Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal


Koharu and Homura looked in the direction where Aoba had left. A lot of question marks appeared in their heads, and they didn't know what to say. They both felt dumbfounded.

Did he leave just like that?

What did this mean?

Did he take the excuse that he was not ready to run away?

Was the mask used to cover his shame?

All of a sudden, Koharu and Homura looked at Eaton's face together, and their eyes were full of strong doubts.

"Eaton, I need an explanation. What does this mean?" Koharu frowned and asked.

"That's right. Is it because he can't treat Danzo, and then he ran away with this excuse?" Homura asked as well.

"Um... the two Advisor-sama... Don't worry!"

Eaton raised his hands, indicating that the two Advisor-sama shouldn't be too anxious.

At this time, his forehead was covered in sweat. He believed in Aoba but even he had to admit it. Aoba's way of doing things seemed very unusual at some point, making him feel that he could not keep up with Aoba's thoughts.

"I promise you!"

"90% of what he said is 90% that he can treat Danzo-sama!"

"If he can't, he will say it directly. He won't fool you at all!"

Eaton explained one sentence after another. He was also very anxious. After saying these words, he looked in the direction of the door and felt that he could catch up with Aoba.

"Advisor-sama, leave this matter to me. I will find him now. Tomorrow morning, the two of us will be together, and we will definitely treat Danzo-sama!" Eaton patted his chest and promised.

"You are quite confident in him!" Koharu took a deep look at Eaton, then nodded and said, "You can go!"


After receiving Koharu's permission, Eaton immediately quickened his pace and ran out of the door, chasing after Aoba's footsteps.

After Eaton left, Homura turned to look at Koharu, his eyes flickering with doubt and confusion.

"You don't really believe them, do you?" Homura asked.

"Otherwise, what else can we do now? Get Tsunade back?" Koharu asked helplessly.

"But..." Homura still wanted to say something, but when he saw Koharu's gaze, he obediently shut up.


After Eaton chased out of the corridor, he did not see Aoba. He immediately became anxious and quickened his pace again.

When he reached the stairs. He just happened to see Aoba standing there waiting for him.


Eaton let out a long sigh of relief. He stared at Aoba and couldn't help but smile.

"You really are good!"

Eaton knew that Aoba definitely did not leave because Danzo's injuries were incurable.

He understood Aoba's character. If Aoba had no way to treat Danzo's injuries, he would have told them everything frankly. He would definitely not say anything like that.

Since Aoba had said so. Aoba was confident. Eaton was still very confident in this aspect of Aoba!

"Brother Eaton, let's talk while walking."

Aoba nodded to Eaton and finally walked toward the Hokage Building entrance. This time, he came to the Hokage Building with Eaton, but it was different from the previous times. There was no need for him to worry about being discovered by the ninjas guarding the entrance.

Aoba took the lead and walked out. After he walked out, he stood at the entrance of the Hokage Building and waited for Eaton.

After Eaton also came out of the Hokage Building. Aoba and Eaton walked toward the direction of Eaton's residence.

"Aren't you going to hide?" Eaton walked beside Aoba and lowered his voice. Right now, he did not dare to call Aoba by his name. The current atmosphere made him feel uncomfortable. As Konohagakure Intelligence Division people, he clearly felt that there were many eyes staring at the two of them. They should be Hokage's Anbu.

"Is it useful?" Aoba's indifferent voice came from behind the mask.

"At least you can avoid these eyes," Eaton said helplessly. To his knowledge, Aoba was a very cautious person. How could he suddenly relax his vigilance like this?

"Actually, there is no need." Aoba's voice was still very indifferent. He did not care about these people and continued, "These people should have been sent by the two Advisor-sama. If I were in their position, I would also be wary of strangers like me, so it would be better to let them see it openly."

"This..." Eaton widened his eyes and was stunned for a moment.

"Even if we hide, they will still come if they want to find me. Moreover, we don't have any problems at all. If we hide directly, it will make them feel uneasy!" Aoba said calmly.

"Er... okay... okay..." After hearing Aoba's words, Eaton suddenly felt that it was quite reasonable. It seemed that this was really the case.

"Let's go."

Aoba did not say anything else and went straight toward Eaton's residence.

Eaton's residence was very close to the Hokage Building, and the distance would not exceed ten minutes.

After the two of them returned to Eaton's residence.

Eaton slowly breathed a sigh of relief. He had clearly felt that the gazes that were staring at them had disappeared. They should have gone back to deliver the information.

"Brother Eaton, do you have any place I can use here? It is best if it's a quiet place. I need to concoct some medicine. I will use it tomorrow to treat Danzo-sama's injuries," said Aoba as he walked into Eaton's residence.

