Chapter 68 - Baransa Meeting

Another half year passed and right now Ren and Peri are in the Land of Whirlpool, more precisely in the ruin of Uzushiogakure, clearing the place and building the main headquarters of the Baransa, while at the same time searching for everything that could be useful.

'Next week, Dosu, Haku, Zabuza and Itachi will come to report and decide the next actions' thought Ren as he is cleaning the rubbles in the fastest way he knows, using the Hadō #54. Haien (Abolishing Flames), with both his palms pointing at the various pieces of stones and broken building, Ren fires an oblong blast of purple energy from his hands which completely incinerate the targets upon contact.

Meanwhile Peri is using his Mokuton (Wood Release) to build their headquarters following Ren design, wood structures are relatively light, design light and orderly, erected on stone podia and have stone floors.

Ren designed the exterior the same way as the Barrack of the Shinigami various division, but inside it is divided in, bottom meeting hall, treasury, armory, bathroom, kitchen, and some other void room that can be decorated later, and on the top floor, there are the rooms for the member, where they can rest and recover or just live if they do not have a home.

As why Ren choose to build the HQ here of all the place, it was simply because it was the nearest unused place, and is surrounded by 3 of the 5 great Lands, Fire, Water and Lightning.

And soon the week pass and the time for the other to arrive came, so Ren went outside the broken walls of Uzushio and waited for them, as he of course protected the HQ with Hachigyō Sōgai (Eight Joined Twin Cliffs).

A Twofold Dislocation Barrier that erases whatever is within it from existence and removes the space it takes up from an outsider's inner consciousness, making it so one cannot even perceive its presence. The very thought of getting close to it does not even occur to those outside it. It is so powerful and unique in composition, it cannot be undone.

He also put other permanent barrier that isolated the sound coming from it, and to protect it he built a tall stone wall all around the building with four gates, the stone the made up the wall came from Iwa, and was a special kind of stone that is known to negate Chakra, similar to magnetic lodestones.

Senbonzakura was the one who told him about it, She said that it feel similar to the Sekkiseki (Spirit Reducing Stone) the stone that made up the wall protecting the Seireitei, so back then Ren brought one to try to activate it and was successful.

And now that to that he has a wall that also forms a spherical barrier around the city, extending above and below, stopping anything spiritual or not from breaching it from ground level, from the sky or from underground.

As Ren was waiting for them to come he was thinking at the meeting he had with Naruto and Jiraiya 2 month ago, he was relaxing at the Land of Hot Water, when he suddenly felt an extremely malicious Chakra, near the village he was resting, so he went to check fearing that it was another Hollow incident, but when he reached the point of origin, what he found was the figure of a tall middle aged man with long white spiky hair fighting with a miniature fox-like human enveloped in a dark red, nearly black layer of chakra, and four tails swinging around they are none other than Naruto and Jiraiya, and obviously Jiraiya screwed up.

And so Just as Naruto was about to hurt Jiraiya, Ren used his Shunko and while his top was shredded, a pale blue flame-like energy started from his back and reached his limbs, and the next instant with a loud explosion he was in front of Naruto and punched him into the ground creating a big crater, Naruto was stunned for a few second but then recovered with an angry roar and a fifth tail was about to form, but before that happened Ren once again appeared in front of him and raised his palm in front of Naruto face then said "Bakudō #7 Tanma Otoshi (Time-Out Drop)" white light emanates from his hand, disorienting Naruto and knocking him unconscious. After that he spent some days with Jiraiya and Naruto, and then he kept going on his journey.

Soon Ren focus once again, as he felt the presence of someone coming closer with his spiritual sense, and in the next minute he saw Dosu coming, and after greeting him, Ren lead him into the HQ, then he waited once again for the others to come.

And then the next to come were, Zabuza and Haku,and after them finally came Itachi, then Ren went to the meeting hall, once there he notice that everyone already took their place and were sitting on the round table waiting for him, so Ren took his place and started the briefing.

"We are finally meeting once again, first of all thanks for coming this soon, next I will tell you why I called everyone here, but before that do any of you have anything new to report?" saying that then Ren started to look around and soon notice Haku and said to him "Go on, Haku"

And Haku then got up from the chair and looked at Ren and said "Last month I was hunting a missing-nin from Kumogakure, as he was the main suspect of the disappearance of a whole small village in the Land of Lightning, tracking him wasn't difficult, and his strength is only at the Jonin level, but when I started fighting him somethinge strange happened, out of nowhere came 10 strange masked beasts, and they soon started attacking us both, they weren't particularly strong just Chunin level more or less but they were savage and relentless no matter how much one wound them they always attacked, and even more strange when they died they left no bodies behind, meanwhile the missing-nin was overwhelmed and died, are they what I think?"

Hearing Haku report everyone but Itachi had a thoughtful expression on their face, noticing that he was missing some information Itachi asked "What is the deal with these masked beast? Am I missing somethings?"

Ren let out a sigh then he said "That is one of the main topics I wanted to talk about, it seems that the Hollow started coming once again in our world" and Itachi once again asked "What are these Hollow?" and Ren once again started explaining the "origin" of his power while narrating the tale he "found" on those "stone tablet" how the history before the people could use chakra.

'With the coming of the Hollows in this world I feel that my lie is becoming in some twisted way the truth' then Itachi hearing this story said "I see, so if those stone tablet tells the truth, then these evil spirits, were here before the people could use Chakra, but way were they gone and why are they back now?"

And Ren explained "We know to little to be sure some possibilities are that they now adapted to Chakra, or could be the awakening of my powers that roused them, but now it is important that you know more about them so I will tell you their theat level"

Then Ren stood up and took some papers a gave them to the others and said "Now I will summarize what it is written, you can recognize the Hollow from two main characteristic, one most of them have a white skull like mask, and all of them have a hole on their bodies, typically where the heart was, then let's talk about their level, the basic Hollow it vary from Genin to Low Jonin, then we have the Menos, first are the Gillians, they are all the same for reference, check the info I gave you, their level vary from Jonin to quasi-Kage"

And Dosu who read ahead said "Wait here it says that the Gillians are like foot soldier....How strong those thing get if these are already at the quasi-Kage!?!" but Ren ignore him and continues "Then there are the Adjuchas, their form varies and have some special unique ablilities and they are as strong as a Kage"

Then under the grave face of everyone, minus Peri who already knew this, Ren continues "Then we have the Vasto Lorde, they take a humanoid form, and even the legendary Madara and Hashirama at their peak, would find difficult facing them, but they are very, very Rare"