Anbu Ninjas Are the Real Ninjas!

Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 514 Anbu Ninjas Are the Real Ninjas!

In the Hokage's office.

Orochimaru stared at Hiruzen. He did not care about Eaton in the room at all. Even until Eaton left, he did not even look at him.

Right now, he was in a very bad mood.

He had just finished reporting on the recent events.

He was ready to devote himself to his research.

Not long after he returned to the laboratory, he was called over by the two ninjas. He was in a bad mood and had nowhere to vent his anger.

"Old man, tell me quickly, what's the hell is going on? You can't finish it in one go so you have to call me again!"

Orochimaru sat down on the chair that Eaton was sitting on just now. He was quite casual about the Third Hokage in front of him. He did not show the respect that a ninja should show to the Hokage, nor did he show the courtesy of a student to a teacher.

In the face of such Orochimaru, Hiruzen did not care at all. Obviously, he was used to it.


Orochimaru would treat him like this.

In fact, he was the one who spoiled him.

It was precisely because of this.

Orochimaru gradually acted even more unbridled in front of him, doing whatever he wanted to do, saying whatever he wanted to say.

"I need you to take over Root." Hiruzen got straight to the point. This was the reason why he called over Orochimaru. There was no need to beat around the bush and say all kinds of polite words.

"What did you say?" When Orochimaru heard Hiruzen's words, he was stunned for a moment. The corner of his mouth twitched and he said, "Are you crazy!"

"I am not crazy. I am very sober. This is the reason why I called you over. I need you to take over Root and be the boss of Root!" Hiruzen said in a low voice.


"Absolutely impossible!"

"I won't do it!"

Orochimaru slammed the table and immediately stood up. He did not even have the thought of staying here. He was already prepared to leave.

"Orochimaru, it is now a critical moment. I need your help. I need someone to take over Root. You are the best candidate!"

Hiruzen also stood up.

He stared fixedly at Orochimaru.

His tone became a little higher.

From his current posture, he still hoped that Orochimaru would change his mind. According to what he said, Orochimaru would take over Root and become the boss of Root, helping him share his worries.

"Root has Danzo," Orochimaru said casually.

"Danzo is injured, and he is already unable to control Root." Hiruzen narrowed his eyes and said.

"Sarutobi-sensei, what makes you think that I can give up my precious time and tie me up on that completely meaningless thing? I have no interest in being the Root boss. If you think that Danzo can't do it, then you can find someone else!" Orochimaru rejected it without hesitation.

"In the current situation, it is hard for me to believe in others," Hiruzen said helplessly. He also wanted to have a group of people that he could trust. However, all he could see in the entire Konohagakure were people who saw him under the light. The only person who could make him reveal his dark side in peace was Danzo. Now, he could add Orochimaru. That was because Orochimaru was his most beloved student.

"That's right."

Orochimaru suddenly revealed an inexplicable smile. He stuck out his tongue again and licked the corner of his mouth. He stared meaningfully at Hiruzen with his long and narrow snake-like eyes and slowly said, "Don't trust anyone easily, including me. Don't trust me easily. Maybe one day, not only will I not help you, but I will also come to kill you!"

After that.

Orochimaru smiled evilly.

Then he left the office without looking back.

In this office.

Only Hiruzen was left.


Hiruzen let out a long sigh. He had thought that Orochimaru might refuse, but he hadn't expected that Orochimaru would refuse so straightforwardly.

"This is troublesome!"

Hiruzen understood that Orochimaru wasn't trying to brush him off. Instead, he was displaying his true self in front of him. He would do whatever he wanted to do, and he would say what he wanted to say. Now that Orochimaru said this, he truly didn't want to become the Root boss.

As long as Root wasn't taken over, then it was still in Danzo's hand!

Hiruzen was very clear about this point.

When Danzo helped him, Root was the sharpest spear to him, but when Danzo wanted to break with him, it was simply the sharp blade that pierced his heart.

This was a double-edged sword!

But he still had to use it!

Without Danzo's help, he would not be able to stabilize his position as Hokage.


He knew from the beginning.

Danzo had been secretly accumulating his power. Root was this power, which belonged to Danzo. Even if Danzo wanted to rebel, they would follow Danzo.

Hiruzen knew that this power did not belong to him, nor did it belong to Konohagakure. It was all Danzo's!

