Chapter 156 - He Recovered!!

Shinigami looks at Tsunade and calmly says "You think you can beat me with the will you inherited from your ancestor? Power has nothing to do with will it's an actual thing", still walking forward Tsunade replies "You're wrong! One can grow stronger by inheriting the will of the deceased! That will enabled me to create the Medical Jutsu... As well as the entire system of medical ninjas and makes the rules!".

The seal on her forehead opens once again as she says "Rule #1, medical ninjas shall never give up on treating their teammates as long as they can still breathe! Rule #2, medical ninjas are not allowed to engage in the battles! Rule #3, medical ninjas shall be the last ones to die in the team! Those are the rules I made for my students. Actually, there's one more!".

And the marks on her face extend over the Tsunade's entire body as she says "Rule #4, only those who have mastered Ninpō Sōzō Saisei: Byakugō no Jutsu (Ninja Art Creation Rebirth: Strength of a Hundred Technique) are allowed to break the above three rules!".

Then Tsunade rush at Shinigami who lazily, blocks her punch with his hand, but he miscalculates Tsunade's strength, as her punch literally destroys his hand and blows him away, and Tsunade once again chases after him, but Shinigami remains calm and shoot a Cero at Tsunade hitting her and causing a big explosion.

At the same time, Mei took advantage of Shinigami's focus on Tsunade to use a Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique) shooting a water dragon from her mouth, but once again Shinigami easily cut it in two with his tanto.

But then, he is attacked from behind by the combo of the lightning clad A with Onoki on his back who constantly changes his weight to make him faster and hit harder, and once again Shinigami is able to defend himself with his regenerated hand, right at that moment, from the cloud of dust created by the previous Cero, Tsunade comes out and hits Shinigami with a powerful kick sending him crashing into the ground.

Seeing the successful attack A yells "Kazekage! Now!!" and Gaara quickly uses the Sabaku Sōtaisō Fūin (Desert Layered Imperial Funeral Seal) to control a large quantity of sand, he covers the enemy with several successive layers of the material, before compressing it into the form of a huge pyramid which serves to imprison the target upon its completion with sealing tags placed onto the pyramid to increase its sealing power "Sealed!".

Tsunade is about to rejoice when the pyramid explodes, and Shinigami appears behind Tsunade and impales her in the stomach with his tanto "It seems that in the end, this is all you amount to..." then he pulls out his tanto and turns to the other Kages and says "Well then... Whom should I target next?".

But under the astonished gaze of the other Kages, Tsunade once again stood up and punches Shinigami aiming at his head, but he quickly reacts and using his prayer beads as a chain grabs Tsunade's arm and throws her away, then looking at her wounds regenerating he says "A restoring technique with no seals... I see, so that is the real power of that Jutsu...".

Then Oniki takes the chance to use once again the Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu (Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique), but a quick Cero from Shinigami easily blocks it, then he says "This 5 vs 1 is starting to annoy me..." and as he was speaking the cracks on his mask becomes even more pronounced, "Luckily this light exercise helps me digesting the soul I have eaten before...".

After saying that Shinigami once again uses Sonido, this time much faster than before, and starts attacking everyone, first he appears behind Mei and with a quick punch sends her crashing into the ground but Gaara uses his sand to cushion her fall, then he moves behind Gaara and kicks him, Gaara is able to raise his shield of sand in time, but Shinigami blow is so strong that the sand wall blows up and Gaara is sent crashing next to Mei who says "He is too strong... How are we supposed to fight this thing?".

Hearing what she said, Gaara adds "True... At this rate we...", meanwhile, Tsunade once again is able to land a hit on him, but this time Shinigami is able to block her punch with his hand unharmed and was only pushed back by the strength behind the blow, A who follow after her with a series of punches yell "Hokage! Your fighting's getting sloppy! Death aside, you'll still tire yourself out fighting this way!!" and Tsunade replies "I'm risking my life and fighting, this is the only way I can do this!", but then she coughs some blood and falls on her knees.

Seeing that A yells "Hokage!!", and Shinigami takes advantage of this distraction to grab him from his head and throw him to the ground, and quickly fires off a Bala at him, but Oniki is able to quickly raise an earth wall and block his attack.

A who recovered from the blow says "Sorry Tsuchikage..." and at the same time Shinigami says "Looks like we're starting to see a difference in battle experience" and Onoki yells "Stand!! Kages!! This is a matter of life or death! No more whimpering!! If we're the last remnants of the five Kage... Then we need to make sure our final words don't ruin our reputation!! Naruto left this battle to us! We took this battle from him and vowed that we would win no matter what!"

And as the four other Kages once again stood up ready to fight once more he continues "And there's one more thing... that we were left by every shinobi out there... They entrusted the title of the 5 Kage to us! We can't let them down!!!" and they once again get in formation, with Onoki in front, Tsunade behind him helping him recovering chakra, and behind them Mei, Gaara, and A.

Once again preparing to use his Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu, Onoki yells "We don't have much Chkara left, consider this the end!" then he uses as much Chakra as possible to create a huge transparent cube with a sphere in the middle, so fast that Shinigami was unable to fully dodge it in time, and lost his left arm and leg, then from the side came the combined Jutsu of Mei and A, the Raisuiryūdan (Lightning Water Dragon Bullet) a huge water dragon imbued in Lightning Chakra, and just as Shinigami was about to move and dodge the Jutsu, from the water came out Gaara's sand that took a hold on him making him unable to dodge and begin hit by it holding him in place unable to move, as he is paralyzed by the combination of lightning, water, and sand.

Onoki who prepares to fire another Jinton: Genkai Hakuri yells "See that?! that's the full power of the 5 Kages!!" and shoots his Jutsu, but even more cracks appear on Shinigami's face as he yells "Then I will show you the full strength of the First Arrancar!!"

And then his mask completely breaks releasing an incredible amount of Chakra that frees shinigami from his bidding, the only piece of his mask remaining is a small circle on the forehead, while he takes a totally human appearance with long white hair, yellow eyes, and a cold indifferent face, the only thing to differentiate him from a regular handsome man is the hole on his chest, then with a light swing of his tanto, he cut in half Onoki's Jutsu with almost no effort and says "This will help you realize just how futile everything has been!".