Pudding in the Teahouse

Aoba's eyes were on this clerk who was preparing to go home from getting off work as usual. After she finished the final accounts, she began to walk out of the bookstore.

After leaving the bookstore, the clerk did not directly take the road home but walked toward Ramen Ichiraku Noodle House.

This made Aoba a little surprised.

He did not expect to see Ramen Ichiraku in the memory of this store clerk.

"A serving of ramen."

The clerk's voice was full of exhaustion. After a day of work, her body could no longer support her spirit. Now, she just wanted to replenish her energy and go home to sleep well. After sleeping, she would welcome a new day.

When the clerk entered Ramen Ichiraku, it was already very late. It was close to closing. In her line of sight, a person was still sitting in Ramen Ichiraku, which rarely had people.


That person was wearing a cloak, and he was even wearing a hat when eating ramen. It was impossible to see his exact appearance.

This aroused the clerk's curiosity. While Teuchi was cooking her order, she kept staring at the mysterious person.

Aoba saw this scene.

He could already be sure.

This mysterious person wearing a hat was the murderer of the two people in front of him.

Through the memory of this store clerk, he could see that this person was not tall, looked thinner, was not burly, and was extremely quiet.

The clerk found that the mysterious person wearing a hat had been eating ramen without showing his face.

This made her feel very strange.

After a while.

Teuchi held a bowl of hot ramen in front of her and said smilingly, "Your ramen is ready!"

"Thank you!"

When the store clerk saw the delicious ramen, she immediately threw all these doubts to the back of her mind. She picked up the chopsticks on the table and began to eat the ramen.

She did not know why.

She seemed to have sensed something.

Just as the store clerk took the first bite of noodles, she couldn't help but look in the direction of that mysterious person.

She immediately saw a strand of white hair drifting out from the hat.

This strand of white hair only appeared for a moment before it was retracted back, no longer showing itself.

"What a strange fellow."

The store clerk muttered to herself. She only said this one sentence and did not say anything else. She lowered her head to eat the noodles in her ramen bowl and did not think about that person again.


The clerk finished the ramen.

When she finished eating, the mysterious person had yet to finish eating.

However, she did not want to care about this person anymore. After she went to pay the bill, she immediately set foot on the journey home. Now, she just wanted to go home quickly and sleep well. She could completely relax her tired body and stop this day's work completely.


She did not notice.

Just after she left Ramen Ichiraku Noodle House.

The mysterious person had finished eating and went to pay the bill.

The clerk did not notice.

However, Aoba noticed it through her memory.

"It seems this is a premeditated waiting, not a random encounter here!"

Aoba silently judged in his heart. At first, he wondered if it was because this store clerk met the white-haired murderer here and then saw something and was killed to silence her.

Now it didn't look like this!

It was completely after this white-haired murderer had already figured out the store clerk's whereabouts that he made preparations to wait here.

The store clerk did not notice the arrival of danger at all. She continued to take steady steps and was still thinking about what had happened in the bookstore during the day. Unconsciously, she reached an intersection.


At this moment.

A figure flashed quickly and slapped the store clerk's head with something.


Along with the sound of a heavy blow.

The clerk fainted on the spot.

When she woke up, she felt an indescribable pain.


The clerk suddenly let out a sharp scream, but she felt her tongue go cold before she could yell out. A bookstore membership card swiped across and directly cut off her tongue.


After the clerk lost her tongue, she could no longer scream like that, but it did not stop her from groaning from the intense pain.

She wanted to escape!

She wanted to leave this unknown place.


She found that she could not move.

He could only helplessly look at the moon in the night sky.

"Do you still remember this membership card?"

An extremely cold voice sounded. Following this voice, a figure appeared in the clerk's line of sight.

This figure was wearing a cloak and a hat. She could not see the exact appearance of the person in front of her, but she knew he was the mysterious person in the Ramen Ichiraku. It was just that against the moonlight, his face was dark, and even his white hair could not be seen.


The clerk wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything. Right now, she felt an incomparable pain all over her body. She didn't have the heart to look at the membership card at all.

"I think you don't remember it either."

The indifferent voice sounded again. Then, he squatted down and raised the membership card in his hand.

"This membership card made me very embarrassed at that time!"

After the mysterious person finished speaking, he suddenly held the membership card with his right hand and heavily chopped at the clerk's chest.


Accompanied by a piercing sound.

