Orochimaru Was Too Monstrous!

Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 517 Orochimaru Was Too Monstrous!

Eaton had already foreseen what would happen after this manga was published and released in the ninja world. It would obviously be too shocking. After all, he had only read a few pages and felt he could not stand it. If he looked at it again, he feared something would happen on the spot.

"Brother Eaton, if you think it's possible, then I'll continue drawing. As for the publishing house, you can do it together when you rebuild the Anbu." Aoba said with a smile. He now felt that having his own publishing house would be very convenient. That way, he would not be stuck in any form or material. In the future, it would be more convenient for him to develop all kinds of IP addresses.

"No problem!"

"Absolutely no problem!"

"This is not a problem at all!"

Eaton said without hesitation. When he finished speaking these words, his spirit was extremely excited. Of course, he was also regretful that he could not continue reading.

After he finished speaking.

He wanted to get up.


He found that he could not stand up.

For a moment.

Eaton was even more aware of the power of this manga. If it was just novel, he could still control it. After all, it was just a row of words that needed to be transformed through his brain. The manga in front of him was a picture that could directly express the story.

This lethality was too strong!

He really couldn't take it!

"Brother Eaton, I don't have anything else to do. I will continue drawing during this period of time and try to draw as many more brilliant chapters as possible." Aoba said with a smile.

"En...en...okay..." Eaton nodded helplessly. Now he wanted to stand up, but his brother disagreed because his brother had already raised his head first.

"Brother Eaton, do you have anything else to say?" Aoba stared at Eaton as if he had not noticed anything and asked innocently.

"No... nothing... I'll leave now..." Eaton had already understood the meaning of Aoba's words. Now that things had come to this, he had no choice but to leave. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and stand up.

Just like this.

Eaton left Aoba's room in a relatively embarrassed manner.

The first thing he did after leaving was to go back to his office, where he kept his treasured manuscripts of Teacher Bai.


Just as he was walking toward the office.

He suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Because there was no meaning in this.

After that.

He changed his direction.

He walked toward his home.


After Eaton left, there was only Aoba's clone left in the room.

"This matter is a little complicated..."

Aoba's shadow clone thought for a moment. He still did not cancel the technique. Because if the shadow clone was removed, all the information he had could be synchronized to the main body. However, if there was no accident, the main body should still be in the Country of Rain.

If that was the case, the main body would need to come back and set up another shadow clone.

Most importantly...

This information was not only be sent to the main body but also to the advanced paper clone controlling Danzo. Even if he canceled the shadow clone now and handed the information to the main body, the main body would also use Rinnegan to synchronize all the information the advanced paper clone saw.

This would be even more troublesome.

Because of these reasons.

Aoba's shadow clone immediately made a judgment. He reached into the ninja pouch, took out the scroll, and opened it.

After that.

Aoba's shadow clone began to write on it.

[Eaton is in the process of rebuilding the Anbu. When necessary, we can use Danzo's identity to give some support!]

[Hiruzen should be planning to arrange for Hatake Sakumo to be in Anbu!]

[There might be some changes on Orochimaru's side. Be careful and pay attention!]

[Hiruzen seems to want to recruit Eaton to his side, and Eaton has already approved of Minato becoming the Fourth Hokage.]

[Hiruzen might have been on guard against Danzo!]

Aoba's shadow clone used the simplest words as much as possible to include what happened, so the summary of the information was written on a scroll.

After writing all of them.

There should be nothing left out.

Aoba's shadow clone's pitch-black eyes suddenly changed, instantly turning into a purple-colored Rinnegan.

At the same time.

Aoba's main body and Aoba's advanced paper clone, as well as Danzo's corpse that had been refined into Deva Path, all saw the scene in Rinnegan's vision at the same time.

This scene lasted for a full three minutes.

It was already enough for them to read it countless times.

When Aoba's shadow clone repeatedly read the words on the scroll several times and confirmed that both his main body and advanced paper clone had almost received the information on the scroll, he immediately closed Rinnegan.

"Now continue drawing the manga..."

Aoba's shadow clone felt that after the matter was finished, there was no need for him to do anything over there now. The only thing he had to do was to continuously draw manga.

This would not only help improve his drawing skills but also allow him to better provide high-quality manga to change the ninja world. He could also make full use of this period of time to let the people who suspected him know that he was drawing manga here, and they would not think that he was suspicious.

Thinking of this.

Aoba picked up the brush on the table and continued to draw, making Teacher Bai's story more and more realistic.


Konohagakure, the Hokage's office, the building next door, Danzo's office.

Aoba's advanced paper clone quietly looked ahead. He seemed to be standing there silently, but in fact, he had finished watching the scene that had just been transmitted.

"Has Hiruzen noticed something?"

"However, it is not necessarily a bad choice to throw Hatake Sakumo to the Anbu."

"It seems that the plan has to be adjusted accordingly."

Aoba's advanced paper clone immediately began to think about the follow-up plan. After all, he was responsible for controlling Danzo. So many things should be initiated by him, so he needed to bear the responsibility of judging the follow-up problems.

Knock! Knock! Knock!...

At this time, a series of knocks sounded at the door. After that, a ninja wearing a Root mask, walked in and half-knelt in front of Danzo.

"Danzo-sama, Orochimaru-sama is here. He is right outside the door." This Root ninja immediately reported.

"Let him in," Danzo said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The Root ninja responded and disappeared in a flash.

