Chapter 152 - Against Obito's Six Path of Pain

After clashing, both Obito and Naruto are pushed back by the impact, Naruto is caught by Killer B, who says "Settle down -Konoyaro Bakayaro!" and Naruto "Damn, that thing's solid... I didn't even crack it", at the same time Obito lands on a branch and says "I should've slipped through you, but you couldn't even scratch my mask?".

And the next moment, the six Jinchuriki that make up Obito's Pein Rikudō (Six Path of Pain) appear, and he says "Come now Naruto, I expect more than that from the Kyubi's power".

Roshi is the first to make a move, he uses the Yōton: Shakugaryūgan no Jutsu (Lava Release: Scorching Stream Rock Technique) to expel a large amount of lava from his mouth, which quickly solidifies into multiple boulders of molten rock that are fired towards Naruto and B with tremendous force.

Both Naruto and B jump from their branch to dodge Roshi's Jutsu and at the same time choose to focus their attack on one point hoping to quickly take out one of Obito's reinforcements, but Bunpuku quickly uses a shield of sand to block B's sword and Naruto's Rasengan, pushing them back.

And soon they find themselves surrounded by Utakata's Suiton: Hōmatsu no Jutsu (Water Release: Bubbles Technique), which creates dozens of exploding bubbles, that explodes the next instant under Utakata's command, but B uses Gyuki's tails to grab Naruto and pull both of them out of the explosion zone.

But Obito's assault doesn't end here, as he controls Fu's body and makes her use the Hiden: Rinpungakure no Jutsu (Hiden: Hiding in Scale Powder Technique) to make her exhale a large quantity of fine powder from her mouth, which due to its luminous quality, shines so brightly that it temporarily blind Naruto and B, then he attacks them with Yugito and Han.

Luckily B is able to defend himself thanks to his sunglasses that protected him from Fu's Jutsu and says "My fly shades are way too dark, You can't blind me with a few little sparks!", while Naruto thanks to his Kyubi Chakra Mode is able to feel his malice and block Han punch "I could sense your malice from a mile away!", and then they jump back to retreat and take a quick break from the assault.

Looking at the six Jinchuriki, B says "All of them have the same nasty-ass eyes implanted in them!" and Naruto adds "Madara's eyes are the same... And this time his mask has two eye holes!" and Obito replies "It's custom made out of special materials that are more suited for war".

Hearing that Naruto says "So the other eye you've been hiding was a Rinnegan, like Nagato..." then he remembers one little detail that Orochimaru let slip and says "Tell me who are you really!? Orochimaru said 'that brat' when talking about you...".

And while Obito stood in silence cursing Orochimaru in his mind, Killer B is shocked to find out that the one they are fighting against isn't Madara, then Obito let out a laugh and replies "You can call me by my old name, Tobi, if you prefer, the war has already begun... My name no longer matters. Madar, Tobi... call me whatever you want... I'm no one. I don't want to be anyone, all I care about is completing the Moon's Eye Operation. This world is completely worthless... There is nothing left in it but misery, you two have grown up as Jinchuriki, and you have endured the misery that comes with that role, have you not? You should both understand that misery... A little".

But Naruto quickly counters "Living with a Bijuu inside you isn't all bad, you can call yourself no one, you can start a war, but even in this world, you think of 'Worthless' no one's falling for your dumbass lies! You can change mask, you can take on as many names as you want, but you're still you, and you're just one guy! I'm gonna tear that mask right off your face!".

Obito touches his mask and is surrounded by the six Jinchuriki now in Partial Transformation and says "If you wanna see what's under my mask... You're gonna have to work for it... Sanbi... Hachibi... Kyubi... I will capture all of you... And complete the Moon's Eye!".

Seeing all of them showing their Jinchuriki traits, B asks "What is going on I thought that they had their Bijuu ripped out!?" and Gyuki replies 'He turned them into Jinchuriki again, and I sense the other Bijuus are different than before, too. Stay sharp, B!' and before Naruto could warn him about the Pein Rikudou (Six Path of Pain), B rushes forward and attacks the flying Fu with Samehada, the sword he got after Kisame's death.

But Fu easily dodges by changing direction mid-air, and B throws Samehad after her, who opens its mouth to take a bite, but is once again dodged, and B takes advantage of the fact that now he is behind, in her blind spot, throws two Lightning Chakra enhanced swords aiming at her head, but Fu quickly ducks and dodges both.

At that moment, Naruto lands near him yelling "B, that's not gonna work! It's just like when I fought the Pein Rikudou! Their Rinnegan are all connected, each other sees what the others see! It's the same Jutsu Nagato used! So all 6 of their field of vision are shared...".

But Naruto is interrupted by Roshi who attacks him in his Yōton Chakura Mōdo (Lava Release Chakra Mode) a Jutsu that envelops his entire body in a coating of lava forcing him to dodge, but the heat of the lave still burns him, at the same time Yugito uses Nezumi Kedama (Mouse Hairball) spits a flaming ball of hair that assumes the shape of a mouse engulfed in flames, which then continually splits into individual and similarly ablaze balls of hair.

B who recognizes the Jutsu, grabs Naruto with his tail and starts retreating as the flaming balls pursue them using the tree as cover and shields, and at the same time is able to counter Yugito's attack with her claws, giving her a cut on the chest, then he hides and under Gyuki request fist bump Naruto to starts a telepathic conversation about how to deal with them.

And so Gyuki asks 'Naruto... All of them are able to use their own power in addition to their Bijuu's power, they're gonna find us here soon what should we do?', and Naruto replies "We've to take down those 6 Jinchuriki one at a time! If it's anything like Nagato, all of them are being controlled by Chakra! They should have a Black Chakra Receivers implanted in their body so they could be controlled from a distance".

Hearing that Gyuki says ' I see... So if we yank them out or break them this Jutsu won't work, but that is easier said than done, we're already having trouble connecting with our attacks, plus we don't know where these Chakra Receivers are, we'll have to pinpoint them.' but B says "Oh, those things? I noticed while I was checkin' out Yugito's chest, there were these weird black bars right on her breasts! I think I snuck a Peek! Some black rods, next to some sweet pink meat!!".

Hearing that info, Naruto rushes out and is quickly attacked once again by Roshi, this time he holds him firmly and at the same time makes a Chakra Hand and uses a Rasengan aiming at his chest destroying his clothes, and indeed the black receiver is there, but just as he was about to hit it, Han kicks Naruto away blowing him away.

B then grabs Naruto to reduce the impact, and as they both lands on the ground Gyuki says 'B fighting in a forest his a disadvantage with these guys, it hinder our vision!' and B replies "I know!" and so quickly Gyuki takes over and transform in his Full Bijuu Form and says "Don't let'em drop you, Naruto, I'm just about to get into my flow! Bijū Hachimaki (Tailed Beast Eight Twists)".

He tightly coils his tails around himself, before extending them with an enormous amount of physical strength, this causes him to spin rapidly, resulting in the generation of tremendous gusts of wind that buffets everything in the surrounding area, this technique was powerful enough to level the terrain within a large range.