Chapter 70 - Attack and Again?

As they were looking at the rocky island, Ren started explaining the attack plan to the team "So let's do it like this, we will divide in 3 team, Haku and Dosu, me and Peri and Zabuza, once we are on the island, the first thing is that Haku, Zabuza and Peri use the Kirigakure no Jutsu (Hidden in the Mist Technique) together to cover the whole island, then each team take care of one part of the island around one of the three mountains, Zabuza you take the left, Dosu and Haku take the right one, and me and Peri take the middle, if you find test subject or prisoner, ignore them for the time begin unless they are a danger to you, is everything clear?"

Receiving a confirm from the others Ren then said "Let's go then" and so they jumped on the water, and moved fast toward the island shore.

As soon as they reached the shore, Haku, Zabuza and Peri used the Kirigakure no Jutsu and soon a thick fog started covering the whole island, and soon the loud sound of the alarm was heard, the first to move was Zabuza who drew Kubikiribōchō and moved toward the left mountain, and a few second later the sound of combat and screams of pain were heard.

The next to move are Haku and Dosu, Haku took out his senbon and soon vanished into the mist, and then the only sound heard was that of bodies falling into the ground, while Dosu clenched his fist and the blade on his Kyōmei Supīkā (Resonating Echo Speaker) and joined the fight by running into the mist.

Meanwhile Ren drew Senbonzakura and with Peri moved towards the central mountain, on the way they meet many guard but they were easily took out, Ren didn't even have to use some Kido, the basic Zanjutsu was enough, and Peri was using the Hakuda to knock out the coming guard.

Soon Ren and Peri reached the mountain and once inside what greeted their sight was more guard and many jails dug into the mountain were inside, are dozen people of all ages.

'I think this place is only a prison where Orochimaru put his future test subject or potential sacrifices, for Manda, or Edo Tensei, or as Spare bodies what a shame I hope for the place where he put his test subject or he did his research'

Then Peri and Ren quickly took care of all the guards in the mountain, but just as he was about to spread his spiritual sense to check on the others situation, eight chain moved fast toward them trying to trap him and Peri.

But both were easily able to evade it, then Ren saw who was attacking, it is a young girl with crimson eyes, fair skin, and the characteristic red hair of the Uzumaki clan, and her outfit consists of a lavender uniform that exposes her navel, short black shorts, and long black thigh high stockings with black sandals.

'Crimson eyes, red hair, glasses.....wait this happened before.....Holy Voyeur Hagoromo, it's Karin!.....Again, now what to do? should I ask to join us? After all she is forced to work for Pedomaru, if I remember well during a war, she sensed a huge group of people approaching the village she was staying in and hid while they attacked. After the village was burned down and everyone was killed, she was approached by Orochimaru, who asked her how she survived, leading him to bring her back to Otogakure, then he and Kabuto studied her for awhile'

And just as Karin was about to attack again he said "Wait! I do not want to fight you" and Karin replies "Like I'll listen to the enemy, Kongo Kosa (Adamantine Attack Chain)" and once again from her back comes out eight chains made of Chakra, and these chains soon attack Ren.

Ren then cut the Chakra chain and with a Shunpo appear right behind Karin, and with a chop on the back of her neck, he knock her out, and then he says to Peri "Can you bind her with some wood? Meanwhile I check if there is something important here" and as Peri nods, put his hand on the ground and uses his Chakra to activate the roots in the ground and makes wooden pillars appear from left and right of Karin's body, then these pillars join together to form a restraining ring around Karin's body.

Meanwhile, Ren searched the various rooms inside the prison but he didn't find anything of value, only a vague list of the various prisoners, and with a quick glance he noticed that the majority of them were, civilians or some ninjas from smaller villages, no one of importance.

'Yup definitely test subject or sacrifices, no info on others hideouts or research papers, it seems that to have more info I have to ask Karin' then Ren stopped searching and with Peri and a still bound and out cold Karin in his arms he moved to the rendezvous point, where the others were already waiting.

"Yo guys how did it go? Did you find anything interesting?" asked Ren as soon as he was close enough, and the first to replies was Zabuza "No, only guards and prisoners, no important document, and all the guards are dead, seeing the condition of the females prisoners, I thought it was better for them to die", then it was Haku who reported "Ours is almost the same, no important document, and no survivors from the guards side, but the majority of the prisoners are civilians"

Then Dosu ask "So now what do we do?And who is she?" while pointing at Karin, and Ren replies "Now we free the prisoners and send them to the nearest port in the Land of Waves, as for her, I remember meeting her during the Chunin exam, and at the time she was in a Kusa team, as for why she is now with Orochimaru, we will have to ask her, when she decide to stops faking begin still knocked out..."

Hearing Ren Karin open her eyes and says "So you knew, well I do not mind if you keep holding me like this, your Chakra feel very nice, really different from the scum I'm usually surrounded" and then Ren notice that he has her in a princess carry, so he gently put her on the ground and ask " long did your work for Orochimaru?"

And Karin still bound stood in silence, as she was thinking 'Now how can I get out of this situation? They are clearly much stronger than me, especially this man with the creepy mask, and their Chakra doesn't feel evil like that of Orochimaru-sama, the young man with bandage all over his face, his Chakra his at the Jonin level, and it feel calm and logical, the pretty young woman next to him, as slightly more Chakra but it feel cold and warm at the same time, that man with the big sword, had an incredible strong and vicious Chakra, almost at the Kage-level, but under that viciousness there is a firm will, so I think he will keep his word, and that cute animal with a hat, he feel like nature itself, and his chakra is almost the same as the man with the big sword, then there is this masked man, his Chakra is amazing, huge the biggest I ever felt, even bigger than Orochimaru-sama, but his feel, warm and bright, it is calming even begin near him, even right now that I'm his prisoner, I feel safe and somewhat familiar... wait he said he meet me in the Chunin exam? AH its him!!'.

Then she scream "Ah! It's you the one who saved me from that bear! And you remember me!? By the way my name is Karin, thank you and nice to meet you, what is your name? what did you want to know? Are you single?" (I know, the phrasing sounds strange, but I tried to make it feel, like an excited person saying many things in one, and in the end come out like a bumbling mess).