Chapter 94 - Against Danzo

After begin burned to ash by Itachi's Amaterasu, Danzo once again appears some distance away from the brothers and says "Itachi you are here too? Does that mean that Sasuke joined Akatsuki too?" and Itachi calmly replies "No, in fact I left that group too…"

Then Itachi threw a volley of shurikens at Danzo, who in turns use the in rapid succession the Fūton: Shinkūjin (Wind Release: Vacuum Blade) to exhales wind-infused chakra onto his shuriken in order to increase its sharpness, range and lethality, and threw them at Itachi's one.

Then he activated the Jigō Jubaku no In (Self-Cursing Seal) he put on Sasuke before to stop his movement, as he was moving closer to hit him again with Susanoo, then he use the Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique) to summon his partner Baku, a gigantic elephantine chimera, large enough to dwarf Sasuke's Susanoo.

It is predominantly dark-orange in color with the exception of its trunk, legs and the markings around its eyes. Its feet are striped, reminiscent of those of a tiger, and it also has huge tusks, what looks like a beard, as well as long, sharp claws, it has bandages wrapped around its head and plated armor at the base of its trunk.

'My chakra won't last if I keep this up, soon I have to find a chance to use Kotoamatsukami, but on whom...Sasuke or Itachi...the timing must be perfect' as he was thinking this, Baku opened his mouth and create a powerful suction force that inhales everything in its path, while at the same time exhaling through its trunk.

Then Danzo take advantage of the winds created by Baku to enhance his wind justu, and use it on the immobile Sasuke "Fūton: Shinkū Renpa (Wind Release: Vacuum Serial Waves)" exhaling several blades of wind at different angles, this combination is powerful enough to slice through the defenses of Sasuke's Susanoo.

Just as Danzo was about to take advantage of the opening, on top of Baku Tsunade appeared with her right foot raised high in the air, she then rapidly swings her heel down and powerfully hit Baku on the head, making the head slam in the ground creating a huge crater and forcing Baku to Reverse Summon himself.

Then Itachi and Sakuke, who was finally able to free himself from the seal effect, take advantage of this moment of distraction of Danzo to hit him with a Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique) and so he was once again reduced in ash by the clash between two big ball of fire.

This time Danzo appeared some distance away from the group and yell "Tsunade what are you doing here? Did you decide to betray Konoha siding with these criminals?" and Tsunade who couldn't control her rage anymore replies "So when I do it, I betray Konoha, but when it is you who join force with criminals, and enemy villages, to further you own goals it is okay?"

And Danzo "All the thing I did where for the greater good of Konoha, my conscience is clear..." but enraged Tsunade replies "For the greater good? Then why did you try to kill your friend and Hokage Hiruzen? Why did you manipulate the events so that the Uchiha clan was exterminated? Why did you collaborate on many occasion with

Orochimaru and even helped him attack the village? Why did you hunt down and killed every Senju in the village? For the greater good of not make me laugh, you are only a power-hungry old man, ready to do anything for his own benefit"

Then she didn't wait for his reply, as she didn't want to give him the time to restore the sight of those six closed Sharingan, and once again attacked Danzo with a Chakra Enhanced punch, forcing Danzo to jump to evade the blow, but as he was high in air, Itachi too summoned his Susanoo and slammed him into the floor, and then he was hit by Tsunade's Tsūtenkyaku (Heavenly Foot of Pain) and killed once again leaving behind an empty crater.

Meanwhile, Sasuke spent more Chakra and evolved his Susanoo in its humanoid form, and was looking around waiting for Danzo to reappear once again reading the bow on the Susanoo arm.

Once again Danzo appeared some distance away from the trio but the next instant his whole body was pierced by a big purple chakra arrow and once again his body disappears, then he reappears some meter away from his last death, and Sasuke shot another arrow at him.

But this time Danzo was prepared for it and use his arm to grow a tree to deflect Sasuke's arrow, then Itachi from behind shoot another fireball with the Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu, but Danzo easily evade it, but intercepting his trajectory is Tsunade who is once again ready to crush him.

Danzo notice that he is in the blind spot of both Sasuke and Itachi 'Now it's time!' so he looks at the coming Tsunade and use Kotoamatsukami, who continues her attack on Danzo but this time they are in such way that Itachi and Sasuke find difficult attacking him from the distance.

And so thanks to Tsunade's act Danzo is slowly moving closer to Sasuke and at the same time buying time for his Sharingan to recover, then once they were close enough, Danzo ignore Tsunade's attack and turns to Sasuke ready to attack him, but just at that moment, Danzo his hit in the head by a Chakra Enhanced blow and his head explode like a watermelon.

Once again Danzo reappeared, this time confused, so he yelled "How is this possible? I'm sure, I used Kotoamatsukami on you now you should work for me" and Tsunade "Yes, and it worked for a few seconds...but we knew you had Shisui's Sharingan and were ready for it..."

And Danzo who finally noticed that the situation was bad started putting all his effort on fleeing but he is soon surrounded by Itachi and Sasuke both with a Humanoid Susanoo he once again uses a Fūton: Shinkūha (Wind Release: Vacuum Wave) to push them all away, but when he turned his back to Itachi he once again used Amaterasu and burned Danzo into ash.

This time as soon as Danzo reappeared, his right arm started going berserk as he didn't have enough Chakra to keep it under control anymore, so he is forced to cut it off, then he take out a kunai and use the Fūton: Shinkūjin, and exhales wind-infused chakra onto it, ready to fight till the last moment.

So Danzo threw himself toward Sasuke, who retired his Susanoo as he was running low on Chakra, but just as he was about to clash with Sasuke he was pierced from his back by a flaming liquid sword "W..What?" that was Itachi's Sword of Totsuka.

Danzo has just the time to look back and see Itachi inside his Armored Susanoo, looking at him with cold eyes, then he is drawn into the jar and trapped in a genjutsu-like world of drunken dreams for all eternity, without even having the time to say his last words.

Then they once again hears Ren's voice "Good job guys, now come back, we'll rest and then go back home"