"It seems that I have to think of another way. I absolutely can't sit still and wait for death!"

Hiruzen picked up his smoking pipe on the table again and lit it. Finally, he took a deep drag and slowly walked toward the window. His gaze was fixed on the Hokage Rock and he tried to calm himself down.

His heart was getting more and more chaotic.

Things were becoming more complicated.


Anbu Dormitory.

Aoba's shadow clone was drawing manga in the dormitory.

After all, he didn't have any art foundation. He could only slowly ponder over it and accumulate experience in the process of pondering about it. Then, he would slowly become more and more familiar with it.

Now his body could complete some difficult drawings, but his painting style has not yet been formed. Everything he did was just simple drawings, he was just expressing the plot in the form of drawings.

Of course.

Even if that was all.

This was still a rare way of presenting literary works in the ninja world.

Teacher Bai's exquisite lines gradually became clearer under the paintbrush of Aoba's shadow clone. Coupled with a series of high-difficulty movements, he believed that he could definitely open a brand new world in this ninja world.

Once this manga was released, it would definitely become a hit. It could even be used as a guide for some people, helping them learn a variety of movements with different difficulty levels, triggering a national movement craze, and helping people in the ninja world exercise.

Not only that.

This manga could also alleviate the pain brought about by the war in the ninja world.

Aoba believed it.

This was a book that could increase the birth rate of the people in the ninja world.

War consumed the population and increased the occurrence of pain, and the role of this book was to replenish the population and bring love to the world.

Of course...

There was another premise.

Don't ask what color love was.

If you ask, it will be green!

Aoba's shadow clone was already immersed in this feeling. He already had a great understanding of the manga. He was immersed in drawing every line without any intention of being half-hearted.

He did not have the time to send this feeling back to his main body, but it was not important. When he returned to the main body, it was not too late to send it again.

Just as Aoba's shadow clone was busy drawing the manga, hurried footsteps sounded outside the door. From the footsteps, it could be heard that this person was hurrying over, and his mood seemed to be a little anxious!


Aoba's shadow clone stopped drawing. He looked in the direction of the door. He could clearly hear the footsteps, so he was sure of something very clear.

Someone was coming.

The current Anbu was only him and Eaton.

The only person who could come now was Eaton, and the purpose of coming here must be to find him. There was no other possibility.


Aoba's shadow clone stood up and walked toward the door..

When he walked to the door, he raised his hand and unlocked the door. He just happened to see the figure standing in front of him, raising his hand to knock on the door, but before he could knock, the door was already opened.

"Brother Eaton, you're looking for me?"

Aoba's shadow clone smiled and looked at Eaton in front of him. He did not deliberately wait for the knock. Since the other party was already here, he would have to open the door sooner or later. It was better to open the door now.

"Aoba... What a coincidence... I do have something to talk to you about..."

Eaton was stunned.

He was just thinking about what to say after knocking on the door.

However, before he could think about it, the door had already been opened. His plan had been disrupted in an instant, and he had yet to completely organize his words.

"Come in and talk."

Aoba's shadow clone immediately turned around and walked into the room. He knew that if Eaton came to find him now, there must be something, so he sent out an invitation in advance.


Eaton nodded. He walked into Aoba's room and directly found a chair and sat down. After that, he wanted to say something but didn't know where to start.

Eaton's expression was reflected in the eyes of Aoba's shadow clone. This made him realize that something must have happened to Eaton.

"Brother Eaton."

"You must have come to find me for something."

"Tell me."

"Maybe I can help you."

Aoba's shadow clone stared at Eaton, his eyes flashing with doubt. He rarely saw Eaton like this.


After hearing Aoba's words, Eaton immediately sighed. It could be seen that he had a deep sense of helplessness in his heart. However, he still decided to say these things that puzzled him. After all, what happened to him made him extremely puzzled.

"It's like this..."

"I just went to see Sandaime-sama."

"The main reason is that I want some people to join our Anbu. After all, our Ane is really short of people. There are only two of us."


"The process was unexpectedly smooth!"

"It can't be said to be really smooth. Sandaime-sama seems to be thinking about something else..."

"In short, it's very strange!"

"Ssandaime-sama was stunned for a moment before agreeing. He also wrote the transfer orders directly to me, and looked at my expression, which made my chrysanthemum feel a little uncomfortable."

