The Outrageous Questions on Chunin Exam Paper

As Shikaku finished speaking, the participants stood up from their seats one by one. They held their own forms and began to run forward quickly.

Although they could not openly compete for a seat.

But those who move quickly can still go ahead.

From their point of view.

If they took the form first, they would have a better chance to get a better seat or at least a better chance.

And if they become last...

Then they could only pick the last seat available.

"Aoba, when do you think we should hand in the registration form?" Saki immediately asked Aoba. At this time, she already respected Aoba's opinion very much.

"Anytime. I don't think there is any difference." Aoba said indifferently. He had already prepared to be in a situation where the three of them were in different examination rooms. He already gave the paper to Saki and Rin, so no matter where the first examination was conducted, it was the same for him.

"I don't have any objections either," Rin said in a low voice. She glanced at Aoba and finally fixed her gaze on Saki. Although the two of them did not ask her, she still took the initiative to say her opinion. That was, she had no objections.

"Then let me decide on this matter!" Saki looked at the two people who had no objections. After that, her gaze landed on Shikaku. Her gaze was solemn, as if she wanted to see through Shikaku. He slowly said, "The three of us will be the last to hand it over. I want to see if Brother Shikaku will give us three different rooms."


Aoba nodded lightly. In fact, he was not very sure in his heart that Shikaku would deliberately arrange different rooms for them.


It was just as Saki had said.

If the three of them were the last to submit their registration forms.

If there were any problems with the results after so many people were randomly assigned, then they could confirm that Shikaku used his positions and arranged their seats.

"Then do it!" Rin nodded. Right now, she was not afraid of anything. She would not answer the written exam questions no matter where she sat.

In a short time.

The three of them had already decided on the time to submit the registration form, which was to submit after everyone had been assigned a seat.


As time went on.

The Chunin Exams participants in the classroom had already submitted their registration forms.

Then, they left the room.

There were only two teams left.

One was Aoba's team\.

The other was Iwagakure's team, who came in earlier than them.

"Let's go."

Akainu stood up. After he got up, he looked at Saki and Rin. His gaze swept over the two people and finally fell on Aoba.


Akainu directly revealed a meaningful smile. He seemed to have something to say to Aoba but did not say anything. However, he clearly did not say anything, but it seemed like he had said everything.

After that.

Under Akainu's lead, Aokiji and Kizaru followed behind.

These three Iwagakure ninjas walked toward Shikaku together. Each of them held their respective registration forms in their hands.

Very quickly.

The three of them changed the registration forms in their hands to number plates and walked out of the classroom one after another.

At this time.

Only Aoba and the other two were left in the classroom.

Shikaku's gaze immediately fell on Saki and the other two. His expression was calm, as if nothing had happened. He was still the same as when he was facing the other participant.

"Do the three of you still want to participate in the written exam?"

Shikaku's gaze fell on Aoba and the others. He asked despite knowing the answer. However, he said that because he had his own purpose.

He wanted to use this method to create pressure in Aoba and the two girls' hearts.

"Of course!"

Saki immediately stood up, picked up the registration form, and walked directly toward Shikaku.

Rin followed closely behind.

Aoba followed behind the two of them.

"If you still want to participate, then hurry up. Don't waste time, lest you delay the other participant." Shikaku said snappily. What he didn't want to hear the most was what Saki had said just now. No one knew better than him, the Chief Examiner, that the Chunin Exams had changed into something else this time.

Under the gaze of the other proctors in the classroom.

Saki took the lead to walk in front of Shikaku and directly handed over the registration form in her hand.

As she walked over.

She vaguely felt that the people around her were all people Shikaku had instructed, and each had a strange expression.

It was as if they were already the targets of the focused supervision.

"This is your number plate. Take it to the examination room, and don't communicate with each other!" Shikaku directly handed a number plate to Saki. After speaking, he immediately nodded to the people next to him and asked them to take Saki away from here.


After Saki received the number plate in her hand, she walked directly to the classroom door. She did not intend to stay here for too long.

After Saki walked out, Rin was next to exchange for the number plate.

After that.

Rin also walked out, making Aoba the only participant left in the classroom.

Aoba handed the registration form over to Shikaku.

After Shikaku received Aoba's registration form, he took out a number plate and looked at Aoba.

"Aoba, the proctor standing in front of you has the answer," Shikaku said faintly.

