Chapter 172 - Obito's Weakpoint

After a few seconds, Ren calmly walks out of the crater created by Orochimaru's volley of Cero, his clothes are destroyed in many places, but for some strange reason, his hakama is still intact even if slightly battered, while no wounds can be seen on his body.

Orochimaru seeing this says "Your Bankai is really annoying even after all that you can heal like nothing happened..." then looking at the huge Sakura Tree in the distance he continues "...Maybe the key in killing you is taking care of that tree...".

But Ren uses Shunpo to move in front of Orochimaru and says "Sorry, I have to stop you here... It seems that this level of strength isn't enough... Then let's kick it up!" once again Ren carefully controls his Chakra to use his most powerful Shunko, then with a yell that would make Goku proud, he is enveloped in a pillar of blue fire so hot that Orochimaru a few meters away was burned and forced to retreat, and even the very air seems to burn away.

Then the pillar of fire disperses and Ren's figure is seen once again, the three small fireballs on his back joined together to form a big flaming circle, his six arms joined together becoming a simple pair of light blue, almost white, arms, and pale blue markings can be seen covering his entire body including his head, his hair also became blue fire, and his eyes are white and emit a white glow that sometimes is blue.

Ren stands calmly in the sky with his new appearance and torn black hakama and says "Shunko: Deva Agni Senkei (Instant War Cry: Deva Agni War Form)" then with a blue flicker he disappears and appears in front of Orochimaru and lightly taps him on his shoulder with his right arm, but as soon as his hand touch Orochimaru's body, his entire left side is turned into ash forcing Orochimaru to quickly molt and retreat once again.

Ren doesn't chase after him and only looks at the trace of fear on his face with an amused smile, not even minding the fact that Orochimaru became stronger and bigger once again and asks "So... What do you think, can I kill you before you even realize it, now?".

Hearing Ren's question, Orochimaru calms down and replies "Kukuku... If you touched my head before for sure you could have had a chance to kill me... But you are too sure of yourself... Now I won't give you any more chances" then Orochimaru quickly stabs himself and shoots a Cero a close-range destroying a good half of his body before molting once again.

The Orochimaru that came out this time is even more monstrous than before, he is now half the size of a Bijuu, his bone-like armor grew many spikes on his back and now cover also his waist, and the eight snake heads on his back look sharper and meaner, even worse now in their eyes there is a familiar flash of intelligence, that means that if before they were clearly some simple additional arms, now they are eight additional brains that Orochimaru can use.

After this last molt, Orochimaru's Chakra level surpassed even Shinigami, reaching the same amount as the Juubi then laughing he says "With this much power I can now withstand your heat without problems... Let's see how long you can withstand my might!" then shoots a powerful Cero at Ren who block it with is own Kido Blast signaling the start of the third round.

Meanwhile, Tobirama looking at the black flames burning in the distance says "We got him before those black things could protect him, he definitely felt that one!" but soon the Gudōdama (Truth-Seeking Ball) reaches Obito's position eating away Amaterasu's flame and showing his unharmed body as he floated upward.

Seeing that the Second Hokage says "It didn't... Have any effect..." and Minato comments "We have to avoid those black balls when we launch a direct assault... But even when we plan a workaround them, he doesn't take any damage... they are simply too agile... both offensively and defensively..." then Tobirama notices that Minato's arm wasn't healing and spoke his concern.

Hearing them Obito explains "I have attained the power of the shinobi ancestor, your menial common sense and logic no longer apply to me..." then everyone realizes that in front of the current Obito even the Edo Tensei ninjas are mortal, hearing that naruto says "Sasuke... We'll have to do what we just did... but crack it up a few notches..." Sasuke nod and Naruto claps his hands and gathering Kurama's Chakra yells "Alright! Let's push the Kurama Mode up to the next level and go Bijuu on him!".

But all of a sudden he runs out of Chakra and the Kurama Mode stops working, so Naruto returns in his normal form under the gaze of everyone that looks at him with judging eyes "Wh... At?", and Tobirama says "Don't make this any worse than it already is..." then looking at Minato "Like father like son... Both mentally challenged... " even Obito is looking at this scene in silence as the Second Hokage continues "...Even he looks like he's sympathizing with you" and Minato can only reply ".....For... Forgive me...".

Then Gamakichi, whose summoning time is about to run out, uses the Mizuame Teppou (Water Candy Cannon) to shoot a jet of water at Obito before begin unsummoned, who easily blocks it with a Gudōdama, but his attack makes Naruto realize something, so he quickly calms himself and closes his eye while Minato yell "Obito, wasn't your dream to become Hokage?! What led you to this...?!".

And Obito replies "We're way past the point of lectures, wouldn't you agree, sensei? When it came to life-changing events... You were always a step behind... I'm glad my sensei was the Hokage, thanks to that it was easier for me to let my dream die... Despite being my master, you failed to recognize your own pupil... You've always had that oblivious nature, about you from the moment I met you... I can't help but pity you... The hallowed martyr... Shamed in front of his living son... Yes... A mere Hokage is simply fodder compared to what I've become...".

But at this moment, Naruto prepares a Rasengan and says "Someone who never became Hokage has no right making fun of one who has..." then Tobirama, who noticed the same thing, quietly moves behind Naturo touching his back as he says "But more than anything, don't..." and using Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Technique) they both appear behind Obito hitting him with a Rasengan yelling "Talk shit about my old man who actually did become a Hokage!!! You little shit!!!!" hurting Obito and sending him crashing into the ground.

Then as Naruto and Tobirama land back to the group he says "I knew it! Sage Techniques seem to bust him up real good" then he explains how he found this hint from Gamakichi's attack then Tobirama says "It may be effective... But he's recovering quickly and keeping an eye out for his blindside now...".

At the same time Obito, who recovered from the wounds inflicted by Naruto, crouches down touching the ground, and soon produces a huge tree with four rafflesia-like flowers "It's time to begin preparation for the Tsukuyomi... I'll start by tidying up a bit around here, in this current 'Reality'... Nothing is worth salvaging..." and the four flowers soon starts gathering Chakra forming four big Bijuudama.