"There is another strange thing..."

"When I came, I saw Orochimaru-sama leave the office. But before I left, I saw him return to the office."

"This is too strange!"

"I can't tell what's wrong specifically, but everything here makes me feel uncomfortable. I just feel like something is wrong..."

Eaton told him almost everything that he had found out. He was afraid that if he didn't say it now, he would forget some details. Therefore, he said everything first and then slowly talked about it.

Compared to Hiruzen...

Eaton now believed in Aoba more.


After Aoba's shadow clone finished listening to these words, he gradually understood what he meant.

"What you said is indeed a bit abnormal. Let me think..."

Aoba's shadow clone was still Aoba in a sense, so its way of thinking was the same as Aoba's. It could be said to be a part of Aoba, so after obtaining Eaton's information, everything he could think would be the same as Aoba.

Before Aoba's shadow clone appeared, he had already experienced the matter of controlling Danzo to look for Hiruzen. He also knew that the other shadow clone had encountered Orochimaru at the door.

Therefore, he knew that Orochimaru went to look for Hiruzen. However, he did not know that after Orochimaru left, Eaton went to look for Hiruzen.

"Anbu... short of people..."

Aoba's shadow clone pinched his chin and thought. He felt that Hiruzen would not change for no reason. Now that something strange had happened, it meant that something really had happened, or something had provoked him.

"Brother Eaton."

"From where the people you want from?"

Aoba immediately realized a key point of the matter. Eaton did not mention this place just now. He vaguely realized a possibility in his heart. However, now that Eaton was in front of him, he would not guess about this possibility. He would just wait for Eaton to tell him the answer.

"Ninja Army!"

"I ask Sandaime-sama that I want the people from the Ninja Army!"

"You also know that if I want to rebuild Anbu, all members must be elite. Only elite ninjas can support Anbu's mission chain."

"Right now, the elites are all fighting on the front lines. When they fight, I definitely can't take them. But when they return, I have to get them first!"

"Otherwise, when these people of the Ninja Army return and receive some special rewards, it will be too difficult to want them to join Anbu!"

"People who are used to living under the sun..."

"How could they be willing to be a rat in the sewers!"

Eaton could not help but sigh. The decision he made to rebuild the Anbu division was made by himself. He was a true Anbu ninja who had dedicated his whole life to the Anbu division. At the same time, he was also sincerely thinking about the Anbu division.

I had to say.

Eaton was indeed a person who was willing to give up everything for the Anbu division.

Since he was very young, he had joined the Anbu division and was doing interrogation and torture work. He had come into contact with the darkest corners of the ninja world.

Even so.

He still hoped that his son could also enter the Anbu division and become an Anbu. He would take over his mantle and walk down this difficult path.

This would be a very gratifying thing for him.

He had always felt that.

Anbu ninjas were the real ninjas!

They don't have a veil of hypocrisy. They don't classify killing people as mission. They would not live openly under the sun. Instead, they would hide their identities and immerse themselves in the darkness. They were like ghosts under the night. Even if they died one day, the people in the world would not know that they existed.

This was Anbu!

Eaton had a special feeling for the Anbu division. This kind of feeling had nothing to do with Aoba, and it had nothing to do with Hiruzen. Even in such a complicated situation, he did not want the Anbu division to sink into depravity and become just a name and no practical use.

"As expected!"

Aoba nodded. His eyes were calm and indifferent. What Eaton said was exactly the same as what he had guessed.

At this point.

Everything was connected.

All the clues were intertwined together.

"Brother Eaton."

"I understand what is going on."

"There is a conspiracy involved here."

"A conspiracy about Konohagakure's politics!"

Aoba had a say in this matter. After all, he had just sent his shadow clone to control Danzo to talk to Hiruzen not long ago.

Although he has not received the specific content of the conversation, when the plan was specified, he had not yet created a shadow clone so these were all in this shadow clone's mind.

Now that he knew about this matter.

Aoba had already understood the overall thought process, but he didn't know the specific details of the conversation. However, this didn't stop him from making a judgment.

"A political conspiracy?"

Eaton frowned. In fact, he did not mind Anbu becoming a political weapon. After all, the purpose of Anbu's creation was to be the sharp blade of the village and do something that could not be put under the sun.

