Chapter 89 - Team 7 Reunion

With another flash of light, the Baransa Team composed of Zabuza and Ren, and the new Team 7 composed of Sakura, Naruto, Yamato and the still bound Sai, appeared in the middle of the teleportation room of the Baransa HQ, which is basically an empty room, that Ren use to teleport to and from.

Yamato looking around asks "Where are we exactly?" and Ren replies "As I told you this is the HQ of the Baransa, the place where we met, rest and relax, you can say it is a common house, and also a safe place, impossible to find even if you know it's location, now let's go to the meeting hall".

And so Ren led the others to the meeting hall and once there he said to Zabuza "Can you go and call the others, it's about time we deal with Danzo..." and while Zabuza went away, Sakura asked "Ren, why did you create this team?" and Ren "Simple, since the Chunin Exam, I felt that there are too many powerful individual, that did whatever they wanted and made this world a shitty place like the late Orochimaru and our next objectve Danzo, so even if I am strong, I can't do everything myself, so I searched for like-minded individual and asked them to join".

Hearing about Danzo again Yamato asked "So what are you and Hokage-sama's plan to deal with Danzo?" and Ren pointing at Sai "Well, Karin will remove his Zekka Konzetsu no In (Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal) so that he is able to tell us the ROOT HQ location then my team and Tsunade-san will attack, while the other ANBU will catch the elder Koharu and Homura, and after we deal with Danzo we will tell all Konoha all the things he did for his own benefit".

And Naruto asked "What is this Zekka Konzetsu no In?", this time just as Ren was about to aswer, the door of the hall opened and Karin with Peri in her arms, came inside the hall and said "It is a cursed seal is given to all members of the ROOT by Danzo Shimura, to ensure no information about him or the organisation fell into the wrong hands, when the wearer of this cursed seal speaks about anything incriminating related to Danzo or ROOT, their entire body will be paralysed, taking away their ability to speak or move".

Then she greeted Sakura and the others, and after a few seconds, came Haku, Zabuza, Jugo and Dosu, and while Naruto greeted Haku once again, the meeting between Dosu and Sakura was kind awkward, but they didn't have the time to think about it, that Sasuke also entered the hall.

As soon as they saw him, Naruto and Sakura yelled "Sasuke/Sasuke-kun!" and ran toward him, while Sasuke in a low voice "Naruto....Sakura..." then they started throwing a lot of questions at him, like: "How are you?" "What did you do?" "Will you come back to Konoha?".

After the torrent of question ended he replies "I'm fine...and no I won't go back to Konoha, at least not yet...I have still two people to kill..." but just as he was talking the door opened once again, and this time Itachi was the one behind it.

As soon as they saw him, Naruto, Sakura and Yamato raised their guard, but then Sakura noticed the fact that while Itachi was here, Sasuke was calm, so she asked "What is going on here?".

After that Ren started explaining all the history of Itachi, from his work as a spy, to Danzo's manipulations, to all the things he did and planned to keep Sasuke safe and make him grow stronger, all the things he sacrificed and lost, then the fact that he found out the truth and asked Itachi to join his group as redemption for his action and in exhange he would help him and Sasuke have revenge against Danzo, and the one that call himself Madara.

At the end of the story, Naruto looked at Itachi with teary eyes then he said that Itachi was a good brother, while Sakura's gaze when she looked at him became warmer.

While Ren was explaining Itachi's story, Karin was dealing with Sai's Zekka Konzetsu no In, and after looking at it for a few minutes she says "I need an hour to remove this, then we will know the ROOT HQ location"

Then Yamato asked "Then what is the plan now?" and Ren "Now we wait for Karin to free Sai, after that, the Baransa Team together with Tsunade-san will deal with ROOT, while you will help with Naruto training, because frankly speaking right now he is too weak..." and Naruto "Hey I trained hard for 2 and half years, I have grow much stronger!"

But Ren counters "Trust me, right now every one here can kill you have to do 3 things before you reach the level of strength needed..." then raising his and showing three finger, then lowered the first one "...First you have to complete the Rasengan, the technique created by the Fourth Hokage, you can ask Kakashi about it..." then lowering another finger "...Second, learn about Sage Mode and Senjutsu from the Toad in Mount Myōboku, the home of your summons" then lowering the last finger "Learn to cooperate with Kurama, the fox inside you....he isn't a monster but just another victim, if he is angry is because he was trapped and used as a weapon for the last 81 years, how would you feel in his place?...but that is for last as before doing this you have to learn to accept the darkness inside you, but do not worry after I'm done with Danzo I'll help you with training"

Then Yamato ask "How do you know so much" and this time is Dosu, who until now was silent, that said "Trust me better not think about it...sometimes it seems like he saw the present, past and future of this world..." hearing Dosu's word everyone in the Baransa nodded, and even Sakura said "Yeah, I had this feeling too fact I still remember that the day of our graduation he said that for Sasuke-kun to love me he had to first give his first kiss to Naruto, then be hunt down, kidnapped and then taught by a pedophile, then something about changing his eyes...the others ones were even more absurb and impossible that I thought he was making fun of me...but two of the things did happen..."

And then everyone looked at Ren, especially the Baransa member, who knew about the recent "change" of eyes that Sasuke and Itachi had gone throught, and Ren with a cold sweat thought 'Shit...maybe I went a little too far that day...Oh well...'

But then Ren ignores the stares and turns to Sakura saying "Anyways I can also help you with completing that seal sis..." and after that while they waited for Karin to finish, Ren tried to show them the Hall of Shame, but every member of the Baransa, minus Peri blocked the entrace, Itachi and Sasuke even put the others under Genjutsu and made them forget that the hall even existed.

Then, after an hour, Karin was done with freeing Sai, and he easily told them about the ROOT HQ location, and so everyone moved towards the Teleportation Hall and went back to Konoha to finally deal with its darkness.