"What do you mean?" Aoba asked, stunned.

"You can ask the proctor for the answer, so you can be deducted 5 times in a row!" Shikaku said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Aoba suddenly wants to laugh. He was not angry at all. Instead, he spoke slowly, as if he was watching his performance.

"Aoba, listen, our agreement is still effective. If you deliberately cheat five times in a row to make Saki and Rin lose their qualifications with you, then I will still group you with Hatake Kakashi into the same team in next year's Chunin Exams." Shikaku said in a low voice. He had not given up on this matter, not only because the Third Ninja World War had already begun but also because, this time Chunin Exams had already become different. The participant that participated had already become stronger. This was something that he had to consider.

"I have no intention of participating in next year's Chunin Exams," Aoba said with a faint smile. His appearance gave Shikaku a feeling of extreme indifference.

"You mean to say..." Shikaku narrowed his eyes. His eyes flashed with a cold light. He said, "Do you think you can pass these Chunin Exams?"

"No." Aoba shook his head. There was still a smile on his face. He said, "I don't think I can pass these Chunin Exams."

"Then why are you not willing to cooperate with me?" Shikaku asked coldly. He looked at Aoba with even more unfriendly eyes. He vaguely felt that Aoba was deliberately finding fault.

"No reason; I just don't want to. It's just that simple." Aoba said with a smile. As he spoke, he picked up the number plate and waved it in front of Shikaku. He said, "Can I go to the examination room now?"

"Yes." Shikaku looked at Aoba coldly. The way he looked at Aoba could be said to be very unfriendly, but there was nothing else he could do other than this.


Aoba walked out of the classroom with the number plate.

He stood in the corridor.

He glanced at the number plate.

There were a few numbers written on it.



This number 302 was the classroom number.

Then this number 1 should be the seat number.

"Give me the number plate!"

Just as Aoba saw the words on the number plate, a proctor standing next to him immediately raised his hand; his goal was to ask him for the number plate.

Aoba did not say a word and just directly gave the number plate to the ninja.

In fact.

His heart was already very clear.

His seat was already arranged!

After all, Shikaku had already said that there was an answer to the proctor in front of him. Didn't that mean that Shikaku knew where he was going to sit?

"Come with me!"

After looking at Aoba's number plate, the proctor led Aoba into Classroom 302.

At this moment.

This room was already filled with people.

One participant at a desk.

There was also a large gap between each other.

This made Aoba recall the time when he was in school. At that time, the examination has the same setup.

"Your seat is there."

The proctor who brought Aoba in pointed to a desk. It was the first row of seats near the door. It could be said to be the place where there were the most proctors.


Aoba did not say anything. He directly sat down at desk number 1. This was obviously Shikaku's arrangement. If there were no accidents, these proctors would take care of him.

As Aoba walked toward the desk, his eyes quickly swept across the classroom to ensure he did not see Saki and Rin.

Looks like...

He was right!

This was Shikaku's arrangement!

All three of them were separated into different classrooms!


A few minutes ago.

Saki sat at Desk No. 1 in Room 304. She looked at the proctors going back and forth in front of her. She knew that Shikaku had specially instructed these people. There was only one seat available in this classroom, which meant that Rin and Aoba would not be in this classroom.

Sure enough!

As expected of Brother Shikaku, he did not disappoint me!

Saki silently muttered a few words in her heart. Now, she felt that things had become more interesting. If this Chunin Exams were to compete with the other participant and the Chief Examiner, she would have a great sense of accomplishment after becoming a Chunin.

After all...

This was not something anyone could experience!


Under the proctor's guidance, Rin arrived at Desk No. 1 in Room 303.

However, she didn't think much of it.

She was already waiting for Saki and Aoba to think of a way to give her an answer. As an Ino-Shika-Cho clan member, she clearly understood whether it was Saki's Kagemane no Jutsu(Shadow Imitation Technique or Aoba's (Shintenshin no Jutsu)Mind Body Switch Technique, it was very easy to obtain information.

As for herself...

Don't think about it!


As Aoba entered the examination room, all participants had already gathered here.

Step, step, step...

Footsteps sounded outside Classroom 302's door.


The sound of the door opening suddenly sounded, causing the originally quiet participants to tense up instantly.

The person who came in was the chief examiner of this Chunin Exam, Nara Shikaku!

"Everyone here is here, right?"

