Chapter 182 - Shinigami's End

Now the group finds themselves in an icy realm, composed of frozen canyons and mountains, with another castle-like construction that is situated atop an icy cliff.

After transporting everyone into a new dimension, Kaguya opens a portal and gets out of the block of ice leaving behind Naruto and Sasuke, but just as she is about to attack them, Sakura appears and throws a punch at her, but Kaguya with her Byakugan can easily see and block the attack, but the force behind Sakura's punch is still able to push Kaguya away a buy enough time, for Sasuke to use Kagutsuchi to free himself and Naruto from the ice.

But just before they could plan a counterattack, Kaguya opens another portal and steps into the dimensional void then causes the world itself to suddenly start attacking Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, as strong winds, big icicles, and frozen mountains start attacking the group from various direction.

Going back to a few moments before, in this new Icy Dimension, Shinigami is still being overwhelmed by Ren's homing swords, not leaving him anytime to prepare a counterattack, and soon his defense slips and he is hit by all six of them killing him instantly, then retreating in his soul form Shinigami says "Damn! If this goes on I will lose all the souls I have harvested until now and I will really die... I have to do something!".

Then he quickly revives himself and uses Sonido to quickly reach Ren's position, but as soon as he is in sight, the whole world shakes and soon starts attacking Ren and Shinigami, Ren is easily able to defend himself, he doesn't even need to move, as the six swords are flying around him, quickly decimating any threat coming, meanwhile, Shinigami realizes something from this and quickly infuse some souls into his Scythe, whose blade once again starts changing the size and shape, becoming bigger and more menacing each new souls it absorbs.

Then he forcefully swings his scythe towards the ground yelling "Momento De Muerte(Moment of Death)!" at first nothing happens, but in the next second, the whole dimension starts to shake even more before everything becomes still, next the grounds split, and a ravine so huge that you can't see the end is formed and keeps slowly expanding as the mountains collapse, but even worse you can see that Shinigami's cut is extending in the sky leaving behind a black void.

Kaguya comes out from another portal high in the sky, and she can clearly see that Shinigami didn't cut only cut the ground to stop her attack, no he severed the whole dimension, meaning that right now, her Icy Dimension is slowly dying and collapsing, and if she wants to collect Naruto, Sasuke, and the others' Chakra, she has to move them to another of her others dimensions, so she quickly uses Amenominaka to move everyone in another dimension, with a vast desert full of sand dunes.

Seeing this Shinigami starts to laugh and he says "Mhuahaha!! Yes!! That is the way to defeat that bitch!! Changing dimensions consumes so much Chakra that even Kaguya can't easily do it, I can exhaust her if I keep doing this! After all, what she does is practically instantly rewriting reality to move the destination to herself that is why those around her are included in this shift".

Then Shinigami tries to once again use Momento De Muerte to destroy this dimension too, but before he can do so, Ren finally moves and quickly stabs Shinigami with his main sword, he moved so fast that his enemy couldn't react, and says "Did you think I'd let you do as you like?", and again in his soul form Shinigami says "It doesn't matter that you are here, you can't stop me! I'll revive once more, and try again and again until I succeed!! I have gathered enough souls to revive as many times as I need!!".

But as Shinigami revives once again, Ren says "Then I just have to kill you that many times... It's time to end this!!" then Ren with his hand points at the newly revived Arrancar and chants "Uzuhaso, Senjinka (Vortex Lotus, Thousand Bladed Flower)!!!" and soon the six swords around Ren, moves towards Shinigami and starts spinning around him in multiple directions, creating a cage around Shinigami and at the same time generating a strong attractive force that sucks the various debris and holds Shinigami in place, preventing him to move.

Ren then says "You know...? I was always curious to know how much damage being inside a Rasengan could generate... so thanks for being my lab rat!", after saying this, he generates from his wings a countless number of tiny blades, that is quickly sucked inside the vortex he created, spin around, and shred everything inside, so huge is the number of tiny blades that sometimes they spill out of the vortex, creating an image that reminds of a spinning lotus.

The only things disturbing this beautiful scene, are the screams of Shinigami, who is unable to escape because of the attractive force, he is forced into an endless cycle of death and rebirth, as even with his control over the soul he can stay in his pure soul form only for a minute before, he revives, if he doesn't the Gates of Hell will come and claims his soul, as every time he dies he can feel their calling.

Ren looks at his techniques and says "I used enough Chakra to make this technique last 1 year, if he revives every minute that means he will die 525.600 times... Hell, I doubt his reserves of souls will last this much... I don't even think he will last a day of continuous death, but better safe than sorry...Oh shit! I almost forgot about Kaguya if she shifts dimension once again she will save him!! Better send this as far away from her!" and so under his command, the spinning lotus with Shinigami inside slowly moves away from the battle.

Then Ren focuses on Kaguya's battle and that she now fighting against Naruto's countless clones with Sakura and Sasuke's support, but she is still at an advantage as she can easily deal with them, with a combination of her Taijutsu and Tomogoroshi no Haikotsu (All-Killing Ash Bones), but from her move, Ren notices that she decided to stop holding back and kill at least one of them so that she can't be sealed, as her attacks are now more vicious.

Then she aims at Sakura and attacks hers with Yasogami Kūgeki (Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack) gathering Chakra in her palms and then manifesting it into a sequence of countless fists in the air, but Sasuke stands in front of her and protects her with Susanoo, who breaks under her powerful assault sending both flyings.

Kaguya takes advantage of Naruto's distraction over the worry for his teammates, and with her hair binds the only Naruto with the Gudōdama behind him and stabs him with the Tomogoroshi no Haikotsu coming out of her hands, and quickly that Naruto starts turning into ash, but then disappears with a puff, showing that Naruto tricked her into killing a clone.