Chapter 145 - Obliterated!

Gaara who didn't want to see the Vasto Lorde Tennyo empowered by Naruto's massive Chakra, quickly moved his hands to control his sand, grabbed Naruto, and moved him near them.

Once he was close Naruto asks "What the hell! Why did you stop me Gaara?" and Gaara replies by quickly explaining the enemy's powers, hearing that Naruto nods and says "I got it! Gaara support me with your sand!" and even if he wanted to ask what he was doing here, Gaara stop his urge and focuses on the fight ahead.

Meanwhile, back on the ground, Mecha-Naruto doesn't wait for the smoke to clear and uses his jet to jump up to the wounded Genbu, and once inside the smoke grabs him from his mask, and once again using the jet as a boost slams him face-first into the ground.

But even under the iron grip of Mecha-Naruto, Genbu is able to lightly move his head and open his mouth showing the fact that Genbu inside the smoke wasn't only recovering from the wounds, but he was also charging a full power Cero inside his mouth, and he is about to shoot it at Mecha-Naruto, who calmly looks at the Menos and says "Naruto Beam!" and from his eyes, two bright blue lasers came out, that quickly pierced through Genbu's mask, then he points Genbu's head high in the sky where he releases his Cero, all this happens in almost an instant.

Genbu only had the time to scream "Noooo!" before he starts to dissipate, and at this time Byakko who heard Genbu's scream choose to retreat as the disadvantage was too much now, so he quickly turns his back to Tajiro and starts running, Tajiro then concetrate and starts weaving a huge number of seals, then he brings both his hands together and slowly draws his dominate arm back like he is drawing an invisible bow, a bright yellow arrow made up of Scorch Release grows between his hands, then in his double voice says "Shakuton: Taiyō no Isshi(Scorch Release: Arrow of the Sun)!" and releases the arrow at the fleeing enemy.

The only thing it could be seen is a yellow beam that passes through Byakko's body, then a great explosion can be seen in the distance, and as soon as Tajiro released his Jutsu, he fell to his knees panting and divided himself into a naked Taro and Jiro, while Byakko became ash that was blown away by the wind.

Taro then takes out two sets of boxer and hakama, gives one set to his brother, and as they dress he asks "Why the...Hah... Hell did we... Hah... Use our strongest Jutsu?" and Jiro replies "I... Hah...Don't know... Hah... Maybe we felt that this was the only way to kill him?" and Taro replies "Come on the Taiyō no Isshi can kill almost anything! It is all our Chakra and some more compressed in a small arrow even Ren admitted that with it we can damage a Bankai, the only drawback is that as soon as we use it our Fyujon stops and we separate, and after that we have to wait for 2 hours instead of 1 to fuse once again!".

Meanwhile, Mecha-Naruto looks in the twins' direction and says "The targets, Adujchas 'Turtle' and 'Tiger', obliterated..." then he looks at the ongoing battle in the sky and continues "...Acquiring new target codename... searching database... 'Thot'... Engaging!" and once again transforms in his plane form and flies toward his target.

In the meantime, thanks to Naruto's presence, the pressure on Gaara and Onoki lowered, but they are still unable to come out on top, Onoki still keeps using long-range Jutsus to harass and damage Tennyo, but the damage inflicted is too little, and she heals fast, while with his Jinto he could hurt her and even kill, but for Tennyo is too easy to dodge, while Naruto is using Gaara's sand as a foothold to jump around searching for the perfect opportunity to deal a lethal blow, and Gaara is behind them acting as a support.

Just as the situation seems to be stable, Tennyo says "I've grown bored of dancing around with you..." and she then reabsorbs the purple dust around her, but before they could take advantage of this, with a static noise she disappears from her position and reappears right behind Onoki, and pierce the right side of his chest with her clawed hand then she pulls out her hand and confused says "Huh? No heart? Isn't the heart in middle or slightly on the right like most of the Hollows?".

At the same time Gaara and Naruto notice what happened and scream "Tsuchikage!?/Old man!?", but before they could do anything Tennyo once again disappeared with the iconic static noise of the Sonido, and reappeared behind Gaara ready to strike him down.

But as she moved to attack, Gaara's sand moved to defend, and brought enough time, for Mecha-Naruto to come and punch away the Menos yelling "Begone Thot!", and at the same time, Naruto who moved to catch the falling Onoki looked at the figure of Mecha-Naruto and yells "What is a clone of mine doing here!? And something is strange with him..." and Mecha-Naruto who heard him looks at Naruto and replies "I'm no clone... I'm a much better... I'm stronger, smarter, tougher, and much more handsome! -Dattebate yare".

Then Mecha-Naruto once again flies toward Tennyo, who in the meantime recovered and says "It doesn't matter how many you are, all of you stand no chance against me!" then she once again spreads her wings and releases her purple dust, while Mecha-Naruto is still flying toward her, seeing this both Naruto and Gaara yells "No! Stop!".

But Mecha-Naruto ignores them and rushes inside the purple dust, but different from what everyone was expecting, nothing happens, and shocked Tennyo yells "How is this possible!? Why aren't you sleeping!!?".

Mecha-Naruto stops in front of her and says "Mecha doesn't sleep!" then he started giving a barrage of punches to Tennyo, so fast that his arms left many afterimages while yelling "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!" then he grabs Tennyo and throws her toward Naruto on the ground, who, still in Kyubi Chakra Mode, creates a Big Ball Rasengan in one of his hands, which is then surrounded by three regular-sized Rasengan, in a similar manner to moons around a planet, and with it hit the coming Tennyo "Wakusei Rasengan (Planetary Rasengan)!".

Once the Rasenga is in contact with Tennyo, the disordered rotations of the individual Rasengan, created by the central and smaller ones spinning in different directions, interact with each other to form a massive and turbulent wave-like vortex that sends Tennyo flying back to Mecha-Naruto, who took the time to summon a huge steel drum, then he aims at his enemy and using the jets he flies toward her with great speed while spinning at the same time and yells "RASEN ROAD ROLLER DA!".

The crash between the two opposing forces is so big, that all of Tennyo's body is destroyed into many small pieces, leaving behind only a scream, then as Mecha-Naruto lands on the ground, Naruto turns to him, give him a thumb up, and says "Awesome Teamwork, Mecha-Me!"