You Are the One I’m Worried!

As soon as Aoba said this, Minato was stunned.

"What idea?"

Minato immediately widened his eyes, and his blue eyes were filled with anticipation and desire.

This period of time had made him extremely aggrieved.

The more he wanted to contribute to the village, the more strenuous he felt.

This made him feel that his whole body was full of fighting spirit, but he had nowhere to vent it. He could only silently suppress it in his heart which felt very uncomfortable.

"Go to Mount Myoboku to learn Senjutsu!"

Aoba stared at Minato's eyes. Now, Minato was about the same age as Naruto in Shippuden. Although his strength surpassed Naruto's, he felt that Minato had not learned senjutsu at this time.

"What senjutsu?"

Minato suddenly widened his eyes. His entire body was stunned as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

He had never heard senjutsu before.

This was like a brand new term for him.

The most important thing was...

Minato stared at Aoba doubtfully. How could Aoba know so many things?

"Senjutsu is..."

Aoba deliberately dragged out his voice for a long time, but he had no intention of explaining. Instead, he smiled and said, "I don't know either."

"You don't know how you want me to learn it?!" Minato almost rolled his eyes at Aoba; it was like his joking at him!

"Minato, listen to me. I don't know what senjutsu are, but I know how you should learn them."

The smile on Aoba's face became brighter. However, no matter what, Minato was the first person to make him feel warm in this world.

Then let's help a little!

In fact.

In Aoba's opinion, this was not helping Minato at all but just pointing out a direction.

This specific training depended on Minato's personal situation.

According to Minato, who was later reincarnated using Edo Tensei, Minato was not particularly good at using Sage Mode. The time he could maintain it was limited, and he could not use it as a regular battle style.

He wondered if there would be new differences after this change.

After all.

The Third Ninja World War was brought forward.

In that case, Minato's strength should also be brought forward a bit.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to establish merit points and push Third Hokage down.

Although the Third Ninja World War was a disaster for Minato's team, it was also the peak of Minato's strength and prestige, and he successfully became the Fourth Hokage based on the right time and place.

If the Third Ninja World War were to break out right now, it would be a great battle.

Even though Minato was currently very strong, he would not be the main character in this battle. It would be very difficult for him to build up the outstanding military achievements that would bring the Third Hokage down.

"What are you talking about?"

Minato was confused by Aoba's words. He blinked his blue eyes and stared at Aoba in confusion.

"Why didn't I understand it?"

"You said you don't know what senjutsu is..."

"And you said you know how to learn senjutsu?"

"What the hell is going on?"

"Hurry up and say it!"

"I'm so anxious..."

Minato asked one after another. His heart had already become anxious, and he wished he could pull out Aoba's tongue and tell him to hurry up.

"The training of senjutsu requires you to go to Mount Myoboku. You can use the summoning technique to summon the toad from Mount Myuboku, and then let the toad use the reverse summons to send you to Mount Myoboku." Aoba said with a smile.

"Do I really need to go to Mount Myoboku?" A hint of hesitation flashed through Minato's eyes.

"You don't dare?" Aoba deliberately tried to goad him.

"That's not it..." Minato shook his head and said, "You also know the current situation. The Third Ninja World War can break out at any time. If I go to Mount Myoboku at this time, wouldn't it be an act of running away before the battle?"

"Minato, you are thinking too much."

Aoba shook his head. He now understood more and more why Minato could become the Fourth Hokage that everyone in the village supported.

This person really placed the village's safety in a very high position.

He could even sacrifice himself for the village!

"With your current strength, even if you can kill some enemies in the Third Ninja World War, it will not cause a decisive change."

"You are not a match for Third Raikage."

"You might not be able to defeat the son of Third Raikage completely!"

"If you enter the battlefield like this, all you can get is constant self-consumption and damage. This is not a good thing for your future development."

"Minato, you are very smart. What you need now is to calm down and spend time settling down so that you can advance to the next level."

Aoba immediately said to Minato.


He had been thinking about it since he watched Naruto Anime.

Minato's Sage Mode could not be maintained for too long. It was likely that he lacked time to master it.

Since the Third Ninja World War broke out, Minato had been fighting on the battlefield until the end of the Third Ninja World War.

After the war ended, it did not give Minato much time. Instead, he became the Hokage of the village.

At that time, Konohagakure had a lot of things to take care of.

After that.

It was the Kyuubi Rampage.

Aoba felt that Minato did not seriously study the Sage Mode.

It was even possible that he learned it casually during the war because he did not have enough proficiency and could not become a conventional weapon.

No matter what the reason was.

Aoba felt that as long as Minato focused his mind and studied the Sage Mode seriously, he would definitely not be worse than Jiraiya.

"But... do I really have to train during the Third Ninja World War?" Minato pursed his lips and felt that this was not good.

