Chapter 106 - Emergency Meeting

Back in Konoha, in the Hokage Mansion, an important meeting is taking place, every important clan patriarch is here, with the elders, the ANBU captain, and of course Tsunade as the Hokage, and Shizune as her assistant/advisor.

But there are also some other people, one is Jiraiya who just came back from Mount Myōboku, as Naruto's training is finally complete and he totally shocked Jiraiya, as he was able to completely master the Sage Mode, something that he was unable to do, and he even came up with the method of using the Kagebushin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique) to recover Senjutsu Chakra.

The other one caused some confusion amongst most of the people inside, not only for his young age but also because he was sitting in this emergency meeting, not standing like the advisor or the ANBU captain, meaning that he is an active part of this, the only ones calm about his presence were Tsunade, Shizune, Jiraiya, and Shikaku who knew about some of the things that Ren was capable of.

Tsunade seeing that everyone was present started the meeting "Thanks for coming so soon, the topic of this meeting is an urgent and grave one. I just received the information that Kumo lost the Hachibi's Jinchuriki, it was caught by Akatsuki, with this Akatsuki has all the Bijuu but the Kyubi and it is clear that we are their next objective".

As soon as she finished speaking, all the clan patriarchs and elders, but before this could continue Tsunade yelled "Silence! If you have any questions ask, but be fast we do not have the time for useless chitchat" and so the first to talk was Shikaku who asked, "Do we know who will come? And their method?".

The one to answer was Ren who said "Right now there are only 5 members of the Akatsuki still alive... and they are Hoshigaki Kisame, Konan, Zetsu, their leader that calls himself Pain but whose real name is Uzumaki Nagato, and a masked man that calls himself Tobi but there is some speculation he is, in reality, Uchiha Madara and is the real mastermind behind the Akatsuki...".

Nobody had the time to question Ren as he dropped one bomb after another, especially the last one that left their mind reeling in shock, but before they could further enquire, Ren continues "Now we are pretty sure that the ones who captured the Hachibi were Kisame and Madara, so they should still be transporting him to a safe place to extract the Bijuu, Zetsu isn't a fighter but more of an infiltration expert, but that doesn't he isn't dangerous, but that means he isn't tasked with capturing the Jinchuriki, the only ones remaining are Konan and Nagato, and to be honest both alone have the power to destroy Konoha...".

This time some of the clan patriarchs couldn't hold still anymore and Hyuga Hiashi turns to Tsunade and asks "Hokage-sama, who is he? Can we trust what he says? And how does he know all of this?" listening to his questions, all the other stood in silence and waited for an answer.

And Tsunade replies "His name is Haruno Ren, he is a former Genin of Konoha who retired and then formed his own organization called Baransa... a name that some of you should know... for those who don't it is a group of people from different villages who hunts down missing-nin, criminal organization, downright evil people and helps some remote villages who can't afford to hire some ninja...".

Then continues "Some of their successful targets include, the Fourth Mizukage Kagura, an elder of Kiri Kinjo Ibu, Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo... and he built this team from scratch... and yes he is trustworthy not only because he is my disciple's brother, but also because he is from Konoha and never did anything against it... he is also the one who gave us all the info about Akatsuki".

And before someone else could say some other things against Ren begin here, Shikaku with a serious expression asked "Ren-Kun, what do you know about these Konan and Nagato abilities, you said that both alone can destroy Konoha, that is some scary affirmation".

And the people inside once again focused on the main topic, and Ren answers "Let's start with the weakest one Konan, an orphan from Ame, a disciple of the Sannin Jiraiya, she specializes in Paper Ninjutsu, but do not underestimate it as it is very versatile, as she can use it to defend, attack, spy, fly, disguise and she has enough Chakra and control to make a fake lake of paper and make it explode.... her weakness is that the papers still have the same weakness, they burn, and with oil, they stick together...".

Hearing about Konan's abilities most are worried, especially about the lake of exploding paper, knowing that such a thing needs a lot of preparation to be done but still it is impressive and scary.

Then Ren continues "About Nagato, he is really strong and difficult to deal with... he too is Jiraiya disciple, and he has the mythical Rinnegan, and before you ask, yes it is true... Jiraiya himself knows about it... now the scariest thing about him is that the Rinnegan allows him to control six corpses, and each one has a different special power, enhance the body through mechanics, soul extraction, beast summoning, absorb all kinds of Chakra, restore the destroyed corpse, and the most dangerous control the repulsive and attractive force... with it he can raze Konoha in one move, and the only weakness of it is that he needs a little time to use it again, a weak push that sends you hundreds meter away need five seconds to use it again".

Hearing that all of them stood shocked in silence until Homura screamed "Why the hell did Jiraiya teach these monsters and not killed them..." but before he could continue Ren yelled, "These 'monsters' only wanted to protect themself and their home at the start... it was that shitstain of Danzo who pushed them on the wrong path by joining force with Hanzo and killing another of Jiraiya disciple, twisting their view and making them resent Konoha even more... while before that they had at least some goodwill for it as Jiraiya was their teacher, and he helped them a lot".

Hearing that Homura shut up, while the other clan heads frowned thinking about what was just said, then Shikaku said "It is clear that numbers are useless against them, so it is better that all the Genin, Chunin, and most of the Jonin only focuses on keeping the civilians safe, with only the strongest ones dealing with the Nagato and Konan..." and so the rest of the meeting passed on making plans for the eventual Akatsuki attack