Chapter 140 - Sleepless Night

After explaining the history of the world, Hagoromo told Ren in detail all the things that happened during the war, but only one piece of information really shocked him "What the... Pedomaru became an Arrancar!!??? How the hell was he able to do so!!??".

And the Rikuodu Sennin explains "When your group attacked him, he divided a small part of his soul in a small white snake during the fight, and as you were killing him with your Kido, he used that small snake to initiate the Fushi Tensei (Living Corpse Reincarnation) and possess the nearest being to survive... and he was lucky enough to possess a weak Hollow, then the rest of his soul and Chakra was transferred from the body that you were fighting to the Hollow one, and his chakra was so massive that pushed his Hollow body to evolve into the Vasto Lorde level, after that he hunted many ninjas and Hollows to grew stronger until he reached the limit".

Then letting out a sigh he continues "Then he summoned the imprint of the Arrancar created by mother that calls himself Shinigami, using the seal created by my descendant to sap the energy of the Shinigami to weaken him, and at the same time use his abilities to seal other threats, and through that he ate the energy from the Shinigami, becoming an Arrancar and at the same time freeing the Shinigami from the Seal we put on him, luckily he is back to the Vasto Lorde level... But there are signs that he could once again become an Arrancar".

Hearing that Ren says "So not only, one of the most dangerous individuals is still alive, he is even stronger than before, and with him, there is another experiment of your mother, who could once again reach the same level of power as her!?" and Hagoromo nods and says "Pretty good summary...".

Then Ren quickly draws his Zanpakuto and stabs it in the air opening a Senkaimon then he turns to Hagoromo and says " It was nice meeting you, but I have to go, and thanks for the history lesson..." and Hagoromo "Wait before you go, I want to give you something..." then he waves his hand and a big wooden box appears, then he says "Inside there is something that is now yours by right...".

Ren quickly opens the box and looks inside, then he took out of the box a white haori with long sleeves and the number 1 on his back inside a rhombus, Ren let out a smile and says "Thanks! Now I have to go..." he then put on the haori, then he rushes inside the Senkaimon, Hagoromo looks at Ren's back as the Senkaimon closes and smiles while saying "And with this, the Shinigami are truly coming back, now I just have to wait for the right moment to gift to Asura and Indra's reincarnation my Chakra...".

Meanwhile, the night truly fell on the various battlefields, and most of them reached a state of apparent calm, Darui's Unit was able to repel and kill all the Hollow and White Zetsu, and now they were taking care of the injured and resting, Gaara's Unit, was still slowly retreating while keeping an eye on the Menos, Mifune and Kankuro's unit were able to retreat even with the many losses, and Kakashi's Unit was also resting while still keeping an eye on possible attacks, meanwhile Shizune's Unit converged and created many medical camps were they were now taking care of all the injured, while others went around the various battlefield searching for survivors.

The result of the first day of fighting is terrifying, the Allied Ninja Force lost 55.000 of their 80.000 force, while the Akatsuki White Zetsu Army lost 50.000 of their 100.000, while the Hollows lost 10.000 of their 30.000 plus 13 Menos, 10 Gillians, 1 Adjuchas, 1 Vasto Lorde are killed, and 1 other sealed.

Now the next part of the 4th Great Ninja War is quickly approaching, meanwhile, back to the HQ "New report! Killer B and Uzumaki Naruto have broken through the barrier!" and standing up A says "They told me even a Jinchuriki couldn't break through the barrier they prepared!" and the ninja from the Intel Division replies "We didn't plan on two Jinchuriki teaming up to escape together!".

Hering that Tsunade asks "Now what do we do?" and A yells "I'm going to stop the Jinchurikis personally! And you are coming with me Tsunade!" then Tsunade once again asks "Who's going to command the troops from HQ?" and he simply says "Shikaku of Konoha!" then the two went to intercept Naruto and B.

After a while, the Intel Division started getting reports of ninjas being assassinated "Another one! We've got reports coming from all over that individuals are being assassinated! It's causing all sort of chaos, we can't find the enemy anywhere!" and just as Shikaku stood up and was about to give his order, Inoichi yelled "Wait! We've got a new report from the medical division! The enemy White Zetsu tried to infiltrate the medical camp disguised as Hyuga Neji, he was able to pass the preliminary inspection but once inside the camp, which is covered by the invisible gas given by the Baransa, a branch grew out of his body, and was quickly suppressed!!".

Then Shikaku gave the order "Tell all other divisions to gather everyone and use the Anti-Zetsu gas, to find the impostors!!".

At the same time, under the cover of the night, three shadows were quickly moving through the woods, and killing all the occasional groups of Hollows and Zetsus on their way all while still moving toward the presumed Akatsuki HQ, which soon stops near a clearing, and the light of the moon illuminates their figures, they are Jiraiya, Konan, and Yahiko.

Even with the grim situation around, Yahiko let out a smile and says "You know? I never thought that it would really come a time that we would do a mission together Sensei!" and Jiraiya "Me too, but I'm happy that I'm able to do so" but Konan looks at them and calmly says "Come on, get serious, we are close to Madara's hideout, once there we will recover Nagato's body, and if we can kill Madara... Remember his jutsu allows him to phase through the attacks for five minutes straight then he can't do it for a while".

But Jiraiya says "Do not forget that now he also has the Rinnegan, so he can also use all of Nagato's former abilities! So if the odds are against us we just take Nagato's body back and retreat, then we will join forces with the Allied Ninja Army to deal with him... And more important you two be careful, I do not want to lose another student" after both Yahiko and Konan nodded, they once again moved toward their destination, the Mountains' Graveyard.