A third of the membership card had already been stabbed into the clerk's body.


The clerk wanted to scream but found that it was completely useless. She wanted to struggle but also found that she could not move at all. Her eyes gradually became fearful, and she realized that danger was coming to her.

"Give up struggling!"

The voice sounded again. It could be said that among the three victims that Aoba had their memories read, the one who the murderer spoke the most was this one.

"Your hands and feet can't move anymore."

"Do you know why?"

"That's because I broke the tendons in your hands and feet!"

"Now you can only lie here..."

"Be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!"

After saying this, the man did not say another word. He just kept picking up the membership card and throwing it at the clerk's body. Then he took it out again and threw it out again.

It was because of this method.

The same membership card left behind wounds on the clerk's body, but the depth of the wounds varied.


Aoba slowly breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes. This memory gave him a feeling that he had seen it but had not completely seen it.

This feeling was very strange.

This was the first time he was the closest to the white-haired murderer in the memories, and it was also the time the murderer spoke the most, but it was also the least information he found.

Other than a white-haired...

And this person had applied for a membership card in the bookstore!

'That's not right!'

'Even this is not necessarily the case!'

'Who said that membership card...'

'It must be his own membership card!'

In short.

There are some doubts here and there. It seems that they have found something, but in fact, he found less than the two people just now.

"Did you find anything?"

Fugaku's voice sounded in Aoba's ears, and his tone was full of expectation.

"This time, it's hard to say..."

Aoba shook his head. This was the first time he had seen such a murderer. Throughout the entire process, not even the victim had seen the murderer's appearance.

Not only that.

This murderer was obviously here for revenge.


This looks like self-proclaimed revenge.

It seemed that he did not care whether the dead people knew who he was. Instead, he was more concerned about whether the other party would die the way he wanted.

"White Hair."

"Went to the bookstore."

"Might have applied for a membership card."

"Went to Ramen Ichiraku to eat ramen on the day of the crime."

"There is nothing else..."

After Aoba finished speaking, he found that the murderer had eaten ramen in Ramen Ichiraku, which could be considered the biggest breakthrough.

Now, it was time to see if Teuchi had seen that person's appearance.

"That's all?"

Fugaku's expression turned strange. He stared at Aoba, hesitated momentarily, and asked again, "Are you tired?"

"Are you doubting my ability?" Aoba said in a bad mood.

"No, I just think that you have missed something. This store clerk was obviously injured by a membership card for a long time and died from excessive bleeding. Is there only this little clue in such a long time?" Fugaku asked in disbelief.

"This murderer is much more cunning than you think. He hid his appearance well and even used a sneak attack on people who were not ninjas. How do you expect them to see more information?" Aoba said helplessly. He felt that the white-haired murderer was also very cautious. He did not expect that he would not see the face of the person when reading the memories of the three victims.

"We have one last..."

Fugaku sighed helplessly. He pushed back the iron bed drawer the clerk was lying on and raised his hand to open the last drawer.

"Only this owner of the teahouse is left. Aoba, you have to work hard. If we can't find any clues on him, we can only rely on the existing characteristics to search little by little. That kind of workload is too big. Moreover, I think this person will not stop here. He will kill more people. The more passive we become if we can't catch him in time." Fugaku's face was full of sincerity. Right now, he really wanted to catch this white-haired murderer, but he did not know who this person was. It was very troublesome to find him.

"I will try my best!"

Aoba nodded. He could only say this, and he could only help here. He would not go back and read the clerk's memory from beginning to end and then find the young man with a card at an unknown time. This was an impossible thing.

Right now, the memories of these dead people do not reveal anything at all.

This made him very helpless.


Just when Aoba arrived.

He originally thought that he could directly confirm the appearance of the murderer by reading one of the corpse's memories and then completing the task in an instant. He never thought that things would develop in a complicated direction after this.

"I believe in you!"

Fugaku suddenly pulled out the drawer in front of him. Lying on the iron bed was a man with a fat body.

From the looked at this fat man clothes.

He was quite rich.

However, there was no way to look at this fatty's face anymore.

His nose and mouth were all stuffed with pudding, and there was an unpleasant smell everywhere. Aoba could tell that almost all the smell in the room came from this fatty.


Aoba raised both of his hands and pressed down on Fatty's head.


Aoba controlled the chakra in his hands. He used the Yamanaka clan's secret technique and surged toward Fatty's brain.


