Chapter 163 - Edo Tensei

In an underground cave in the middle of the Land of Lightning, the figure of Kabuto appears out of nowhere and is now standing in front of four bound White Zetsu, he smears the DNA sample of the four Hokage on a special scroll saying "The situation is becoming grimmer... The Juubi is revived that means that the possibility of Kaguya's revival is getting higher, I think now is the time to use Ren's back-up plan... Luckily Orochimaru was a collectionist of things like this... I didn't have to go around grave-robbing for this...".

Then he activates the scroll yelling and slamming his hand on the scroll "Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei (Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation)", the remains on the scroll spread out in the form of a special seal with the living sacrifices in the center.

Then dust and ash encase the sacrifice's body, giving them the same appearance that the reincarnated had at the time of their death, the process is apparently painful for the sacrifice as the Zetsus are screaming and thrashing around, but soon the sacrifice's chakra signature is completely overridden with the chakra of the one being reincarnated, and the next moment in front of Kabuto are the past four Hokage.

Starting from the left there is a a tall man with tanned skin and dark eyes, he has waist-length black hair typically styled in a centre-parted fringe that framed his face, wearing a dark red armor worn over a simple black suit with sandals, he is the First Hokage Senju Hashirama.

After him there is a fair-skinned man with silver, shaggy hair and re-colored eyes, he has three red markings on his face, one under each of his eyes and one on his chin, and wears blue armor with a distinctive white fur collar over a simple black suit, he is the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama.

After Tobirama is the old figure of the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, the only one that died in a old age among the four, and last but not the least is the a young man with blond hair and blue eyes, he is nonother than the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato.

The next moment, the four of them open their eyes showing a clear sign of the Edo Tensei with their black sclera, the first to talk is Tobirama that says "Edo Tensei again!?" and Hashirama asks "What is going on?" and Hiruzen replies "It seems that Orochimaru, freed us from the Shiki Fūjin (Dead Demon Consuming Seal)... then he used Edo Tensei... isn't it... Kabuto right?" and Minato asks "He freed us from the seal? How did Orochimaru-san pull this off?".

Kabuto calmly replies "First of all I do not work for Orochimaru anymore... Many things have changed since you died Third Hokage-sama, second it was me and Ren that freed your soul..." hearing that Minato says "It appears as though, we've all been revived..." but he is interrupted by Hashirama that asks "Umm... Who is this guy?".

And Minoto showing the inscription on the back of his haori and pointing at it replies "I'm the Fourth Hokage" and Hashirama in a jovial tone says "Holy crap! A Fourth!? Splendid! The village has endured for quite some time it seems!" but Minato replies "I can't really confirm that... I actually died and got sealed long before the Third...".

Hearing that Hashirama asks "Wha...?! Seriously?! I thought you and Sarutobi were sealed together...!?" with a wry smile Minato replies "Nope... the chain of events unfolded a bit differently..." then Hashirama asks who is the Fifth Hokage and Kabuto replies "It is your granddaughter, Tsunade-sama...".

Hashirama in a downtrodden state says "....... Tsu... Nad... The village... Is still... Standing..." seeing that Minato asks "You have so little faith in her..." and Hashirama laughs "It's just... Since she was my first granddaughter I spoiled her rotten!! She picked up some really bad habits from me, including my propensity for gambling. Gyahahaha!!".

Meanwhile, Tobirama is checking his body and says "So... The Edo Tensei once again? My Jutsu seems rather easy to mimic it seems..." hearing that Kabuto adjusting his glasses says "It's a rather straightforward Jutsu... One I hoped to never need to use and that you should have kept in the deep recesses of your mind, not only that... But the political climate you helped foster had a real negative impact on the future generations... It even trickled down to our time...".

Hiruzen still wary of Kabuto asks "Are you planning on using us against Konoha!?" hearing Hiruzen's question, Hashirama starts to chide his brother "Jeez... No matter the time the world is in constant turmoil... He was right about being an immoral Jutsu... Remember Tobirama... That one time I lecture you on..." but he is interrupted by Tobirama "Silence brother... I haven't finished my discussion with the brat..." Hashirama doesn't give up "Yeah, but..." but once again Tobirama is firm and says "Silence!" leaving a depressed Hashirama.

Kabuto then decides it's time to come clean and says "Relax... Attacking Konoha isn't my goal... If you notice, I did not even bother neutralizing your personalities... Some unfortunate circumstances forced me to use this Jutsu to request your help in saving this world..." then he starts explaining the situation with the Fake Madara, the Fourth Ninja, the Juubi, the Hollows, Orochimaru's involvement, and the possibility of Kaguya's revival.

Listening to Kabuto's quick summary of the situation all the Hokages accept to help, and as they got out of the cave Minato says "I can finally see my son... We haven't had many Father-Son moments but I'll try to make it up to you with a special present..." followed by Hiruzen "It's been a while since I got my hands dirty... Focus and Concentrate!!!".

After the Third Hokage is Tobirama who says "Madara... This time with my own hand I'll stop your plot!!" and the last to come out is Hashirama that yells "Every era has its memorable battles... But this one will be etched in History!!! Let's do this!!!!".

Meanwhile, back on Ren's battlefield, he is looking down at the figure of Shinigami, who reverted back to his original form totally uninjured, he is now 3 meters tall with purple skin and long, shaggy, white hair, from which two red horns protrude and says "So he finally used the Resurreccion... Really the fact that once they use it, they heal from all their wounds is unfair... really this characteristic reminds me of a bald midget alien... I hope he doesn't start yelling 'This isn't even my final form'!".

Shinigami slowly rises up in the sky and says "Now, I won't be playing around anymore... be proud of the fact that you were able to force me to use my Resurreccion..." but Ren doesn't let him finish his monologue, and once again fires a big blue fireball at him.

Shinigami says "It's pointless..." and pointing at the fireball with his tanto he chants "Líneas De Muerte(Lines of Death)" and with a quick sweep of his tanto an uncountable number of black lines appears all around him in a 100-meter radius, on everything, the ground, the sky, the cloud, the rock, even the fireball quickly moving toward him, Shinigami cuts the fireball and everything else in many little pieces saying "Now that I'm in this form, there is nothing I can't cut!".