Over There...

Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 527 Over There...

"It's still the same attack style..."

When Minato saw Arrai's powerful and terrifying attack, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and his mood became much more relaxed.

Sure enough!

Most of Kumogakure ninjas had brawn but no brains!

Facing such an opponent.

As long as it was not a head-on fight.

Then the risk factor could still be determined.

But if it was a head-on confrontation...

Kumogakure's attainments in Nintaijutsu were too high.

Minato directly let go of the kunai that had pierced into Arrai's body. After he let go, he was no longer troubled by the elbow attack.

At the same time.

Arrai's terrifying elbow also arrived near his face.

Facing such a terrifying attack.

Minato's expression did not change at all.

He allowed the strong wind from the attack to sweep across his face without even batting an eyelid.

Ever since he mastered Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique), he understood that as long as he did not want to die, no one would be able to kill him.


Except when he actively wants to die!

Minato never knew what his future would be like, nor what would happen to him when he died. He had consulted the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, after all, the latter was also the one who invented the Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique).

The same words apply to Senju Tobirama.

As long as Tobirama doesn't want to die.

Then no one could kill him!

After all, for those who use Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique), if not for the fact that they were fighting to the death, then it was still possible for them to leave!

If they couldn't beat the enemy, then they could run. It was just that simple.

It was precisely because of this reason.

In the face of Arrai's tyrannical and terrifying attack, Minato was not in a hurry. After all, as long as he still had chakra, then he could use Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique) and quickly leave this place.


Now, his decision was not to leave.

But to defeat the enemy!

When Arrai's terrifying attack was about to hit Minato's face, his body gradually turned sideways. Even if it was an elbow strike, to exert more strength, he could only completely turn his back against the enemy.


The moment Arrai turned sideways and passed by.

Minato directly used Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique) once again. His entire figure once again turned into a shadow.

At the same time.

Minato was like a maggot, appearing behind Arrai once again.

The Flying Thunder God Formula that Minato communicated with this time was no other place. It was the Flying Thunder God Formula that he used for the first time when he attacked Arrai. It was just that the kunai was not thrown out by him now, but was taken away by Arrai himself.

After Arrai took away the kunai, the kunai seemed to be fixed on Arrai's back and would not fall down along with his swaying body.

In his opinion.

Two consecutive teleportations.

It had nothing to do with the kunai behind him.

Arrai was not very smart, but he was also analyzing and judging these things. After all, when Minato first teleported, it really seemed to be using this kunai as a springboard. However, when Minato teleported for the second time, the kunai did not move.

Because of this.

Arrai felt that the ability Minato used to teleport had nothing to do with the kunai behind him. Everything was just a coincidence.


Just as he made this judgment.

Minato's figure disappeared in front of him just like that. Then, he instantly appeared behind him. His left hand accurately grasped the unique kunai in his back.

"That's it!"

Minato's deep and cold voice slowly sounded. His voice was not loud, but it clearly entered everyone's ears.

This was the third time Arrai had given him a chance.

The first time was a test between the two sides. The second time was when Minato failed to kill him. But the third time, Minato knew that if he couldn't end this person, he would really be at a loss.

In the next moment.

Minato's left hand grabbed the kunai on Arrai's back. He used this kunai as a leverage point. His feet directly stepped on Arrai's back, supporting his body horizontally.

Immediately after.

Minato's right hand flashed into his ninja pouch like lightning. He took out another kunai and directly stabbed it toward Arrai's neck.

The entire process was extremely fast and smooth.

There was no chance for Arrai to catch his breath.

After all.

For Minato, this was a very close-range attack.

If he couldn't kill a person who was seriously injured at such a distance and was facing him from behind, then he was not worthy of being called a genius ninja!


Along with a piercing sound.

The kunai in Minato's hand stabbed into Arrai's neck with precision and it pierced the throat.

Arrai immediately widened his eyes. His eyes were full of horror. The fear and unwillingness burst out from his eyes. He did not expect that he would fall into such a situation.

In Kumogakure.

He worked hard in his training.

Except for those Jonin who were both offensive and defensive.

He believed that he had no opponents.

When he was on missions, he would rely on his powerful attacks to easily defeat his enemies. He had seldom encountered any major setbacks.