Aoba did not pay attention to the secret technique.

Instead, he felt the convenience of reading memories brought by the Mind Reading System.

"Ding Dong! Memory Reading Succesful! Obtained: Chakra Increase!"

A crisp electronic prompt rang out in Aoba's mind. As the voice rang out, memories flooded into his mind.

Aoba quickly flipped through the fatty's memories.

The hours before his death.

At this time.

The fatty was sitting on a chair in the inner room of the teahouse.

Three young girls were standing in front of him. Each of them had a seductive look in their eyes. However, they maintained a little distance from the fatty and did not get too close to him. Otherwise, Aoba might have to see some content you must pay to watch.

"Last week's harvest was not good!"

The fatty was holding an account book in his hand. The account book had very clear words written on it.


Aoba's mind moved.

Suddenly, the memory was fixed on this scene.

This way, Aoba could clearly see the content written on this fatty's account book.

No. 1: 3 plates of pudding.

No. 2: 1 plate of pudding.

No. 3: 0 plate of pudding.

No. 4: 0 plate of pudding.


All the way to No. 7.

Among them, No. 1 has the largest number of puddings.

As the fatty spoke, the girls all lowered their heads. Each of their faces was not very good, as if they were criticized.

"If the results are still the same next week, don't even consider getting paid!" The fatty waved his hand at the girls. From the looks of it, he already planned to kick them out.


The girls replied in unison. After they finished speaking, they immediately began to leave. Only the fatty was left in the inner room of the teahouse.

At this moment.

There were several plates of pudding on the fatty's table.

He grabbed a piece of pudding with his hand and put it into his mouth. A great sense of satisfaction appeared in his heart as he swallowed it.

"Not bad! Not bad! Such a delicious pudding! Wouldn't it be a pity not to sell it for more money!"

The more the fatty ate, the more comfortable he felt. He couldn't even help but raise his legs. His appearance was very similar to the nouveau riche that Aoba had known before. It was like he was at the peak of his life.

All of a sudden.

A big question mark appeared on Aoba's head.

In the teahouse.

Selling pudding?

Why does it feel strange?

The more Aoba thought about it, the more he felt strange. He had come to this teahouse with Yuta once, and he had seen this boss at that time, but he had not seen the words Pudding on the menu.


For the time being, Aoba couldn't figure out what was happening. After watching how the fatty died, he felt he must go back to check the fatty's memories to confirm how Pudding sold it in the teahouse.

"Can pudding be sold in the teahouse?"

However, at this time, a voice sounded from the inside door of the fatty's room. It was the content that Aoba was curious about just now, and the voice that spoke was the white-haired murderer.

It was indeed him!

Aoba nodded silently.

By this time.

It was already completely certain that these four people were all killed by the white-haired murderer.

Moreover, the process of being killed was clearly seen.

Right now, he was unclear about the identity of this white-haired murderer and the motive for killing these people. Just what kind of deep hatred did they have?


When the fatty heard the voice, he was stunned for a moment. However, there was no fear on his face but more anger.

"Who is spouting nonsense?"

Fatty directly put down his crossed legs, then walked directly towards the door of the inner room. He didn't want to listen to these strange words; he just wanted to beat up this person ruthlessly, to vent the unspeakable anger in his heart.

Step, step, step...

Fatty's feet collided with the ground, and because of his weight, the floor vibrated.


Fatty walked to the door.

He raised his right hand and opened the inner room door.


This fatty still hadn't seen anything clearly.

He felt a spray of something directly on his face. Then, his vision went black, and he lost consciousness.

'Sure enough!'

Aoba suddenly understood.

It was still a familiar formula.

It was still a familiar routine.

This white-haired murderer did not disappoint him. He still used a very efficient method to solve the problem. Even if the opponent was just a fatty without strength, he still used a powerful drug. This level of caution was comparable to his.

After the fatty's vision returned to normal.

It was pitch black in front of him.

He was covered with a black cloth.

Moreover, his entire body was bound by a rope.


The fatty wanted to say something, but he found that his mouth was propped open by something. He couldn't even shut his mouth.

"You're awake?"

A familiar voice rang in the fatty's ears. It was the voice of the white-haired murderer that Aoba had heard from the three corpses he checked.

This voice was not very loud.

However, it could clearly be heard by the fatty.

"Woo... Woo..."