Therefore, Eaton did not care about the fact that they wanted to use Anbu in politics. After all, this was the nature of Anbu's work.

He was just very curious.

He was also very puzzled.

The current Anbu only had him and Aoba in front of him...

How was this related to a political conspiracy?

A big question mark popped up in Eaton's head. His sense of smell was not as keen as Aoba's.

"Brother Eaton, listen to me..."

The corners of Aoba's mouth slightly curled up, revealing a smile. It was time to share a part of the cards with Eaton.

"Currently, we are in the Third Ninja World War. You should know that Konohagakure almost lost, but have you thought about what the result of the village would be if we lost?" Aoba asked with a smile.

"The village will cease to exist!" Eaton answered almost without hesitation. He had already thought about what would happen if they were defeated. After all, the Ninja Army that was in the front line could be said to be Konohagakure's last line of defense. If they lost again, they could only let the students of the Ninja School go to the battlefield. However, how much combat strength could these young students have? There was no way to expect them to win the war. At that time, Konohagakure would become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and they would be presented under the butcher's knife of those hunters without any protection.

"That won't happen. There won't be such an extreme situation, but the village will definitely enter a period of darkness!" Aoba smiled and shook his head. The matter of a village being wiped out would only happen if there was a huge hatred. It was like how Pain used the Shinra Tensei. Otherwise, such a situation would not have happened.

"Why?" Eaton asked, a little puzzled.

"Killing all the enemies is not the only way to solve the problem, and it is definitely not the most efficient way to solve the problem. If Iwagakure can fight all the way into the village and finally occupy the Hokage's office, then he will control the Hokage!" Aoba said with a serious look.

"What do you mean?" Eaton could not understand it. After all, such a thing was a little too much for him.

"Simply put, enslaving a village is far better than destroying a village!" Aoba explained to Eaton, "If they destroy Konohagakure, the resources they can get are only the village's current storage. But if they enslave Konohagakure, they can not only get the village's current resources but also let Konohagakure's people provide them with endless resources. At that time, Konohagakure will be a colony of other villages!"

"This..." Eaton instantly sucked in cold air. He had never thought of such a thing at all. However, as soon as Aoba said it, he immediately understood. This was like killing someone and robbing them of their money. After snatching away their savings, they would kill you. However, what was more brilliant was that after snatching away your savings, they would enslave you and let you work for them. You would then hand over the income you earned in the future and become a living dead person, just like a walking corpse.

"Now you understand what I mean, right?"

Aoba smiled and shook his head. He continued the topic but before he spoke, he poured himself a cup of water and took a sip.

"Otherwise, why do you think Sunagakure and Kumogakure join in?"

"Is it just a fight for the assets that Konohagakure has?"

"Not at all!"

"Especially after the three parties come together, they will not cause more damage to Konohagakure. Instead, they will sign a multi-party treaty with Konohagakure after talking together."

"When that time comes."

"Konohagakure will become a ninja village colony where ninjas from multiple villages will be stationed together!"

"In this way."

"Do you think Sandaime will become a sinner of the village?"

"What kind of life do you think the people in the village will live like?"

"You may not be able to imagine it, or you may not dare to imagine it, but it will definitely be a day that Konohagakure will not be able to raise their head for the next few decades."

Aoba said one sentence after another. His words were like knives that stabbed deeply into Eaton's heart, making the latter break out in a cold sweat.

The more he thought about it, the more scared he was!

"If it's like this..."

"Sandaime really almost became a sinner through the ages!"


"What does this have to do with Anbu?"

Eaton understood what Aoba was talking about, but he didn't understand what this issue had to do with Anbu.

"Of course, it has!"

The smile on Aoba's face became even brighter. He raised a finger and slowly tapped the table in front of him.

"Brother Eaton."

"Since you know that we lost, who is the greatest sinner..."

"Then have you ever thought about..."

"After the victory..."

"Who is the greatest beneficiary?"

Aoba smiled and stared at Eaton. In his heart, Eaton had long been one of his people. It was just that he had never said it so clearly, nor would he say it so clearly all this time.

Now that the topic has come to this point.

It was a good opportunity to make use of this opportunity.

Let Eaton completely remember Minato.

The change of Konohagakure's regime was already unavoidable. All his plans are coming to an end. It was time to let Eaton understand who he would work for in the future.