Why Are You So Concerned About Aoba?

The words of this Hokage's Anbu Captain directly stunned everyone. Everyone stared at this Hokage's Anbu Captain in a daze, and the expressions on their faces were wonderful.

These words...

What was the difference between saying and not saying anything?

It was complete nonsense!

He didn't say anything important at all.

The war was about to begin. They had already come to the frontline, but the current situation was that they weren't even clear on how to fight. It could be said that they had no clues at all.

This kind of thing...

It was simply inexplicable!

In fact.

Not only did these Anbu feel strange.

Even Aoba, who was standing with them and waiting, felt strange. Even in TV dramas, he had never seen such a command.

Wasn't this really sending them to their deaths?

This question appeared in Aoba's mind. Now that things had developed to this point, he was almost certain that Hiruzen hadn't made any preparations when he called them out. It was purely because Hiruzen suspected that someone among them was a descendant of the Uzumaki Clan, or rather, a Kirigakure ninja.

This was too child's play!

Aoba silently shook his head. His eyes were filled with helplessness. His impression of Hiruzen was getting worse and worse. In terms of handling many things, he even felt that Hiruzen might not be as good as Danzo.

After Hokage's Anbu Captain finished speaking, he saw that everyone present was confused, but no one said anything, so he directly left.

It was only after Hokage's Anbu Captain left.

Everyone realized.

They had been standing here for a long time. It was clearly an early war meeting, but after the meeting, they still did not know what to do.


At this time, Eaton walked towards Aoba. His gaze fell on Aoba and his expression was very ugly. It was obvious that he was still concerned about what had just happened. His mood was not very good.

"Brother Eaton!" Aoba nodded at Eaton.

"There is a problem here. You must be careful!" Eaton said. Although he had a low voice, he did not lower it too much, so many people around him still heard it.


Hearing Eaton's words, everyone could not help but suck in cold air. Hearing such words had already made their already suspicious hearts even more suspicious.

This matter was strange to begin with.

In addition, these words came from Eaton's mouth.

This made it even more certain.

After all...

Eaton was Konohagakure Intelligence Division's Captain, who was very good at information. If he said this, it would inevitably make people feel that something was wrong here.

For a moment.

Many people pricked up their ears and paid attention to the sounds here to ensure that they did not miss anything.

Aoba stared at Eaton.

He did not reply.

In this situation, it was not good for him to say anything.

It was better to quietly listen to Eaton finishes the rest of his words.

Under the gazes of many people around, Eaton pursed his lips and slowly spoke.

"There is no deployment here. It looks very strange. I won't say too much. If we just wait for the enemy to attack, it will be too passive. It will make us have many problems. I think we should be more careful and make plans early!"

Eaton noticed that everyone was staring at him. He also thought of this result and did not care too much. However, when he was about to say something, he thought about it and did not say it too clearly. After all, such a thing was not so simple. If he said too much, it might bring many unnecessary troubles. This was something he did not want to appear.


Aoba nodded. His eyes were staring at Eaton and had already seen it. When Eaton said the key point, he suddenly stopped and did not say the following words.

"You will stay by my side later. If there is any problem, I can take care of you better." Eaton said.

"Yes!" Aoba immediately responded.

All of a sudden.

Everyone was staring at Aoba and Eaton. Everyone expressed their doubts about the contents of their conversation. They seemed to understand something, but they did not understand anything.


At this time, a ninja stepped forward and walked in front of Eaton. He stared at Eaton with burning eyes, and his entire face was full of doubts.

"Why are you so concerned about Aoba?"

This ninja immediately asked.

When he asked this question.

It just so happened that many of Anbu had this question in their minds. They could also see that Eaton was overly concerned about Aoba.

All of a sudden.

Everyone's eyes fell on Aoba, and there was a look of doubt in their eyes.

Aoba felt everyone's gazes, and the expression on his face did not change at all.

Just now, when this ninja stood up and asked this question, he had already seen that this person was not a simple person. He was among the people who had been watching him on the way here, a Hokage's Anbu.

It was not just this person.

There were many curious eyes on the scene, all of them were Hokage's Anbu.

The mission of these Hokage's Anbu was different from the other Anbu. The other Anbu mission was to come here to fight, and Hokage's Anbu mission was to monitor Eaton and find out who was closer to Eaton.

It was precisely because of this kind of mission.

Aoba had been targeted by these Hokage's Anbu.


When Aoba thinks of it.

Aoba felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

If he hadn't prepared a few shadow clones in advance, then he really wouldn't have had the chance to send out his shadow clone right now because he was being closely watched by these ninjas. There really wasn't a suitable opportunity to go to Konohagakure and spray water to clear his suspicion.

This was also clear proof.

In fact, Hiruzen's method was very uncomfortable, and he really did find him, but Aoba used a more sophisticated method to obtain an alibi for himself.


Eaton slowly opened his mouth. After he finished speaking, the ninjas on the scene all focused their eyes on Eaton. The curiosity in their heart became even stronger. This question had also puzzled them. After all, they had never seen Eaton treat anyone so well before.