The fatty asked, "Who are you" in a humming voice, but the saliva in his open mouth was a little dry, and after he finished speaking, a strong sense of discomfort rushed into his throat. He almost spat out because of the chain reaction.

"You don't need to know who I am. You don't even remember who I am. You just need to know that I bought pudding from you."

The white-haired murderer's indifferent voice slowly sounded. Then, he began making some rustling noises as if holding something.


The fatty twisted his body forcefully as if he wanted to say something. However, his throat was very dry now, and he could not say a word at all. The feeling of his mouth being stretched so wide that he can't stand it makes him feel uncomfortable and shed tears at this moment.

"Since you like pudding so much, then eat more!"

The voice of the white-haired murderer slowly rang out. After that, a pudding was poured into the fatty's mouth.


The pudding instantly stimulated the fatty. His stomach contracted violently, and a feeling of discomfort arose. He was about to vomit.

"You are not allowed to vomit!"

At this moment, the white-haired murderer used the scroll on the fatty's table and ruthlessly stabbed it into the fatty's mouth, preparing to shove all the pudding in the fatty's mouth into it.

"These are all your favorite pudding!"

"Each one is extremely expensive!"

"It would be a pity if you spit it out!"

"So you have to eat all of them!"

"Not a single one can be left!"

The white-haired murderer's voice sounded one after another, and his tone already revealed a playful meaning. As these voices sounded, another serving of pudding was poured into the fatty's mouth.

At this time.

Aoba finally understood what was going on.

This was how the fatty had suffocated to death!


He was not in a hurry to change the channel.

He also wanted to see what it would look like in the end.


As one serving of pudding entered the fatty's mouth one after another, the fatty was already on the verge of suffocation. His mouth was covered entirely, and only his nostrils gasped with difficulty.

"There's still one serving of pudding. Your mouth is already full. What can we do? Why don't we stuff it into your nose?"

The white-haired murderer's mischievous voice sounded, and he began to stuff the pudding into the fatty's nostrils.


The fatty's breathing became more and more difficult.

His consciousness became more and more blurry.

He slowly lost all signs of life.

At this point.

The fatty's final memories ended as well.

Aoba did not withdraw from reading the memories. Instead, he replayed the memory fragments, quickly looking for the pictures in them.

Not long after.

Aoba found the scene where Fatty interacted with No. 1.

He immediately replaced himself.

This was still the inner room of the teahouse. Fatty was eating pudding one by one, looking completely relaxed and comfortable.

A waiter of a teahouse was not far in front of him, standing in the direction of the door.

The waiter was opening a gap in the door, looking at the scene outside with a special expression on his face.

"Boss, boss, No. 1 is still the best. This person has taken the bait!" The waiter said with a smile.

"Calm down; see how many plates he orders. Such delicious pudding; if you don't order a few more plates, it will be too boring." As the fatty spoke, he repeatedly put a piece of pudding in his mouth.

"I will ask later!" The waiter immediately nodded.

After a while.

In a private room of the teahouse.

No. 1 waved to the waiter.


No. 1's tender and gentle voice sounded. As soon as this voice came out, the waiter immediately took the menu and walked out.

Not long after.

The waiter walked back with a smile.

"No. 1 is still amazing. She actually makes the guest order 3 serving of pudding directly. This time we can make a lot of money!" The waiter said with a smile after running out. At this time, his heart was already very excited, and his face was full of smiles.

"Not bad! Not bad! No. 1 did well! You can bring the pudding over there!" The fatty raised his hand and knocked on the plate in front of him, indicating that he could bring these puddings to the guests at the table.

When Aoba saw this.

He seemed to understand something in his head but did not completely understand it.

He immediately jumped back and looked at it.

He went directly to when the people at that table had to settle the bill.

Fatty walked over with his fat body, took out the bill, and placed it in front of the person. He said, "You spent a total of 3,200 ryo!"


The young man sitting opposite No. 1 was dumbfounded. He didn't know what was going on. He frowned and asked, "Boss, are you sure? We only ordered a pot of tea and three plates of pudding. How could it cost more than 3,000 ryo?"

"The tea you ordered is 200 ryo, and the pudding is 1,000 ryo per serving. The price is clear and fair." The fatty directly took out a menu. It was the menu that the waiter handed over just now.

The moment the fatty took out the menu.

Aoba thought of something.

The scene in this memory fragment froze.

At the same time.

