He Is the Man Behind the Successful Man!

The current Konohagakure was very lively. People couldn't even wait for dawn after such a thing had just happened.

Under the Hokage Rock.

Outside the Hokage Building.

Groups of Konoha Ninjas gathered outside.

Standing at the front were the Hyuga Clan and Uchiha Clan.

These two clans, who usually compete for the strongest clans in Konoha, stood on the same side at this moment.

The people of these two clans had different degrees of anger on their faces.

The people standing behind them.

Some of them were ninjas from other clans, and some of them were onlookers.

"Third Hokage-sama is here!"

Someone shouted from the crowd, and everyone's attention was instantly focused on the rooftop above the Hokage Building.

Under everyone's gaze.

Hiruzen, who was wearing a Hokage robe, walked out.

At this time.

The face under the Hokage's hat was extremely ugly. He was really on a tight rope here.

Can't go up, can't come down.

It was extremely uncomfortable.

No one knew better than him how serious Kumogakure's threat was.

After yesterday's discussion with Hari, he was infinitely close to reaching an agreement to avoid battle.

Of course.

The premise was that Konohagakure would compensate Kumogakure for the loss!

However, in Hiruzen's opinion, it was not a problem.

As long as it could be solved with money, it was not a problem.

It did not matter if he lowered his head.

It did not matter if he admitted defeat.

As long as it was a grievance that he could bear, it did not matter.

What was important was that this could bring peace to the village!

But, Hiruzen was having a headache right now!

He had just received news about the loss of the Hyuga clan and the death of the Uchiha clansman Uchiha Sekai.

As the Hokage.

He was too clear about the status of the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan in Konohagakure.

Something like this happened.

If he did not have an explanation.

They definitely won't let it go over so easily!


Hiruzen cleared his throat. He stood on the rooftop of the Hokage Building and looked down at the crowd below.

It was now midnight.

Although there was some light in the crowd, it was obviously not enough light for Hiruzen standing on the rooftop.

The crowd was dark.

It was impossible to see the faces of the people present.

However, he was very clear in his heart that words could no longer calm the emotions of the people gathered here.

'Damn Hari!'

Hiruzen cursed in his heart. He could almost foresee that what happened tonight would become an important point in the history of the Ninja World.

The death of Uchiha Sekai!

It might become the turning point in the Ninja World!

Along with Hiruzen coughing, the voices of the people at the scene gradually quieted down; but it was still not as silent as before, and they could still hear the continuous sounds of discussion everywhere.

It was just the attention of most people.

They had already focused on Hiruzen!

"Everyone, don't worry!"

Hiruzen's deep and magnetic voice slowly rang out. His voice was not loud, but it seemed to have magic. It spread far and wide, clearly ringing in everyone's ears.

"Tonight's matter will definitely not end like this!"

"Everyone, go back and rest first!"

"Trust me!"

"I will definitely take care of this matter properly!"

Hiruzen wanted to calm down the emotions of everyone through these words temporarily. Even if he was the Hokage, he did not dare to let this turmoil continue.

In the dense crowd below.

More than half of the people were Hyuga and Uchiha.

Although their expressions could not be seen.

However, he could clearly sense the emotions of these people.

If this kind of thing was not handled well.

Not to mention the problem between Konohagakure and Kumogakure, whether he could keep the position of Hokage was another matter.

Hiruzen had been in position for many years.

He understood a simple truth.

Don't ask for success, but ask for nothing.

As long as he didn't make a mistake and didn't give others a reason, generally speaking, everyone wanted to be stable and wouldn't question his position too much.

This way, he could steadily accumulate strength and slowly support the Sarutobi clan.

But now was the most dangerous moment!

Hiruzen smelled the smell that could shake his position as Hokage.

The people in the village were in a state of chaos. Recently, major events had happened one after another, and Uchiha's clansmen had been beaten to death.

Outside, Kumogakure, Iwagakure, and Sunagakure were eyeing them covetously, and the war could break out at any time.

In this situation, it could be said that both inside and outside troubles were present!

As long as these things appeared alone, it could cause a very bleak effect, not to mention that these things had a posture of wanting to appear together.


"Absolutely not!"

"We are not leaving!"

"This matter must be explained to us immediately!"

