Chapter 76 - Meeting Part 1

Ren's homecoming, was met with a bit of chaos, as his mother Mebuki was easily able to find about his relationship with Karin, with only one look, and soon she took her away and started her interrogation, while his father Kizashi was discreetly giving him a thumb up.

Then Ren after introducing Jugo asked "By the way dad, where is Sakura?" and his father replied with "She is in the training grounds #7, Naruto came back too, and know Tsunade-sama and Kakashi-san want to see how much they have improved"

'Shit...Naruto is already here, that means that Mei warning won't make it in time, at least for Suna, as Deidra and Sasori are already going there if nothing changed too much...well for know I just have to wait, I already made my move'

While Ren was spending his time with the family, in the training ground #7 Tsunade and Jiraiya were looking at the sparring between Kakashi vs. Sakura and Naruto, then Jiraiya said "All my information tells me, that the Akatsuki is growing impatient and they'll start to move soon, and may make an attempt on Naruto, and the others..." and Tsunade with a grim face "Yes just this evening the Mizukage sent, the same warning, it also gave the hint of making a clone with the Bijuu chakra to somewhat delay, and keep safe our Jinchuriki...but I find strange that Kiri of all place would do that".

"Not so much, from what I gather the Fifth Mizukage is good to her people, she even abolished the dreaded graduation exam, and the caste system, and is doing everything in her power to right the previous generation's mistakes, but more important under her rule, the village is improving, and even many of their missing nin are coming back, but there is one particular info that caught my eye..." said Jiraiya while the sound of the earth cracking punch of Sakura, was heard in the distance.

And seeing that Tsunade was looking at him he continued "It seem that she is receiving a lot of help, from that new strange organization that got famous in the last few years, Baransa...I really do not know what to think of them, nor what their true objective is... from what I have heard all of them wear a black kimono, and have a protector with a number on it and some kind of flower, maybe representing their strength.."

Hearing that Tsunade ask "Who are they? And are they a danger?" and he replies "Not at the moment, they seem to concentrate on nefarious organization and missing nin,and also hunting down those masked beast that started appearing all over the world, I also heard that they attacked one of Orochimaru hideout and saved the prisoners, as for their identities, a few of them are familiar faces, there is Momochi Zabuza former missing nin of Kiri, and even if he isn't a ninja of Kiri anymore, he is often seen near the Fifth Mizukage, there is even a rumor that Baransa helped with the rebellion, there is also that Haku kid with him, Naruto meet him in his first B rank missions, then another familiar face is the masked man who helped us during Orochimaru's attack, in fact he seem to be the leader".

Then Jiraiya remembered another information "Ah, I have hear that Sakura's brother just came back, I have met him, and something is strange with him..." and Tsunade ask "What do you mean?" and Jiraiya "Me and Naruto met him during our training to learn to control the Kyubi's Chakra, Naruto lost control once he reached the fourth tail and I found it hard to deal with it, he was close to seriosly injuring me, but all of sudden he appeared and dealt with the frenzied Naruto with incredible ease...he is strong, like really strong...but he is a good kid" after that they looked at the fight in silence.

As they were talking morning came once again the sparring between Kakashi, Sakura and Naruto ended, with Naruto and Sakura's victory thanks to Naruto tricking Kakashi with is loved book.

Then while Sakura Naruto and Kakashi went to have breakfast and then go home to rest, Jiraiya went away to do some research, and Tsunade went to her office to fulfill her Hokage duties very early in the morning.

Once inside the Hokage office the first thing she did was check on the info coming from the village, soon one info in particular caught her eyes, it was the one about Ren, 'So Sakura's brother finally come back and he even had a Uzumaki with him, but will he stay and become once again a ninja? From what Sakura and Hayate told me, he was already near the Jonin level two year ago even without begin able to use ninjutsu...That brat took advantage of the fact that I was new to the post and left, he could have is only the fact that he is Sakura' brother that I didn't force him to come back sooner under the threat of begin declared missing-nin'

Just as she was about to move on and start her duties, Tsunade saw purple cherry blossoms falling all around her, and soon she raised her guard, and in the next second she heard a voice that said "Nice to see you again Tsunade-sama, sorry for the theatric entrance but I want this meeting to be a secret for everyone, as what i want to talk about is quite sensitive"

Then she turn in the direction of the voice and she saw the young man sitting or her window, with sharp facial features, green eyes and a familiar mid length pink hair styled in a low ponytail, more of less 1,8m tall, wearing a causal sleeveless red shirt, and black trouser, looking at her with a confident smile.

He is of course Ren who just used the Bakudō #10 Hakufuku (White Crawl) to deal with all the ANBU and ROOT members around the office, this Kido will cause their vision to blur and become unfocused as their consciousness becomes muddled, disoriented, and confused, shortly thereafter, the targets blacks out altogether, later awakening with an unclear memory of what occurred.

"Haruno Ren what is the meaning of this? Even begin my disciple's brother won't save you..." but Ren interrupt her and says "Calm down Tsunade-sama, I mean no harm to you or Konoha, instead I want to help you deal with a tumor that is slowly killing it, it is one of the reason I left the village in the first place"

And Tsunade sat down once again but it is still on guard as it is obvious that Ren hide a lot of secrets, and he was even able to get this near without her or her ANBU finding about it, then she think about his word and said "What do you mean? What Tumor?".

And Ren "I'm talking about Danzo and the elders, the reason of more than half Konoha problems, and before you start, I have proof of it, while it took a lot of time, I was able to find about a lot of their misdeeds, and a lot of them hurt the village, more than helping it thrive"

Tsunade looks at Ren and says "And how can I trust what you say and your so called proof?" and Ren taking out his mask says "As you can see, I have a lot of resource and searching around Danzo home and the ROOT hideout unseen is one of them, I of course didn't take any document away so as to not alert Danzo, but I took the picture of it and some others Danzo's secrets".

Tsunade looks at the mask and remember Jiraiya reports about the Oragnization knows as Baransa and says "You are the mysterious leader of Baransa? What is you aim?" next Ren stood up and without a change in expression said "Take out the trash, now this is a list of what Danzo did for the "greater good", if you want proof about a particular crime you just have to ask" and gave Tsunade a big scroll.

Still wary Tsunade opened the scroll and read some of it 'Let's see...intended to disrupt the peace treaty between the Hidden Stone and Hidden Leaf Village, yeah I think that is really possible...leaked the truth about Naruto being the Jinchuriki for the Nine-tailed fox, thereby making him partly responsible for Naruto's horrible childhood, yes another classic Danzo move but not at the level of the tumor Ren speak of' then her gaze move further down and her facial expression hardened.

'...Attempted to have Hiruzen, the Third Hokage and his friend, assassinated because he viewed him as too weak for the role...that Bastard...worked with Orochimaru to conduct experiments by injecting Senju and Uchiha DNA into him and also implanting the Sharingan of deceased Uchiha, even abducting innocent citizens for their experiments...!!!!' then she turns to Ren and says "The proof about his colluding with Orochimaru!"