Chapter 92 - Haku's Team Side

Haku, Yakumo and Dosu enter the underground tower soon after, Tsunade's team, the place is very gloomy with any light barely entering.

The team moved silently and with caution, evading all the ROOT guard patroling, while receiving information from Karin about their position "Another team of patrol is coming to your left, the numbers are 5 and all Chunin level".

They kept moving like this for a minute descending a few floors, then they heard the sound of the water flooding the upper floor and soon also the alarms could be heard, and Dosu who was also using his Hankyoutei (Echolocation) Jutsu to map their surroundings said "Zabuza and the others sure know how to draw attention...".

Then the sound of fighting and a lot of tremors could be heard and felt and next water started falling from the upper levels, stairs and even sliding down the walls, and seeing this Yakumo says "I think Isobu-san is giving Zabuza-san too much Chakra...he is flooding the whole tower...".

And Haku in his usual calm tone "Let's hurry, if this continues the archives will be destroyed" then they heard Ren's voice "Ok guy the road is almost clear, Zabuza's team got their attention, and only 55 of them are holding their position....40....Tsunade, Sasuke and Itachi, took care of 15....and also one of Quasi-Kage is going there, while the other went further below, and now is moving around a specific zone, that I think is your objectuive, maybe setting up careful".

Haku turns to his teammates and says "You heard him let's move on...Dosu you keep using Hankyoutei to check for traps, Yakumo if we meet some patrols, you distract them with some basic genjutsu, and I'll knock them down with my senbon"

And so Haku's team moved a lot faster not hiding anymore, and all the patrol they met were easily taken care of, while the fighting sounds coming from the upper floors became more intese.

Soon they find themselves in a labyrinth-like floor with tight paths, and next they hear Karin's voice "Be careful guys, that Quasi-Kage's Chakra is all over the place, it is almost like he used a Bushin Jutsu..." and Dosu added "This maze is pretty simple I have already mapped the whole floor, but is made so that combat is hard, there is pratically no place to evade, and as you can see we can barely walk with two people side by side"

Then Haku says "Then let's use a file formation, Dosu you are in front, showing us the way and taking care of the traps, me in the back covering our rear, and Yakumo in the middle as a support".

And so Dosu led the way into the maze and while he could easily know the maze structure and the traps location with his Hankyoutei, he couldn't feel the enemy hidden here 'This is strange Karin says that she feels his Chakra all over the floor, but my sound waves do not catch his presence, and the traps too are too easy for an organization of this level so they must be here to take the attention away from something...but what...'

Soon they reach a bifurcation with two paths, one leading to the left and one to the right and it is at that moment that Dosu finally notices it 'Wait...all over the maze there are some small puppet-like things, and there is one in the path on the right, the one that leads to the lower floor' so he raise his hand to stop them and then using his control over sound waves he sends his voice in a way that only they can hear it.

"Be careful guy, there is a real trap right in front of us on the right path, there is a small puppet, I do not know what it does, it could explode, or poison me, or have some other function...I'm going to activate it...if it is safe I'll yell Bankai...if I do not say that then something happened to me" then Dosu said the same, without mentioning the safe word, then moved forward and with a kunai hit the puppet, who did not do anything.

Then Dosu came back and said "It's safe, let's move on" but as soon as he turns his back Haku attack Dosu with his senbon, but Dosu easily evaded it and yells "What is the meaning of this?" only to suddenly start to turn in stone.

And as he was becoming a piece of stone he screamed "What the hell is this Jutsu..." and Haku took advantage of the fact that he is still to hit him in the neck with a Senbon and knock him out, then they heard Karin's voice that said "What happened?

The enemy Chakra went inside Dosu, then I saw you guy fighting...ah...Ren just told me that this is probably some Jutsu from the Yamanaka Clan"

Hearing that Yakumo finally connects the dots and says to Haku "The members of that clan specialise in mind-related techniques which makes them experts at intelligence gathering, espionage and interrogation amongst other things, they have also displayed sensory abilities and their techniques include transferring their consciousness, reading minds and communicating telepathically, but one of the disadvantage of these techniques is that leaves the user vulnerable"

Then Haku look at the puppet on the wall hit by Dosu's kunai says "So Dosu's consciousness went into the doll when Dosu hit it with a kunai... this means we have to evade all the other puppet without attacking them..." and Yakumo "Or easier I use a genjutsu so thet they can't see and feel us...after all even a sensor can be fooled by my genjutsu only some freak like Karin and Ren are able to notice them"

And Haku take Dosu body and the puppet and with Yakumo move undetected toward the lower floor, once there they saw in front of a red door a young man with auburn coloured hair and amber eyes, he wears a short, black jacket with red straps on the shoulders, he also wear a red short kimono under the jacket with a black sash, a pair of black gloves, dark-coloured pants, and regular shinobi sandals, that man is

Fu Yamanaka, who wwhile frowing in a low voice says "Where are they gone? And how did they found out the exchange so soon? Danzo-sama was right they for sure are aiming at the archievies..."

But the next instant Fu noticed that something wasn't right but it is too late as a cluster of ice needle in the form of swallows move fast toward him, too fast for him ot evade, and so he is maimed by their sharp wings, and soon falls dead in a pool of blood thanks to Haku's Hyōton: Tsubame Fubuki (Ice Release: Swallow Snow Storm).

As soon as Fu died, Dosu regained consciousness, and said "I'll tell you guys...begin a puppet sucks...I pratically couldn't do anything just watch and listen..." then they opened the door and what greeted their sight was the archivies with thousands of scroll protected by seals, but they used one of Karin's seal breakers scrolls and removed the protection and self destruction seals, and after that put all the scrolls in a sealing scroll, and after that the whole tower started shaking.

Then after the tower stopped they heard Ren's voice "Guy you can come back, Zabuza's team took care of all his enemies and from what Karin says so do you, now the only one left is Danzo...good job" and so Haku's team started retreating.