shikaku nod the Hokage say "Yes this is good do not worry we will take care of Mizuki, and i accept your term and promise that no one else will know, now what is your special gift about"

With a grin Ren put a hand on his chest"How about I show you"and pull out a katana with a white scabbard unsheat it, and doing the famous pose with the tip of the blade pointing at the sky said "Chire,Senbonzakura"