Namikaze Minato!

Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 454 Namikaze Minato!

Five days later.

Aoba sat in the Anbu dormitory.

At this time, his clone's memories had all returned to his body. Everything that these clones had done had been transmitted to his brain.

"Now everything is ready..."

Aoba knew very well what kind of things he had done. These things were enough to make the ninja world in a chaotic situation.

It was now the Third Ninja World War.

Iwagakure and Konohagakure's ninjas fought in a bloody battle on the border between the Country of Fire and the Country of Earth. People died and the surrounding trees were watered with blood every day.

The more the ninjas fought, the fiercer they became.

It was already a situation where they would not stop until one of them was annihilated.

They could even do anything for victory.

Apart from that.

After Iwagakure dispatched a large number of ninjas, they encountered a ruthless backstab from Sunagakure. A large number of puppets entered their village, causing great harm.

There were not many deaths.


Many of Iwagakure's ninjas were injured.

They were very disgusted by Sunagakure's actions.

Even the Tsuchikage personally fought back against the invading puppets.


Something that puzzled Onoki appeared.

After these puppets were defeated, they did not see any shadow of a puppet master. Those who controlled the puppets seemed to have disappeared along with the puppets that were defeated.

This was very strange!

Not only did Iwagakure have such an encounter, but Sunagakure was also the same. When their ninjas were sent out to attack Konohagakure, their village directly encountered Iwagakure's backstab.

Sunagakure was in a much worse state than Iwagakure.

You have to know...

Sunagakure had once ambushed Konohagakure.


In Aoba's knowledge.

Only when it came to the generation of Gaara and Naruto did they feel a little better. As for the past, it had always been Sunagakure and Konohagakure forming an alliance, but in the end, they tore up this alliance.

In the face of such a village.

Aoba did not leave any face.

He controlled earth-release ninjutsu when he was in the desert and launched an attack on Sunagakure, causing Sunagakure's wall to collapse.

At this point.

Both Sunagakure and Iwagakure had established a conflict that was difficult to resolve. They hated each other to the bone.

On the other side.


In Raikage's office.

The Third Raikage looked at the scroll sent by the ninja on the front line and frowned. His eyes flashed with doubt.

"Is Kirigakure crazy?"

There were a lot of question marks on Third Raikage's head. Since he became Raikage, no, to be precise, since he remembered things, Kirigakure had never been so crazy.

"This number..."

"All the ninjas in their village have come out!"

"Did we, Kumogakure, dig their ancestor's graves?"

"Why did they fight so fiercely?"

The Third Raikage was completely baffled. He did not do anything to Kirigakure at all. Previously, he had just threatened when he was in Konohagakure and did not really do anything excessive to Kirigakure.

Why did it look like...

It was as if there was some deep hatred.

"Raikage-sama, what should we do? If we do not go all out, there is a possibility that the border will not be able to hold on." A half-knelt dark-skinned female ninja asked.

"Even if you can't resist, you have to!"

The Third Raikage said in a deep voice. His eyes flashed with a faint light, and his mind kept echoing what the Third Tsuchikage said when he came here. After that, he said coldly, "Right now, we can only mobilize this much power. No matter what method we use, we must hold Kirigakure back."


This female ninja said helplessly. Even though their Kumogakure ninjas were powerful and all of them were proficient in ninjutsu, they were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.

She could not understand at all.

As long as their Third Raikage sent out a few more people.

Soon, they could solve Kirigakure's problem.

Why do they have to hold on so hard?

For what?


She did not ask much.

After answering, she left directly.


At this time, a young man came from behind. He had an extremely strong body at such a young age. His dark skin was very similar to that of the Third Raikage. He was the future Fourth Raikage.

"Do you feel anything?" The Third Raikage asked.

"Yes." The young man nodded.

"Tell me." The corner of Third Raikage's mouth curled into a smile. He had allowed his son to follow by his side because he wanted to nurture him as the Fourth Raikage.

"In fact, the problem just now was very easy to solve. We can send about two-thirds of our forces to resist Kirigakure. As long as we send more ninjas, we don't even need to send all of them out to quickly resolve the battle. Why didn't we do this?" The young man asked doubtfully.

"Good question!" The Third Raikage nodded. Although he usually did not manage political affairs, he was a Raikage after all. Many things were involved, and he was not a reckless man who had no strength. After that, he said, "The current situation in the ninja world is too subtle. Iwagakure's focus seems to be on Konohagakure, but if we shift the strength of our defense to Kirigakure, we will probably encounter Iwagakure's sneak attack."

"Is Iwagakure's spies so well-informed?" The young man immediately thought of the old man from that day, and his heart trembled slightly.

"We have to be on guard!" The Third Raikage was like a frightened bird. He did not have Hari's ability to judge. He did not know if what the Tsuchikage said was true or false. It was this kind of uncertainty that made him unable to relax at all.

"Father, what if we quickly gather all the ninjas at Kirigakure battlefield and immediately end the battle with lightning speed? This way, we can use our remaining strength to only defend against Iwagakure. Wouldn't this make us no longer be attacked from both sides?" The young man could not help but ask again.


The Third Raikage stared deeply at the young man and said earnestly, "Never bet on any fart when you have diarrhea, because you will lose badly."

"What do you mean?" The young man asked in a daze. He still did not understand.

"Kirigakure has always been cautious. Now that they suddenly launched such a fierce attack on us, it is very likely that they planned it with Iwagakure. If we rashly gamble, we may end up suffering a crushing defeat. When Iwagakure ninjas rush from the back, we will all be finished!" The Third Raikage took a deep breath. The current situation was very abnormal. The more abnormal this kind of thing was, the more he felt like walking on thin ice.