Shikaku's gaze swept across the examination room and finally landed on a proctor in charge of this examination room. His words were actually asking a question that he already knew the answer to, with the purpose of making everyone realize that the exam had already started.

"It's all here!" The proctor nodded and said.


Shikaku walked to the podium and picked up a sealed bag. He personally opened the bag and took out a stack of papers from the inside, showing them to the Chunin Exams participant present.

"This is the test paper you need to answer!"

"The test time is 1 hour!"

"You must hand in the test paper before the time end; otherwise, you will be regarded as giving up the test!"


"I announce the start of the first round of Chunin Exams!"

Shikaku handed the papers in his hand to the proctor next to him, indicating that the latter should distribute these papers. Then, he left the classroom and walked toward the next room.


After Shikaku left, the proctor in charge of this room began to distribute the papers in his hands quickly.

Aoba sat at the first desk.

It could be said that he was the first person in this classroom to get the paper.

After he got the paper, he began skimming the test paper. The first thing he saw was where the name should be written.

After that.

He looked at the question.

[First Question:

Please decipher the code below, translate it into words and write it out. (Followed by a series of densely packed symbols.)]


When Aoba saw these symbols, a small question mark appeared in his head.

This was a f*cking funny question!

At first glance, it looked like a messy code, and even the hieroglyphs were easier to identify than this.

Were all ninjas sent out secret codes like this?

Aoba was stunned for a moment. The reading comprehension he had done in the past was not so complicated.

Was this really a question for Genin?

He vaguely felt that there was no answer to this question. At least he had read the memories of so many people, but he had never seen anyone who would always transmit information in such a disorderly manner.

If there was no accident...

This was a question that was deliberately put in and impossible to answer!

In other words...

The answer had nothing to do with the question!

It was impossible to answer this question in a normal answering process. He could already be sure that the first round of Chunin Exams was to test the ability to obtain information.


Aoba couldn't help but continue to look down.

He wanted to know how ridiculous the other questions were.

[Second Question:

As shown in the parabola in Figure b. This is the maximum range of a shuriken thrown by a ninja standing on a 7-meter-high tree!

Please write down the characteristics of local ninjas that may appear within the shuriken range and the maximum range when fighting on a flat surface!

Lastly, please write your basis!]


When Aoba finished reading the second question, the number of question marks on his head increased, and ten thousand alpacas whistled through his mind.

This question...

The people who can think of it are talents!

The information given by the questions and the questions asked had no logical relationship at all.

This kind of question was ridiculous!

Especially the question to describe the local ninja characteristic that may appear, was there any logical relationship in this? It was like a joke.

The next question.

Aoba looked over.

There is a feeling that the donkey's lips don't fit onto a horse's mouth.

Until the last question.

They were all like this.

There were no legendary questions.

Each question was so simple and unadorned, making it hard to understand.

After Aoba finished reading, Aoba directly put the paper on the desk and looked up at the proctor in front of him.

In a split second.

Aoba looked directly into the eyes of this proctor.

The proctor standing in front of him was also looking at him. The two of them looked at each other, and no one spoke.

Immediately after.

The proctor immediately patted the ninja pouch on his waist.

It drew Aoba's gaze to the ninja pouch.

Only to see.

There was a slip of paper pasted on the ninja pouch.

The word "answer" was written on the slip of paper.

Judging from the movements of this proctor, it was obvious that Shikaku had informed him and deliberately guided Aoba so that he could cheat.

This person's body...

There should be no answer!

Aoba was thinking quickly. He did not think that with Shikaku's wisdom, he would set up such an obvious loophole. After all, as long as he used the (Shintenshin no Jutsu)Mind Body Switch Technique, his soul could enter this proctor's body so that he could control this person's actions and get the answer.

If that was the case.

Then it was no longer Shikaku who was making things difficult for them.

Instead, it was Shikaku who wanted to help them!


This was something that was impossible!

After all, before Aoba entered this examination room, Shikaku had just talked to him. The content of the conversation was to make him deliberately cheat five times and lose his, Saki, and Rin qualification. How could he give him a chance here?


The corners of Aoba's mouth slightly curled up, revealing a sneer. This proctor in front of him provided him with a springboard.


Aoba lowered his head and lay on the table.

His hands formed the posture of the (Shintenshin no Jutsu)Mind Body Switch Technique, and he aimed at the proctor not far away in front of him...