Chapter 43 - On Fire?

It is the early morning after the funeral of the Hokage and all the other ninja fallen in combat defending their home, fortunately there were no civilians victim as they were able to move in the refuges all around the village thanks to the 3rd Hokage earlier preparation.

Ren was woken up by the sound of his house front door begin slammed open and the frantic yell of his mother "Ren! Sakura! Are you safe? Are you hurt anywhere?" and so he hear the footsteps of two people rushing to the upper level of the house, then before he could say anything his room door was opened, and he saw the face of his worried father, Kizashi, checking is on his well begin, then he let out a sign of relief and yelled "Mebuki, he is fine" and then Ren heard his mother say "Sakura, too".

What happened is that his parents just came back from their mission and found out about the attack on Konoha, and so the rest of the morning was a chaotic mess where his parent did a throughout check to see if they had any injuries and asked in details what has happened, in the end they told everything to their parents excluding some details that both agreed to keep secret.

Yes, the day of the attack, Dosu wasn't the only one that recognized Ren from his voice alone, Sakura too was easily able to recognize him, and as soon as they were alone she asked what was going on, in the end Ren explained that his ability was a some kind of Kekkei Genkai, how he found out about it when he was 3, but keep it secret from everyone as he was scared that someone would take him away from them, how he secretly trained, and how the only ones in the know are, the now late Hokage, her, Shikaku and his sensei, that thanks to him won't cough anymore, Hayate, then he asked her to keep the secret as he wasn't still strong enough to protect himself and his family.

After talking with his parents Ren went out saying that he was checking on his friend, hearing that Kizashi with a knowing grin said "Sure, sure go on checking on your "friend", but remember to let your "friend" met us, before you make us a gran.." but he was cut short by a flying frying pan that hit him in the face, then he heard his mother Mebuki say "Have a safe trip!"

As Ren was moving through the streets of Konoha all around he could still see the sign of the damage caused by Orochimaru attacks, and as he was walking he saw the figure of Naruto and a tall and well-built middle-aged man, he had waist-length, spiky white hair that he usually ties back into a pony tail, with two shoulder-length bangs framing his face. There were red lines under his eyes which extended further down his facet, he is Jiraiya.

He heard Naruto yell "EH!!!! Why! Why! Why! Why do I have to go on a work trip with Ero-sennin! Why should I go? And what for!?" then he hear Jiraiya convince Naruto to come with him, seeing that scene Ren thought 'So the GILF-sennin is coming, that also means that Kakashi was knocked down, by Itachi and Kisame, speaking of Itachi should I met with him?....nope still too soon and right now he isn't alone, and I do not know how Senbonzakura fares against Susanoo, but for sure I'll try my best to pull him to my side, after all I got cookie...I mean Kaido so I can heal him'

Then Ren ignored the master-dispicle pair, and kept walking, and finally met with Taro and Jiro in front of the Dango Shop, he immediately noticed that both the twins were still recovering from their injuries the took while escorting and defending the civilians, Taro got a broken arm, while Jiro only has only a sprained wrist, but both will be out of action in the near future.

After chatting for a while then Ren said "So how long are you out of action?" and Taro replies with "I got 1 month and half, till I make full recovery while Jiro has 3 week then he is as goo as new, why?" and Ren explain "Well, from the chunin exam and this invasion by Otogakure and Sunagakure, we have seen that you two can handle a chunin level if you are together but alone you are still genin, so why not take this time off missions as a way to train?"

And before they could tell their opinions he continues "Master the first level of chakra nature control, and then learn a new jutsu that can enhance your individual power" then he took two scroll from his pocket and gave it to the twins and said "This are two jutsu I found that could be compatible with you for Jiro is the Fūton: Kaiten Shuriken(Wind Release: Rotating Shuriken), where the user infuse wind-natured chakra in his shurikens and then he can spin and control the shurikens in the air, for Taro is the Katon: Engeki(Fire Release: Flame Attack), where the user imbues their fists with Fire Release, upon striking the target, they will be consumed by flames"

Once they heard that the twins took the scroll, thanked Ren and then went back home to rest while the took away a bunch of leaves to practice.

Then he went to the usual meeting spot for his team, the training ground #71 and met with Hayate-sensei and his girlfriend/soon-to-be-wife Yugao Uzuki, a young woman with straight, purple hair reaching down to her waist, warm brown eyes, and a shade of red lipstick.

Once there Hayate told him that there won't be any missions for their team and that he will be called when needed for individual D-rank mission as he is still a genin or for support to some others team, then Ren once again gave his congratulations to the couple, and finally went to the Kurama manor to check on Yakumo and her family.

As Ren got closer and closer to the Kurama Mansion, he had a strange feeling, and when he finally reached the front gate, Ren with his spiritual sense for an instant felt a really malicious presence and soon after the whole mansion in front of his eyes, exploded in flames so hot that he was feeling, the air dry and his skin starting to burn.