In a moment.

Aoba's advanced paper clone recovered from his thoughts and looked in the door's direction.

What was Orochimaru doing here?

At this time of the day.

The last person he wanted to see was Orochimaru.

The current plan was going according to plan. Only Orochimaru was a variable in these plans. If it really didn't work, he could only get rid of Orochimaru.

Aoba's advanced paper clone silently thought about the feasibility of doing so.

After all, Orochimaru was not an easy person to deal with. If he really messed up his plan, then everything would seem to be more loss than gain.

Step step step...

Footsteps sounded one after another in the corridor ahead. Along with these sounds, a tall and thin man with long black hair appeared in Aoba's sight.

It was Orochimaru!

After leaving the office, Orochimaru did not go back to continue his experiment. Instead, he walked toward Danzo's office, because he thought of something interesting.


Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. His long and narrow eyes continuously swept over Danzo, as if he wanted to find some clues.

This scene fell into Aoba's advanced paper clone's eyes, and at the same time, the scene was broadcast to Aoba's main body, making him understand that they had encountered a more troublesome matter again.

For Orochimaru.

Aoba did not know how to deal with him.

The best way was to be safe and not interfere with each other, and neither would disturb the peace of the other.


In this short span of dozens of minutes, he had seen Orochimaru twice in a row, and these two times seemed to be so fast that it made him a little annoyed.


He knew one thing very well.

If he wanted to attack Orochimaru, he had to expose some of his abilities, otherwise, he could not kill an existence like Orochimaru.

In particular, he had to be quick and accurate.

It would be best if he could instantly kill Orochimaru!


Planning was very simple.

But it was not easy to do it.

If there was even the slightest mistake, it could lead to Orochimaru slipping away!

When Aoba watched the anime in the past, he clearly knew that Orochimaru's Kawarimi no Jutsu(Body Replacement Technique), was very powerful. He also constantly vomited snakes, snakes, snakes, and so on. It's hard to touch his real body at all.

This was what Aoba was most worried about.

He made his move.

He exposed his strength.

However, he did not kill Orochimaru.

Then there would be too many hidden dangers!


Even if he succeeded...

He had no way to confirm that Orochimaru was really dead!

In the entire ninja world, who could really pat their chest and guarantee that they could kill Orochimaru?

This was the most troublesome thing for Aoba!

For a moment.

Aoba's advanced paper clone Rinnegan stared at Orochimaru through the mask that had a small eye hole. His entire body became alert.

"What's the matter?"

Danzo said coldly. He lowered his eyes that were exposed to the outside. He looked no different from usual, but he was not sure if Orochimaru would find anything unusual.

"Danzo, why are you so cold? Are you sick? I can feel your body temperature, which is similar to that of my snake. Hahahaha..."

Orochimaru laughed out loud. As he laughed, he licked the corner of his mouth and looked toward Aoba's advanced paper clone.


He had indeed discovered a problem.

However, he was too lazy to say it earlier.

But because Hiruzen called him back and talked about Root, he thought of this and came over again.

Orochimaru was a relatively strange person. Some things are nothing to others, but he is extremely curious. There were also some things that everyone was very concerned about, but he didn't care at all.

Now he was not very concerned about Danzo's physical condition. The reason why he said this was just to point out that he knew that Danzo was currently in trouble.

It was just that...

Orochimaru didn't know.

He always said whatever he wanted to say, and his casual words made Aoba's heart skip a beat as if he was facing a great enemy.

"What exactly do you want?"

Danzo covered his heart and changed from a standing posture to a sitting posture, assuming a posture of an old injury that had not yet healed. He relied on his acting skills as much as possible to attribute the physical problems to injuries.

"It's nothing..."

Orochimaru smiled meaningfully. He had such a posture that people couldn't figure out what he was thinking. Even Aoba had a feeling of uncertainty when facing him.


"I just came to remind you."

"The old man might want to touch you."

Orochimaru smiled and waved his hand. He just stood at the door and said these words. He did not continue to walk inside. After he finished speaking, he directly left.

"Just this?"

Danzo was stunned. He did not know what Hiruzen and Orochimaru had talked about, but he could more or less guess a little. It was just that Hiruzen wanted to support Orochimaru and nurture more forces.


Why did Orochimaru say it?

What did Orochimaru mean by that?

"That's right, I'm just reminding you. Be careful, don't get killed by the old man. However, with your current appearance, I would believe you even if you said that you were dead."

Orochimaru laughed and left. His words seemed to be unintentional but also had a deep meaning, which made Aoba a little confused.

Aoba stood beside Danzo and watched as Orochimaru left. All the psychological preparations he had just made were useless.

"Did Orochimaru see anything?"

There was a lot of question marks in Aoba's head. It had to be said that Orochimaru was too monstrous. Originally, nothing unexpected would happen to him. But because of Orochimaru's actions and appearance, it became confusing.

"Why did he say this?"

"What exactly does he want to do?"

"What is his purpose?"

Aoba suddenly discovered that he did not understand the Orochimaru of this period of time or the Orochimaru of all periods. He simply could not determine what the situation was through one or two sentences.

Damn it!

Aoba's eyebrows behind the mask were tightly furrowed.

He did not like this feeling.

Looks like...

It was time to get in touch with Orochimaru!

Of course.

Not with his identity, but with another appearance. If he doesn't explore Orochimaru's true and false attitude, he won't be able to understand the other person's depth at all.