Aoba looked at the menu and found that the tea price did not change. It was the same as the normal menu. However, there was an extra pudding where the original menu was blank; the selling price was 1000 ryo per serving.

"1,000 ryo for one serving of pudding. Why don't you just go and rob money? I don't have money. Why don't you ask her for it?" The young man suddenly felt that he had fallen into a trap. He realized that No. 1 in front of him was not a good person at all. She should be with the owner of the teahouse. This was a trap that they had set up together.

"It doesn't matter what you say. Today, either you settle the bill or don't think of leaving our teahouse in good condition!"

As the fatty spoke, he suddenly waved his hand. One by one, people walked out and instantly surrounded the young man.


The No. 1 who had contributed everything.

It was as if nothing had happened.

She just turned around and left.


When Aoba saw this scene, he suddenly opened his eyes and withdrew from the memory. He couldn't help but feel a little shocked. So the Ninja World also had this kind of thing. This is too real!

"Aoba, did you find anything this time?" Fugaku immediately asked. He felt that this time, Aoba had read the memory for a long time, or perhaps he was more immersed and might bring some more special information and clues to solve the case.

"There are indeed some, but there is still no specific identity of the white-haired murderer. However, there are some new discoveries." Aoba nodded. He was still angry about what the owner of the teahouse had done. Such a thing actually happened in Konohagakure. This really shows that the Third Hokage has been ineffective.

"Tell me!" Fugaku's eyes suddenly lit up. He liked to hear clues. If there were no clues, he would definitely feel uncomfortable.

"The white-haired murderer also killed this teahouse owner. Although I didn't see his white hair this time, I could tell from his voice that they were the same person!" Aoba first tells Fugaku about the white-haired murderer.

"I can feel it too!" Fugaku nodded. He had already noticed this, but it was not that Aoba's words were useless but it made him more confident about this matter.

"I saw in the memory of this teahouse owner that this white-haired murderer broke in while he was eating pudding!"

Aoba began to talk about the scene at that time.

"The white-haired murderer first used medicine to make the teahouse owner faint. Then, the murderer continuously stuffed pudding into his mouth. Finally, the murderer stuffed all the pudding into his nose, causing the owner to suffocate to death." Aoba said in a deep voice.

"This is the same as what Yamagata Ken-sensei gave me." Fugaku nodded again.

"During this process, the white-haired murderer told him that he had bought pudding in the teahouse. He was one of the victims. And it might have been a long time. Moreover, he felt that the teahouse owner had forgotten about him. I agree with this point. The teahouse owner should really not remember that there was such a thing because he cheated too many people." Aoba said slowly. He not only talked about memories but also added his own judgment.

"Why is a teahouse selling pudding?" Fugaku asked doubtfully. When he heard Aoba's words, it was an instinctive reaction.

"At first, I didn't know why. Then I dug deep into the memory of this teahouse owner and found something very amazing." Aoba pretended to be mysterious and said.

"What is it?" Fugaku's curiosity had been completely aroused. He stared at Aoba with wide eyes and couldn't wait to ask. He really wanted to hear Aoba's next words.

"The owner of this teahouse loves to eat pudding, and then he thought of a wine... pudding's method, and then through that pudding method, he pulled the guest to the teahouse to order pudding and then blackmail them with a high pudding price. Each pudding is priced at 1,000 ryo in the teahouse." Aoba used the clearest and shortest words he could express to tell what the teahouse owner had done.


"1,000 ryo?"

"Why doesn't he go and rob?"


"Isn't he robbing?"

"Didn't anyone resist?"

After hearing what Aoba said, Fugaku was a little dumbfounded. He had been in Konoha Military Police Force for many years but had never heard of such a ridiculous thing. It was just a pudding, and even 100 ryo was already expensive. He dared to sell it for a high price of 1,000 ryo!

"In the teahouse owner's territory, dozens of people would surround him if he didn't pay. It was like a gang fight. How could ordinary people dare to provoke the teahouse owner? So in the end, they had to pay the bill to settle the matter." Aoba shook his head and said. This was not only the way to deal with the Ninja World but also in the real world. In the end, many people who met the "Jiu Tuo Nv" were forced to suffer in silence. They all swallowed the bitter water into their stomachs and taught these things as experience. Take these as a lesson learned and be extra cautious in the future.

"So, you mean to say that the white-haired murderer was one of the teahouse owner's victims?" Fugaku suddenly felt that this case was not so difficult because he finally found some clues. In the past, he could not even find a little motive and did not know the direction of this white-haired murderer's revenge.