"Our clansmen died. Why do we still let Kumogakure ninjas sleep peacefully?"

"Third Hokage-sama, our Hyuga clan's dojo has collapsed!"

"We will not let this matter rest!"


Just as Hiruzen finished speaking, the dense crowd below began to protest even more intensely.

Now was the time for the masses to be enraged!

Regardless of whether it was the Uchiha clan or the Hyuga clan, they had long since understood that the Third Hokage had not done anything in the passing years.

If they retreated now.

Tomorrow's mood would definitely decline.

At that time, things would be different!

They had to do it in one go!

The people at the scene did not secretly communicate with these things, but they reached an unprecedented agreement at this moment.

The reason was very simple.

For so many years, almost everyone understood the Third Hokage's character.

"Everyone, calm down first. Don't worry. This matter definitely won't end just like this. I will definitely explain it to everyone!"

Hiruzen raised his hands. His forehead was already covered in fine beads of sweat. He was thinking quickly in his head, but faced with such a situation, he didn't know how to resolve it.

Step step step step...

Just at this time.

Footsteps sounded behind Hiruzen.

Three old people walked up from the rooftop entrance and walked towards Hiruzen.

The one walking at the front was Shimura Danzo.

Behind him were two Konoha consultants, Koharu and Homura.

Hiruzen turned around and saw the three of them.

His messy heart calmed down a little.

"Hiruzen, at this time, we must make a decision. Otherwise, if we delay, we will only be in trouble." Danzo walked behind Hiruzen and said in a low voice.

"That's right!"

The two consultants, Koharu and Homura, nodded simultaneously, both agreeing with Danzo.

"How do we decide?"

Hiruzen's face was extremely gloomy. He tried his best to maintain his calm on the surface, but his heart was already in turmoil. This could be said to be the most serious situation he had faced since he took office.

After sitting in the position, it had always been a small problem.

Now this kind of thing.

He needed some time.

Go back and think about it.

He did not dare to make any decisions easily.


If anything went wrong at one point.

It would cause an irreparable situation.

"Either surround Kumogakure's envoy immediately and capture Hari to appease the emotions of the Uchiha clan and Hyuga clan, then prepare to start a full-scale war with Country of Lightning and Kumogakure!"

Danzo's voice was very low. Only Hiruzen and the surrounding consultants could hear it. His voice was filled with extremely decisive killing intent.


Danzo took a deep look at Hiruzen and did not say the rest of his words.

Danzo sometimes hesitates when facing his own choices. Still, if he stood behind Hiruzen, he would clearly and thoroughly see the problem, which could help Hiruzen make the most precise decisions and analyses.

It could be said that

He was the man behind the successful man!

"Or what?"

Hiruzen took a deep breath. He stared at Danzo and asked. The first choice just now was too desperate for him.

Once he made the decision.

Konohagakure would once again enter a state of war, and the people would suffer the devastation of war.


Regardless of victory or defeat.

As long as the losses reached a level that was hard to explain.

"Either we kill the Uchiha clan as a warning to others and completely deter the Hyuga clan from causing trouble. We can quickly solve the internal problems of the village and turn the village into an iron wall. Then we can face Kumogakure's envoy group!" Danzo said coldly.


Hiruzen shook his head without hesitation and said, "This is absolutely impossible!"

"The Uchiha Clan has been making trouble for a long time. If we don't completely eliminate them, they will become a problem and bite back at Konohagakure one day!" Danzo argued strongly.

"Don't say this again in the future!"

Hiruzen waved his hand and looked at Koharu, then at Homura.

"Is there no third option?"

Hiruzen asked slowly. Although he directly refused Danzo's words and said it very simply, he had already considered these two options in the depths of his heart.

There was no option that could not be chosen!

Just choose the one with the least loss.

The lesser of two evils!

That was all.

"No more."

The two consultants shook their heads at the same time. Their meaning was the same as Danzo's, and he had to decide at this time.

"I understand."

Hiruzen nodded, and his eyes instantly became determined.

He was indeed indecisive when he was in a panic, but he was fearless when he decided. This was a very contradictory character, but it was also why the Second Hokage chose him.


Hiruzen turned around again and stood at the edge of the Hokage Building rooftop. His gaze looked down at the dense crowd below.

"Now I will immediately send someone to arrest Hari!"