"Father, aren't you thinking too much? According to the information we have obtained, Iwagakure is now unable to protect itself. Not only did they suffer heavy casualties in the battle with Konohagakure, but they were also attacked by Sunagakure. There is no way to sneak attack us. " The young man said doubtfully. In fact, what he said was no longer limited to the truth. The current Iwagakure really did not have the ability to attack Kumogakure anymore.

"The information may not be true!"

The Third Raikage shook his head without hesitation. His instinct told him that there was no such coincidence.

Why did the ninja world immediately become chaotic after the Third Tsuchikage found him?

He felt that the whole world was scheming against him.

Kirigakure's attack was fake.

It was also fake for Iwagakure to be attacked.


The battle between Iwagakure and Konohagakure could also all be an act for him to see.

As long as he mobilized the remaining ninjas in the village, then Kumogakure might face a combined attack from the remaining major ninja villages.

He did not want to see such a scene.


Even if it was just a fart.

He could not gamble.

Because he could not afford to lose.


The young man looked at his father's self-opinionated appearance and understood that his father had already made up his mind. No matter what he said, it would be useless. No one could persuade his father in this state.

"I understand."

The young man nodded and put on a look of enjoyment. After all, there was no other way apart from this.



In the Hokage's office.

"Danzo, what should we do now? The front line is about to collapse. We were just ambushed by Sunagakure. Many ninjas have been injured and lost their fighting strength. If this continues, I am afraid that Iwagakure will attack the village." Hiruzen said with a face full of worry. At this time, he was really afraid. The development of the matter was too fast. His Hokage position was already in danger.

"In the current situation, we have to send more ninjas," Danzo said helplessly. After the injury and the treatment, his temperament changed a lot. He understood that his life was now in the hands of someone else, so he became extra careful when he spoke. He did not want to say anything wrong that would cause his life. After being injured, he cherished his life even more.

"There are no more ninjas!" Hiruzen was worried. He did not care about the matter of Konoha White Fang stealing merit points. Right now, protecting the village was the most important thing.

"Yes." Danzo nodded. He thought about it and felt that the person wearing the mask was not that person, so he dared to speak.

"Who?" Hiruzen was stunned for a moment. He was the Hokage of the village, and he was very clear about the current situation of the village. Konoha Hospital was already overcrowded. He didn't even have Hokage's Anbu by his side. The remaining was for him to personally go on stage.

"Your student, Orochimaru." Danzo said in a low voice.

"Orochimaru?" The color of Hiruzen's face changed even more. He was not only worried about Konoha White Fang stealing the merit points but also worried about Orochimaru. After all, the latter was also a strong competitor for the Hokage position. But he still said, "What can he do by himself?"

"Although he is alone, his strength is comparable to hundreds of ninjas. It is very difficult for Iwagakure to match up to his strength." Danzo said seriously. He recommended Orochimaru at this time because he was actually making arrangements for his future affairs.

"This..." Hiruzen immediately hesitated.

"In addition to this method, we can only recruit students from the Ninja School," Danzo said helplessly. Right now, he had no way to give any good ideas. There were only so many ninjas in each village because it was very slow to train them. However, their death was fast. At this speed, the number of ninjas in the village left would not be enough, and would be exhausted soon. He did not have the ability to make beans into soldiers, so how could he have a better way?

"Students cannot be allowed to participate in the war unless it is absolutely necessary. The public opinion in the village will change resulting in me taking responsibility and resigning." Hiruzen directly shook his head. As the Hokage of the village, he was too clear about the consequences of doing so. If he used the students, it would be equivalent to putting the students in a place of life and death. Even mature ninjas might not be able to come back alive, let alone the children in the village. The casualties would definitely fill up his negative information.

"Hiruzen, why are you so hesitant? Now, make a decision immediately. Our top priority is to protect the village first even if you have to take responsibility and resign as a result. If the village is gone, what is the point of you being the Hokage?" Danzo was still helpless.

"There must be a better way..."

Hiruzen frowned. He quickly thought about it. He did not want Orochimaru to go to the battlefield. He liked this student very much and even give some preference for this student. However, deep in his heart, he was still somewhat afraid of this student of his.

In this student's eyes...

He could not see the light of the will of fire.

Once he releases him.

He might fall into a situation that he could not control.

"Actually, I feel that letting Orochimaru go is a better result. Because of Orochimaru, Tsunade and Jiraiya might also be attracted. This way, we will gather the Sannin again. With the three of them, we can instantly turn the situation around." Danzo said again. He had his own plans in his heart. As long as he let Orochimaru go to the battlefield, the follow-up would be much more convenient for him.

"You mean that Orochimaru can bring Jiraiya to the battlefield..."

Hiruzen silently repeated. When he mentioned Jiraiya's name, his eyes immediately widened, and his eyes flashed with hope.

"That's right!"

"I told you I seemed to have overlooked something!"


"That's right, it's Jiraiya!"


Hiruzen suddenly burst out laughing. There was no longer the haze from before. He seemed to be in a very good mood.

"Hiruzen, Jiraiya's whereabouts are unknown. We can't find him at all. If he is willing to help the village, he probably comes out long ago." Danzo felt that Hiruzen's brain was broken.

"No, no, no..."

Hiruzen shook his head again and again, his eyes shining with confidence.

"I'm not looking for Jiraiya."

"It's his student..."

"Namikaze Minato!"