Chapter 74 - Jugo Get!

After a while Ren and the others were finally able to put down all the malicious elements, and the number left were 251 people alive, 210 are guards that were forced to work here, 40 are the test subject that didn't enjoy hurting others, were forced to something, or really wanted to change and were waiting for the chance to do it, and of course Jugo who is still in his cell.

Then Ren sealed once again Senbonzakura, and asked Karin and Peri to place all the test subject in one place as he was going to deal with the cursed seals, and Karin asked "How are you going to remove it?" and Ren answered with "Well, I'm not going to really remove it, but more like clean it of Orochimaru's influence".

And so Ren moved toward the test subject and with Senbonzakura, tapped with the hilt the cursed seal, leaving an emblem at the point of impact which begins to shine brightly, then from the seal a black and purple smoke came out, Ren looked at the process intensely then he exclaim "Success, right now the seal only help them draw natural energy in, and use Jugo's clan Sage Transformation, but Orochimaru can't influence them anymore and of course he can't revive from it as the trance of his chakra and soul inside are removed."

Ren spent an hour to go troughs every prisoner, and making sure that they were safe, then he said "Now, let's go to Jugo, Karin please lead the way"

Next the trio moved through the almost maze-like hideout for several minutes, and then they finally reached an isolated, cell, where from it could be heard some undefined muttering, and Ren remembering the scene from the original raise his hand and say "Wait here, I think he in a rather murderous state"

Then before opening the door he starts preparing the Bakudō #4. Hainawa (Crawling Rope), and a crackling yellow energy rope within his hand, then with the other he open the door, and as soon as he did, a furious shout was heard that said "KILL!" and a tall, muscular young man who has spiky orange hair, with pale yellow eyes and the left one sclerae black, with his left arm dark in color full of scales and in the shape of an axe, is running toward Ren.

But Ren is ready for it and so throws the yellow energy rope toward the charging Jugo and the energy winds around Jugo's arms and body, immobilizing them but to be on the safe side Ren point his finger at Jugo and use also the Bakudō #61. Rikujōkōrō (Six Rods Prison of Light) and six beams of light form from the light already created by Bakudō #4. Hainawa, slam into a target's midsection and holding him in place.

Meanwhile Jugo unable to move keeps screaming "KILL!KILL!KILL! I'LL KILL YOU!" then Ren use something he until now never had the need to use, he concentrated his Chakra and let it flow through his body then he released it in the form of Reiatsu (Spiritual Pressure).

Soon a bright white aura enveloped Ren's body and a huge pressure hits the surroundings causing all the mountain to shake, and Jugo who was hit full force by it, reverted back to normal, his arm returned normal, and his eyes changed back to the original red-orange.

Ren who noticed the change stopped and freed Jugo then asked "Are you calm now?" but Jugo who is not in his murderous state stuttered "W-W-Who a-are you? Why are y-you h-here?", and Ren took off his mask and with a reassuring smile said "My name is Haruno Ren, and I'm here with some of my friends to free some test subject of Orochimaru and weakening his force, and from what I have heard you are here voluntary, hoping that Orochimaru would cure you, something he didn't, So I want to ask you to join my group, and as I just demonstrated, I have no problem in stopping and calming you"

And Jugo a little more calm replies "But what does your group do? Because if you force me to hurt someone it is better that I remain here"

And Ren "Well in simple term, we hunt monster who hurts innocent people, be mindless monster, or those that wear human skin that hurt others for their own gain and enjoyment, I think that against such beings you have no problem to let yourself go a little isn't it? So what do you say"

Jugo thought about Ren's offer for a few minutes then he says "Okay I'll join your group" and Ren "Nice to have you on board, now let's go outside and meet the others"

Once outside Jugo met with Karin and Peri, and seeing Karin he says "Karin, what are you doing here?" and she hugs Ren and replies "Of course I joined darling's group too, after all he saved my life and helped me getting away from Orochimaru"

And Ren starts the introductions "Well you already knows Karin, and he is Agent P, if I am not present he can also restrain and calm you,in fact almost anyone in our group has some mean of restraining you so if you are with us you do not have to worry too much about hurting innocent people and I can teach you some meditation technique that will help you mitigate your problem, but I digress guys he is Jugo and he agreed to join us"

Then he ask Jugo "By the way, can you absorb the cursed seal that Orochimaru put in the test subjects outside? After all from what I know you are its origin" and Jugo "I can try but it is possible that I will relapse if I do so"

And Ren with a grin "With me here it won't be a problem" then Ren and the others once again went to the test subject and with Jugo's help they were able to remove the cursed seal, but Ren had to calm Jugo two more times, then he woke up the guard and told them to go away, and after they were far enough did the same with the test subject, and they were more than happy to leave.

Now in front of the empty hideout are only Ren, Karin, Peri and Jugo, looking at the mountain range Ren ask at no one in particular "If this mountain range is destroyed, will it cause some problem?" and while Jugo was confused, Karin who understood something replies "To the people, not so much, no one else is there , this place is totally isolated" and Peri too, acknoweldge the fact with a nod.

Then Ren "Good, but let's distance ourself more" and so they moved some kilometer away from the hideout, once they were far enough Ren look at the mountain range and think 'I have to use the most destructive Hadō that I know' then he started chanting "Limit of the thousands hands, respectful hands, unable to touch the darkness. Shooting hands unable to reflect the blue sky. The road that basks in light, the wind that ignited the embers, time that gathers when both are together, there is no need to be hesitant, obey my orders. Light bullets, eight bodies, nine items, book of heaven, diseased treasure, great wheel, grey fortress tower. Aim far away, scatter brightly and cleanly when fired Hadō #91. Senju Kōten Taihō (Thousand-Hand Incandent Heaven Culling-Sear)"

Then ten pink energy points appears around him, and Ren fires them all at his target, and as they move toward the mountain range, they keeps duplicating themself, until they reached a uncontable number and hit the mountain range, resulting in an exceedingly devastating explosion that shook all the Land of Earth.

Then Ren did not wait to see the result and teleported everyone back to the HQ in the Land of Whirlpool.