Chapter 178 - Double Tap

Obito looks at Gai's figure and says "So this is what happens when all eight gates are opened... This red steam looks more the color of the dried and rotten leaves of autumn scattered and falling in the sky..." to which Gai replies "...That may be true... But they won't just fall and rot!! They will become... nourishment for the new, fresh leaves! And ensuring the fresh leaves bud and usher in a new spring... It is the climax of the springtime of youth!! That is when it burns its deepest crimson red!!!!".

Then he moves so fast that Obito almost can't react and starts using the Sekizō (Evening Elephant) starting with the first step, and a powerful punch that creates a cannon of pressurized air which bears the appearance of an elephant's leg, sending Obito crashing into the ground and creating a massive and deep tunnel in the ground, but just as Gai is about to do the second step he forced to stop by the pain he is feeling and lands on the ground.

At the same time, Obito that lies on the ground in the tunnel created by Gai says "A strong punch that creates practically an air cannon... I will be in trouble if I get hit by five or six more or this... Really it almost reminds me of the Chunin Exam..." then he stood up and flies out of the tunnel yelling "It's been a while so I'll indulge you and entrain a fight for a while".

Gai sees Obito standing in the sky and by kicking the air he rise up and reaches Obito, then running around him he once again uses the Sekizō, this time Obito is ready and uses a Gudōdama (Truth-Seeking Ball) to defend from the first step, but the second, third and fourth step, hit him from his unguarded sides, one stronger and faster than the previous one.

But when Gai is about to launch his fifth and final step, Obito covers himself in a Gudōdama Shell and launches five other Gudōdama at Gai as a counter-attack, but Jiraiya appears and using a big Senjutsu-infused Rasengan he deflecting them, at the same time Gaara uses his sand to make a step for Kakashi, who uses Kamui to make a breach in Obito's shell, clearing the way for Gai, who finally hit him with the fifth step that is strong enough to break through Obito's shell and send him crashing into the ground.

But even wounded, Obito once again stood up, then spitting blood from his mouth he says "Very good, Let's dance some more", meanwhile, as Naruto and Sasuke are begin healed, the duo is meeting with Hagoromo Otsutsuki, the Rikudou Sennin, who is explaining to them their history, from Kaguya to Shinigami, and Ashura and Indra, and the birth of the Bijuu, then as the nine of them appear around them, Hagoromo asks "What do you want to do after this battle is over? What would you seek? I want to hear what you think, honestly and sincerely".

After hearing their answer, Hagoromo calls for both young men to stretch out their hands, so that he can impart his power to both of them, then they both once again stood up ready to fight once more, meanwhile, Gai seeing that Obito was able to withstand his Sekizō, he decides to use his most powerful Taijutsu, Yagai (Night Gai), he crunches and says "Seki (Amass)", and emits an enormous amount of red steam, the so-called 'Steam of Blood', and his chakra manifests into a red burning dragon around his body.

Shouting "Ryu (Flow)", he then dashes forward at such an extreme speed that the space ahead is distorted, making it impossible for Obito to defend against it, then deals an immensely powerful kick that carries such force that it is capable of obliterating half of Obito's body, as well as creating a devastating shockwave linear to the kick.

The recoil was such that it completely shattered the bones in Gai's striking leg, and as a result of opening the Eight Gates, soon left Gai on the brink of death, slowly turning into ash, crumbling from the immense discharge of his chakra.

Obito, who is now sitting on the ground with his left side slowly regenerating, looks at Gai's body on the ground and says "Hahaha...I thought I was a goner... You damned lunatic! That one was truly left up to the fates to decides... As a gesture of respect... Before you turn to ashes... I shell kill you myself...!" and shoots a Gudōdama at Gai's defenseless body.

Still, Naruto suddenly appears and kicks it back to him, then laying his hand on Gai, the latter's life force begins to return to his body slowly, at the same time, Shinigami who enjoyed watching the fight between Gai and Obito says "To think that humans would develop so much... That kick would have been able to wound even me... But in exchange for that power, that guy is now on the verge of death, and even then he wasn't able to kill that kid... And now that blonde kid kinda reminds me of Hagoromo and Homura...".

Then looking at the faces of the various ninja who tried and failed to hurt him with several Jutsus, Shinigami says "Now, what should I do with you lot? Well...It's better to reap your souls... I'll need as much Chakra as possible for the next fight..." then he uses Sonido to appears in the middle of the group, but just as he was about to attack, the Raikage A appears in front of him in his Lightning Chakra Mode and punches him with his remaining right arm.

But Shinigami doesn't even bother to dodge this attack, and as A's fist lands on his bones it doesn't have the expected result, Shinigami calmly raises his scythe as if he didn't even feel the blow, turns his head, and looks at the Raikage as he asks "Is this the best you can you...? Pitiful!" and swings down his scythe at the stunned A aiming to cut him in half.

Dosu seeing this decides to act and using the Shunpo he learned from Ren, he quickly reaches the Original Arancarr, then he swings his arm and yells "Gekishin" and his fist hits his target, the air in front of him seems like shattering and then a focused shockwave is produced from that point, that even if unable to wound Shinigami, sends him flying up in sky saving the Raikage.

Then Haku follows up on his teammate's attack and uses his strongest Jutsu, yelling "Hyōton: Hyōten Hyakkasō (Ice Release: Frozen Heaven Hundred Flower Funeral)" and a huge hole opens up in the clouds, a large amount of snow falls down onto Shinigami's still rising body, and as the snow comes into contact with his body, ice flowers sprout all over it, instantly trapping him in a pillar of ice.

And Tajiro focusing all his remaining Chakra says "As Ren says 'If you aren't sure of your kill... Double tap'!", he brings both his hands together and slowly draws his right arm back like he is drawing an invisible bow, a bright yellow arrow made up of Scorch Release grows between his hands, then in his double voice says "Shakuton: Taiyō no Isshi(Scorch Release: Arrow of the Sun)!" and releases the arrow at the frozen enemy.

The only thing it could be seen is a yellow beam that passes through Shinigami's frozen body, then an incredible explosion can be seen in the distance almost like a small sun appeared in the sky, and as soon as Tajiro released his Jutsu, he fell on his knees panting and divided himself in a naked Taro and Jiro, as both look at the result of their attack with hope in their eye, the same is seen on the faces of all the other ninja of the Alliance.