"That's right! This is also what he stressed when he killed him!" Aoba nodded and said.

"Then it can be said that this white-haired murderer has been trying to gather all the people with who he had grudges in the past and settle them one by one!"

Fugaku raised his right hand and pinched his chin. He fell into deep thought. His brain began to run quickly, and he was making quick deductions on the entire incident.

"This white-haired murderer could endure for such a long time without taking revenge. Now that he suddenly took revenge, it means that there might be some changes in his peaceful and stable life!"

"Let me guess..."

"He may want to betray the village, and there will be too few opportunities for revenge in the future!"

"It is also possible that he is about to go to the Third Ninja World War battlefield. He is afraid that he will not be able to come back alive and intends to take revenge before he leaves."


Fugaku analyzed them one by one. His brain worked very fast, and all he thought about was why the white-haired murderer's emotions suddenly burst out that had been suppressed for so many years.


"One thing is certain."

"That is, this white-haired murderer is very likely to commit another crime."

"After all, the murderers he chose were people who had conflicts with him. As long as there are people in the world that he remembers, he will continue to act!"

"Now, the white-haired murderer can no longer hold it in!"

"It is absolutely impossible for him to stop before he completely eradicates his target!"

"More importantly..."

"He has already killed four people in a row. He should have already experienced the pleasure of killing his enemies. He will continue!"

Fugaku nodded. His brain worked quickly. He guessed many things about this white-haired murderer, but what made him uncomfortable was...

He did not know the identity of that person at all.

"Brother Fugaku, I have told you everything I know. I will not participate in the analysis and reasoning. I believe you, Konoha Military Police Force, can complete such a small task." Aoba said lightly.

"I'll send you back."

Fugaku nodded immediately. Then, he pushed the corpse back into the cold storage room. Then, he took the lead and walked to the door. It seemed that he was going to leave with Aoba.

"Brother Fugaku, I can go back by myself. You can go back to Konoha Military Police Force directly. You should hurry up and deal with the case. If you catch that person early, the village will become safer." Aoba waved his hand and said. He did not stand on ceremony with Fugaku at all.

"No... Aoba... Are you sure you're okay?" Fugaku asked, stunned.

"What problem can I have? I don't know the white-haired murderer, so we don't have any grudges. Moreover, wouldn't it be good for you if I could lure him out?" Aoba said lightly.

"You said these words very easily, but you also know the strength of that white-haired murderer. He defeated even Ishida Yamato. If he found out because you helped me read memories, he would likely kill you. So I will send you back!" Fugaku insisted.

"Okay, if you are really willing to send me, I have no objection. But I still say my point, that is, I have already reported the information to you, and killing has no point. Moreover, even without me, other ninjas of the Yamanaka clan could read the memory. This worry is unnecessary." Aoba shook his head and said.

"Hahahahahaha, just take it that I am concerned about you. I don't want to let you encounter danger just after inviting you over. I will feel very uncomfortable!" Fugaku insisted.

"I think you should go back and deal with the case. If you have free time, you can rest for a while. Otherwise, your body won't be able to take it!" Aoba expressed his opinion again because if he did not go with Fugaku, he could directly use Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique) and quickly return to the dormitory. There was no need for such trouble.

"No matter how busy I am, if I can invite you over, I can still send you back. I have to do things from the beginning to the end!" Fugaku refused to budge.

"Then come with me!"

Aoba's face was full of helplessness. He did not say anything else.

Fugaku followed behind Aoba. He did not say anything but went to think about the information that Aoba had just given him.

All of a sudden.

The two left Konohagakure hospital and walked in the direction of Anbu's dormitory.

After the two of them had walked out for more than ten minutes.

"Aoba, do you think there will be a case tonight?" Fugaku seemed to be unable to understand something. He raised his eyes to look at the moon in the sky and could not help but mutter.


Aoba suddenly widened his eyes. His gaze crossed the darkness in front of him and landed on a man wearing a cloak. The person held a girl around fifteen or sixteen in a princess carry.

Fugaku was suddenly shocked by Aoba's action. He instantly looked forward with rapt attention. His pitch-black pupils immediately became three tomoe Sharingan, and his vision became clear.

"He is..."

Fugaku's complexion was incomparably serious, and his pair of blood-colored eyes erupted with intense anger.

"The white-haired murderer!"