Chapter 110 - Human Path

In one of the alleyways of Konoha a tall, slender man with long, orange hair that parted at his shoulders, and with multiple piercings, including a diagonal bar through its nose, two circular studs in a vertical row on each of its cheeks, two studs placed horizontally on its chin, and a stud on each of its shoulders near its neck, can be seen surrounded by the corpse of 10 people, all of them had their soul extracted and memories viewed, he is Nagato's Human Path.

"I have searched the soul of 23 people and not one of them knew about the Kyubi's Jinchuriki location, the only useful information is about the new flare system to reveal our position to the ones in charge to deal with us... It is baffling that they know so much about me I was careful, but the fact that I will attack and the appearance of my Pein Rikudō (Six Path of Pain) is all known to them... they even have the specific order to not engage and only to protect and lead to safety the civilians...".

Then the Human Path searched the corpses and pulled out a flare marked with the blue color and said "Maybe the ones tasked with dealing with me will know more... let's call one of them here, this way will be faster..." then he ran to an appropriate location and shoot the blue flare in the sky and after that, he hid himself waiting for his prey.

After waiting a few minutes, two similar young men with brown hair, wearing only a black hakama and sandals came and started looking around, then the one with the calmer appearance said in a rash tone "The hell? A fake alarm? That guy choose well his name, he is Pain in the ass to deal with... What do you think Jiro?".

And the young man with a more rash appearance spoke with a calm and composed tone "Taro careful! Look around there are no corpse and no trace of fighting here... This could easily be a tr..." but before he could continue the Human Path appeared behind them and kicked Jiro away, while his hand moved toward the chest of Taro, who was quick to react and jumped back while doing hand seal then he yells "Katon: Hibashiri(Fire Release: Running Fire)" and creates a stream of fire that he then manipulated in the form of a circle of fire that flies through the air before striking the target.

But the Human Path easily dodge the Jutsu by lowering himself making the circle of fire, fly over his head, but at that moment he heard Jiro's voice that said "Fūton: Kaiten Shuriken(Wind Release: Rotating Shuriken)" and soon he saw a volley of wind-nature infused shuriken flying toward him.

And once again the Human Path dodge by rolling to the side, but the shuriken that just passed by, all of the sudden turn back once again aiming at him, but Nagato's Human Path takes advantage of his crouching position to quickly put his hands on the ground and says "Doton: Doryūheki (Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall)" and sending Chakra into the ground raise it as a barrier in front of him and blocks the shurikens.

But the twins' attack doesn't stop and Taro takes advantage of the distraction caused by Jiro to close in on the Human Path and yells "Take this Katon: Engeki(Fire Release: Flame Attack)!" and imbues his fist with fire-nature Chakra and throws a strong punch at him.

As he was about to hit him, another tall stocky man with orange hair tied in a short ponytail, with small spiked piercings covering his entire bottom lip, two vertical spike studs on the front of his nose, one spike stud on each cheek, a spike going through each ear appeared in front of the Human Path and cached Taro's fist.

Taro who noticed that his Jutsu was nullified and his chakra is begin absorbed, kicked the newcomer in the stomach and distanced himself while yelling "Jiro! It is the absorbing one Puta Path or something send the signal" and so Jiro listened to his brother shoot a yellow flare in the sky.

Then the brothers regroup and say at the same time "Time to get serious!", Taro throws a smoke bomb to his feet, while Jiro throws their protectors high in the air, then as the bomb explodes covering their figure, they say "Fyujon!".

Then as the smoke clears, in the place of Taro and Jiro there is only one tall muscular young man with spiky brown hair, and only a black hakama, who grabbed the falling protectors and put them on his neck then he said in a strange double voice "I'm neither Taro nor Jiro, I'm Tajiro, here to kick your ass!" and both the Path looks ant him and says "That is some interesting both fused together".

Then Tajiro does a series of hand seals and says "Shakuton: Kuro Kagee (Scorch Release: Black Silhouette)" and molds a sun fireball into the shape of their silhouette, this silhouette then attacks the Human Path, but once again the Preta Path stood in front to defend him.

But then from the sky, a fast shadow came and took the Preta Path flying away leaving only the buzzing sound of some kind of jet.

So the Human Path is forced to defend himself, but just as his fist clash with the figure he notices the frightening heat in it and jumps back to distance himself and at the same time notice the horrendous burn on his hand that became totally charred and useless.

And so the Human Path is forced to dodge every blow sent by the bright yellow silhouette, he was so focused on it the forgot about Tajiro who took the chance and attacked him from his back, he molds the Chakra in his hand and the yellow fire engulfs both hands then punch with both hands in a yamazuki form "Shakuton: Kogeru Yashi (Scorch Release: Charring Palm)" hitting the Human Path in the back burning it and sending him toward the yellow silhouette, who then moved as if to hug him and wraps itself around him, then all it could be heard was a sizzling sound for a few seconds then the silhouette vanishes leaving only a charred black corpse.

Then Tajiro says "Shit this Jutsu is brutal on a human being... when we tried on the wooden target it only left some ash..." then he looks around and says "Now what do we do? We still have 25 min in this form..." then all of the sudden they saw a figure rising up in the sky that seemed about to do something, but the next instant he disappeared and a few moments later the ground started shaking and a rumbling sound could be heard in the distance, while all the glass shattered, then shocked Tajiro says "What the hell was that?".