"There is... there is... is a basement okay? But you need to wait for me to clean it up!" Eaton nodded. He could already tell from Aoba's tone that this person was planning to stay here today. Thus, he could only contribute the basement. It was just that there were some of his tools piled up there. He needed to pack them up.

"Thank you, Brother Eaton. You can go and pack up. I will write a list here. Later, you need to buy it for me. It's the ingredient necessary to make the medicine for Danzo-sama's operation tomorrow. I will have to trouble Brother Eaton." Aoba was not polite to Eaton at all. After all, in name, he went to treat Danzo's injury on the premise that Eaton wanted to repay Danzo.

"Aoba, tell Brother Eaton the truth. Are you really sure that you can treat Danzo-sama's injury?" Eaton pursed his lips and asked. He had just seen Aoba poke Danzo with a kunai, but Danzo did not respond at all. This was enough to explain many problems.

"Don't worry; I have 100% confidence. If I said it truthfully, the two advisors would feel that I was bragging, and I am Tsunade-sensei's student!" Aoba's words were filled with strong confidence.

"I understand!"

Eaton nodded heavily. He could clearly feel strong confidence in Aoba's eyes and voice.

This confidence was not something that could be created by just bragging. It was the strong confidence that came from strength!

"I'm going to clean up the basement now. You write the list!" Eaton immediately walked in the direction of the basement.


Aoba sat in the living room and took out a stack of paper from his ninja pouch. Without hesitation, he started writing on it.

A while later, Eaton returned to Aoba. His forehead was covered in sweat. It was obvious that it took a lot of effort to move away the equipment he usually loved.

"Aoba, the basement has been tidied up. Come with me." Eaton waved to Aoba. Now he had a feeling that he had transformed his home into a laboratory. Moreover, when he thought that he was doing this to repay Danzo's grace back then. Just thinking about it made him very excited.

"En, okay."

Aoba nodded and then took out a list in his hand. It was densely packed with medicine and items.

"Brother Eaton, I'll have to trouble you with these things. There aren't many things, but they are a bit messy. They might be a bit expensive." Aoba handed the list in his hand to Eaton. His eyes looked through the eye sockets of the mask, revealing a determined look.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me!" Eaton immediately took the list that Aoba handed over. Without looking at it, he placed it in the ninja pouch at his waist. Then, he said to Aoba, "Come with me!"

After saying that, Eaton brought Aoba directly to the basement.

Aoba nodded and followed Eaton to the stairs of the latter's house.

Eaton's house was slightly different from Fugaku's house, which was that the stairs at Eaton's house could go up, and there was also a staircase leading to the basement.

Eaton walked down the stairs and led Aoba to the basement. The basement was lit. This place could be said to be very clean. When translated, it was… There was nothing at all.

In the corner of the basement, there were huge boxes piled up. Those boxes were filled with all kinds of props.

"Aoba, I only left you a table and a chair. If you need anything else, you can tell me anytime." Eaton said to Aoba.

"It's pretty good. It's enough." Aoba nodded at Eaton.

"Then I will buy the items on the list for you now." Eaton immediately got up and walked upstairs.

"Brother Eaton, thank you for your hard work," Aoba said to Eaton.

"This is not a big deal."

Eaton waved his hand and walked up directly, leaving only Aoba here.

After Eaton left, Aoba immediately made a series of hand seals with which he was extremely familiar.

"Taju Kage Bunshin no Jutsu(Multiple Shadow Clone Technique)!"

Aoba immediately used a shadow clone technique, and a dozen people who looked like him appeared before him.

"I won't say more. You should already know. Hurry up and finish the task!" Aoba looked at the shadow clone with serious eyes.


These shadow clones nodded simultaneously, and they connected with the Flying Thunder God Formula on the tower with a thought. Then, they used Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique) and disappeared.


The tower's first floor.

After the dozen or so clones of Aoba arrived, each of them formed a hand seal at the same time and once again used Taju Kage Bunshin no Jutsu(Multiple Shadow Clone Technique).

In a split second, a densely packed clone appeared. Each of the clones sat directly on the ground and slowly closed their eyes, immersing their thoughts in reading Shimura Danzo's memories.


At the same time.

Aoba was sitting on the chair in the basement of Eaton's house. He raised his hands, rubbed his temple, and then slowly closed his eyes.

"Now, it's time to check Danzo's memories!"

When Aoba checked Danzo's injuries, he had already successfully touched Danzo's head and obtained his memories. However, he did not have the time to check them in detail.

Now was the time to check Danzo's memories.

Then Aoba sank into Danzo's memories.

He did not flip through Danzo's memories from the beginning like he was watching a movie. He did not look through the details for the time being. Instead, he was looking for a type of sealing technique.

Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal!

This sealing technique was very crucial in his plan!


Just like that, Aoba kept his eyes closed and went deep into Danzo's memories.


After an unknown period of time. Footsteps sounded in the basement. It was Eaton who had returned.

At this time, Eaton was holding many things in his hands. They were all bought according to the list Aoba had given.

"Aoba, all the things have been bought. See if there is any problem." Eaton carried the bag and walked to Aoba.


Aoba slowly opened his eyes and looked at Eaton, who was walking over. He raised his hand and took the bag from Eaton, then placed everything inside on the table. He checked it carefully.

"No problem."

Aoba nodded and looked at Eaton. He said, "Brother Eaton, I will take a day off today. I will prepare the medicines here."


Eaton nodded and took out the red book from his ninja pouch. He waved it in front of Aoba and said with a smile, "Actually, I also have a task. I will go and settle Teacher Bai's publishing work!"

After saying that, Eaton also laughed. He turned around and left the basement. In fact, he admired Aoba for being able to create those things in such an environment.

Following the heavy sound of the door closing. Eaton had already left this place.


After Eaton left, Aoba took a deep breath and closed his eyes again. He continued to search through Danzo's memories.

Right now, he needed to find memories related to Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal inside.

Time was very tight.

The sooner you could find the method to use Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal, the sooner you could practice.

At this time, one of the shadow clones in the tower suddenly widened his eyes.

"Found it!"

The shadow clone roared, and then with a bang, it immediately disappeared and returned to Aoba's body with the information.

Bang, bang, bang, bang...

As the shadow clone disappeared, the shadow clones in the surroundings were removed one after another, and the information surged toward Aoba's brain.

On the other side.

In the basement.

Aoba was still searching, and his brain suddenly shook. Information emerged from his brain.

"Found it!"

Aoba's eyes suddenly lit up. He finally found Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal in Danzo's memory. He had always felt that this seal was very powerful, but he did not know where to learn it.

Aoba flipped through many books about seals, whether it was given to him by Minato or by Kushina, but he did not see the Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal at all.

It was at that time. Aoba realized it. This was an extremely rare sealing technique. It was either extremely rare, rarely recorded in ancient texts, or it was something Danzo invented specifically for Root.

Now there was an answer.

The Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama, developed this sealing technique. At that time, the purpose of developing the Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal was to cultivate an Anbu death squad.

Through this group of people. It would then affect the rules of the war.

They were strong and unafraid of death. Even if they were caught, they would not reveal any secrets of the village. They could be said to be the perfect vanguard force.

Not only that, these people could also become the corpse army using Edo Tensei(Impure World Reincarnation) after their deaths.

The captured enemy ninjas in the war were used as Edo Tensei(Impure World Reincarnation) living sacrifices, allowing these death squad ninjas with strong mental attributes to once again appear in the form of undead and contribute their strength again.


Senju Tobirama was not able to cultivate this death squad in time.

The first ninja world war erupted.

In the end, after Danzo inherited the Anbu Leader position, he saw the Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal in Konohagakure's Book of Seals.

Danzo secretly took away the Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal and did not leave any copies.

The first time Danzo saw Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal, he immediately thought of cultivating a group of special Anbu that he would use this seal, which was the Root.

Root ninjas would do some shady things. Those things would not be leaked out when they were caught or betrayed. It was simply a perfect seal!

"In fact, the Second Hokage and Danzo are still somewhat different. This might be the difference between the final positions of the two!"

Aoba discovered through Danzo's memories when the Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama, was studying and creating ninjutsu; his first thought was the village and then his clan.

It was precisely because of this. Many of the things that Tobirama left behind were advantageous to the village, while the Senju clan was annihilated in the long river of history.

As for Danzo. He considered himself first, followed by Hiruzen, and finally, the village.

After all, Konohagakure suffered many disasters that almost destroyed the village, but he did not lead Root to attack any enemy. Instead, he waited until the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade, consumed too much energy and suddenly appeared to fight for the position of Hokage.

"Now I must hurry up and study the Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal!"

Aoba made a series of hand seals. This time, it was not the same hand seals earlier but the hand seals for Kage Bunshin no Jutsu(Shadow Clone Technique).

Along with the movement of chakra. In front of Aoba once again appeared a shadow clone that was exactly the same as him.

"You have an hour!"

Aoba stared at the shadow clone and said to the latter in a deep voice, "In an hour, no matter what the result is, immediately cancel all the shadow clones."


The shadow clone immediately responded, and then with a thought, he connected with the Flying Thunder God Formula on the first floor of the tower.

Immediately after, Aoba's shadow clone displayed Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique). His figure flashed and disappeared.