"Yes, if you want to become stronger, now is the best opportunity. The Third Ninja World War will take a long time, long enough to wait until you come back to harvest the battlefield after learning senjutsu."

Aoba stared at Minato. If Minato had not said that he wanted to increase his strength, he would not have thought of that place immediately.

Now it seemed.

Letting Minato go to Mount Myoboku in this period of time was definitely the most suitable opportunity.

This will not only protect Minato from any damage in the early days of the war but also allow Minato to accumulate strength with peace of mind and come back to harvest for the Third Ninja World War.

Aoba was clear about the history of this Ninja World and understood that it was impossible to wait until the Fourth Ninja World War.

If Minato could not gain merit in the Third Ninja World War, it would be difficult for him to become a Hokage.


Minato took a deep breath. He already understood what Aoba meant, but he still felt that it was not good to leave like this.

"There is no 'but'..."

Aoba shook his head and directly interrupted Minato. He raised his hands and carefully patted Minato's shoulder, afraid that he would accidentally touch Minato's head.

"Don't worry and go to Mount Myoboku!"

"I will take care of everything here!"

"I will help you take care of Kushina!"

"You can be at ease over there!"

"Trust me!"

Aoba nodded his head at Minato and assured him firmly.


In a flash.

A lot of question marks popped up in Minato's head.

'What the hell?'

'How did it get to Kushina?'

Minato's heart suddenly tightened!

Initially, he thought that after going to Mount Myoboku, he wouldn't be able to contribute to the village.

The kind of thing that he wouldn't be able to see Kushina for a long time was initially a small matter, and he still had to prioritize the village first!


After Minato heard the promises that Aoba had just said.

Not only did he not feel at ease.

On the contrary, he was even more worried.

"That... About Kushina... I don't need to trouble you..."

The corner of Minato's mouth twitched as he spoke. He was no longer worried about the Third Ninja World War. What he was more concerned about was Aoba's so-called care.

Who can withstand this!

"No trouble, no trouble, it's my duty." Aoba shook his head and said. He had a mischievous smile on his face, knowing that he had successfully distracted Minato's attention.

"There's no need for that! Kushina can take care of herself! I think she's fine!" Minato's eyes showed a hint of caution as he stared at Aoba. He suddenly felt that this was a trap that Aoba had set up.

"Well, I won't care about her. As long as you can train in Mount Myoboku at ease."

After seeing the change in Minato's eyes, Aoba immediately changed the topic and did not continue with Kushina's topic.

As long as one's attention was diverted from one matter to another, then making a concession in the previous matter suddenly became unimportant.

This was a combination of the modern and ninja world memories that Aoba had accumulated.

"Are you sure?" Minato asked suspiciously.

"I was just worried that you might have something to worry about. I'm so busy with Konohagakure Intelligence Division every day. I don't have time to help you take care of your girlfriend. You can rest assured and go train." Aoba waved his hand and said snappily.

"I am relieved!"

Minato looked deeply at Aoba. There was something in his heart that he did not say.

That was...

You were the one who worries me!

Minato did not think too much at first, but following Aoba's rhythm, he was afraid that he would train for a few months; after returning, his girlfriend would run away with someone else.

"Aoba, I will ask Gamabunta right now."

Minato immediately raised his right hand and put his thumb to his mouth, ready to bite it.


Aoba grabbed Minato's hand and stopped him.

"My room is relatively small. It can't accommodate a toad as big as Gamabunta!"


"I'm ready to go back to sleep!"

"Ask slowly when you go back. Remember to ask Third Hokage-sama for leave before you leave."


"You must not tell anyone that this idea was given to you by me!"

"You can't betray me!"

As Aoba spoke, he raised his head and gestured to his roof. His room was a simple room. It looked about twenty to thirty square meters, and it was not as big as an ordinary university dormitory room.

If this Gamabunta comes out from here.

It could be said that he would directly destroy this Anbu's dormitory.

The current Gamabunta has fought with Jiraiya to fight Hanzo and helped Jiraiya win the Sannin title.

"Aiya, I was too anxious and forgot about this matter..."

Minato scratched his head and revealed an apologetic smile. He really wanted to become stronger, so much so that he didn't want to let go of this opportunity.



"I'll go back and talk to Gamabunta later."

"As for my trip to Mount Myoboku, there should be no problem with Gamabunta."

"But at this critical juncture."

"Will Third Hokage-sama really give me a holiday?"

Minato hesitated for a moment and voiced his doubts. He felt that the war was imminent. Konohagakure was in need of people. How could he let him leave so easily?

"Third Hokage-sama will definitely agree to your leave. Don't worry and go ask for leave!"

Aoba said without hesitation.

At this time, the Third Hokage was most afraid that these few people could accumulate battle achievements.

One of them was Minato!