He met Minato.

The battle between the two of them was very fast. It started quickly and ended quickly. The whole process ended before anyone could react. Only the two of them knew how dangerous it was and how many changes in power advantage had occurred.


The difference between them was not simply based on their current strength.

There was also a huge distance in experience and judgment, as well as in some on-the-spot reactions.

After Minato stabbed the kunai in his hand, he quickly pulled it out. In an instant, a blood line flew through the air and splashed on the ground, dyeing the soil on the ground red.

At this moment.

All of Arrai's vitality had been crushed.

His entire body was on the verge of collapse.

All the muscles in his body were no longer tense, and he was unable to maintain the strength of his body. He could no longer hold on to the kunai on his back.

Just at this time.

Minato took advantage of the opportunity to pull out the kunai on Arrai's back, and then his legs heavily kicked out Arrai's body.

Immediately after.

Minato made a gorgeous backflip in the air, and his feet firmly landed on the ground. His pair of blue eyes glanced at Kumogakure ninjas, and the aura on his body was like a God of War.


Arrai's body fell heavily to the ground. He fell down on his stomach. There was a shocking wound on his back. Blood flowed down his throat and formed a pool of blood on the ground.


The Kumogakure ninjas could not help but suck in a breath of cold air. They all knew Arrai's strength. Moreover, Arrai was their leader. The leader who came to Konohagakure was the strongest among them.

They did not see how difficult it was for Minato to defeat Arrai.

After all, no one else knew about Minato's situation. Moreover, Minato had concealed everything very well. These Kumogakure ninjas could not see it at all.

Only Minato knew that he was already on the verge of exhaustion. He no longer had the strength to continue fighting. Now, everything he had revealed was just to intimidate these Kumogakure ninjas in terms of momentum.


It was really useful.

In the eyes of these Kumogakure ninjas, Minato easily defeated Arrai. After all, the whole battle was too fast.

Fast meant that the time was short!

Often the case.

Only by fighting slowly and long can we find the feeling bit by bit. In the end, we feel hearty and can savor it carefully.

However, the battle ended quickly.

It was easy to ignore the details presented in this and focus more on the time, so it was natural to think that in front of Minato, a person like Arrai could not survive even a few minutes.

All of a sudden.

These Kumogakure ninjas did not dare to act rashly. They all distanced themselves from the Konohagakure ninjas in front of them. The way they looked at Minato had already changed.

Now they all understood...

This yellow-haired youth who looked even younger than them was not a simple ninja. His body flicker technique was simply superb. Even Arrai, the strongest among them, did not even touch this person's hair.

This was too terrifying!

These Kumogakure ninjas thought that this was a very relaxed and happy journey, but they never thought that they would encounter such an ambush.

"Now your leader is dead!"


Minato's voice sounded.

The expression on his face tightened, revealing an extremely serious expression. He also used his blue eyes to scan everyone present.

"I know what kind of purpose you have!"

"I can tell you very responsibly that Iwagakure has already lost, and before you, Sunagakure has already come, and they have all been defeated by us!"

"What I hope is that the Third Ninja Wor;d War will end here, not that the war will continue!"

"Therefore, I will give you a chance. If you leave this place now and return to Kumogakure, we can pretend that nothing happened!"


"Then we can only fight to the death!"

"I know that you are not afraid of death..."

"But please think carefully about whether you want to die in such a depressive way, and how Kumogakure's power will be reduced after you people die!"

"Think carefully!"

Minato's cold voice sounded one after another. The meaning he expressed was very obvious.

That was to make these Kumogakure ninjas retreat.

Now, they no longer had the energy to deal with the current Kumogakure ninjas.

When Minato said this.

These Kumogakure ninjas were all tempted. As ninjas, they were not afraid of death, but they still minded the way of their death.

All of a sudden.

Everyone fell silent.

In the forest.

Kushina looked at this situation with a look of relief on her face. She understood that Minato had settled everything, and she felt proud of this man.


Kushina's face suddenly changed.

"Over there..."

Kushina suddenly looked in the direction of Kumogakure ninjas, and the smile on her face suddenly disappeared, her eyes flashed with disbelief.