The Unfilial Son Black Zetsu!

Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 562 The Unfilial Son Black Zetsu!

After hearing Aoba's words, Konana felt very complicated and could not calm down for a while.

Kill Otsutsuki Kaguya!

Just thinking about it made her feel extremely terrified. After all, according to Aoba, that was the Tree Guardian who had come to this world.

Something that even the Sage of the Six Paths could not do!

Nagato could actually do it!

Thinking of this, Konan could not help but sweat for Nagato. Having the potential to kill Kaguya was equivalent to having a key.

Whether you want to open the door or not was one thing.

Whether the door could be opened was another matter.

It could be said that Nagato did not have this ability now, but may have such ability in the future, then the threat behind this will be very terrifying.

Whether it was the people who wanted to protect Kaguya or the people who wanted to kill Kaguya, Nagato would be of great use value in their eyes.


Konan couldn't help but gasp as she thought about it. She had already realized the crisis of this matter, but she didn't have any solutions at all.

After all, this was Nagato's bloodline talent.

He has possessed it since he was born.

It was precisely because Nagato was a member of the Otsutsuki clan that he had to pay such a price. This was simply impossible to escape.

"I have a question!"

Konan immediately raised her head and looked at Aoba. After pondering in her mind, a huge question mark appeared in her head.

This question mark was the question that she was most curious about.

"If Black Zetsu wants Nagato to kill Kaguya..."

"Then what should we do?"

"You just told me..."

"Kaguya has been sealed in the moon by the Sage of the Six Paths."

"Then is this still necessary?"

Konan asked doubtfully. She did not think that this was a loophole caused by Aoba's fabrication. Instead, she thought that this matter was not very reasonable. She only attributed this unreasonable thing to Black Zetsu.

Simply put.

It was not that things were unreasonable.

It was that what Black Zetsu had done was unreasonable.

This kind of thinking actually perfectly rounded up the story that Aoba had made up.

"Perhaps...there is."

Aoba said indifferently. He looked up at the top of the cave. The entire place was dark, but their eyes had already adapted to this place.

"If I'm not wrong..."

"Black Zetsu probably hopes that Nagato can help him rescue Otsutsuki Kaguya sealed in the moon!"

"Then kill Otsutsuki Kaguya!"

"Of course..."

"This specific process can wait until Black Zetsu comes back. You can ask him personally."

Aoba felt that this question should not be answered too much. After all, such things were not just things in memory, but also psychological things.

What he stated was that he could read memories, and it was just memories. There was no mental activity. The only thing that could be explained was to deduce inner activities through movements.


After all, you couldn't be too presumptuous.

There was still a limit.

For Aoba, this was the limit.

If he continued to talk about things in the future, then it would seem a bit fake. It was equivalent to saying that he was making up stories.


Not only that.

Even when Aoba answers Konan's occasional questions, there may be a risk of not getting it right.

This won't do!

Aoba directly threw the blame on Black Zetsu, so that he could temporarily stall the matter.


Konan was still muttering to herself, but she did not ask Aoba again.

Wasn't he among the people who sealed Otsutsuki Kaguya?

She was obviously already sealed...

Yet now he wanted to rescue her?

Could it be that because Nagato, a pure-blood Otsutsuki that could kill Otsutsuki Kaguya, suddenly appears?

"This is too outrageous!"

The corners of Konan's mouth twitched slightly. Her parents had died very early, which made her feel no affection at all. Although she did not have such a deep dependence on her mother, she still felt very indifferent to people like the Sage of the Six Paths and the others who had attacked their mother.

"That's right, that's it!"

Aoba nodded again and looked at Konan resolutely. After she finishes overthinking why rescue and then kill Otsutsuki Kaguya, he begins to guide the matter in the direction of sealing.

"The three brothers couldn't kill Kaguya back then!"

"Because the three of them didn't have pure Otsutsuku blood. Half of the blood in their body is the blood of ordinary people!"

"That blood weakened the power the Otsutsuki's blood brought to them!"

"Which results in them possessing different strengths. The eldest brother Otsutsuki Hagoromo, also known as the Sage of the Six Paths, was the strongest. The second brother Otsutsuki Hamura was slightly inferior, and the third brother Otsutsuki Black Zetsu was the weakest one, not receiving any power from his bloodline at all."

"It is precisely because of the limitations on their strength..."

"They have no way to kill Kaguya!"

"So they had no choice but to seal her!"


"This will always be a hidden danger!"

"As a pure-blood Otsutsuki, Nagato has the power to kill Otsutsuki Kaguya!"

"It is precisely because of this power that attracted Black Zetsu's attention!"

"Black Zetsu hopes to use Nagato's power to kill his mother, Otsutsuki Kaguya. If it doesn't work, he wants the two of them to achieve the effect of both sides suffering."

"Because with Black Zetsu's little bit of strength."

"If he doesn't use any tricks, it is impossible for him to be a match for Nagato."

"So the best plan he can do is like this!"

Aoba analyzed word by word. He almost admired himself. He first arranged such a brand new character for Black Zetsu and Nagato. After that, built a new plot through his imagination and perfectly told this plot to Konan.


After listening to Aoba's words, Konan immediately took a deep breath. Right now, she only had one feeling, and that was extreme fear.

Black Zetsu's plan was actually so thorough.


This plan was too clear!

"How did you know about Black Zetsu's plan?" Konan asked Aoba curiously.

After all, what Aoba said was so real that it was as if he had seen it.


A thought suddenly popped up in Konan's mind.

She stared at Aoba and asked again, "Did Black Zetsu look for you?"

Konan directly voiced the doubts in her heart.

She felt that this might be the case!

That was why this person in front of her knew so much about Black Zetsu's plan!

"That's right, he did find me!"

Aoba nodded without hesitation. In an instant, he took the ladder that Konan handed over and directly climbed up.

"I met Black Zetsu not long after I came to the Ninja World!"

"Black Zetsu hopes to use my power to kill his mother, Otsutsuki Kaguya!"


"I refused!"


"Since Black Zetsu was also a member of the Otsutsuki clan..."

"I didn't kill him!"

"Because of this."

"Black Zetsu has been trapped by me in this dark cave."

"But when I brought you here."

"He ran out."

"That's why I said..."

"If there are no accidents..."

"He should have gone to look for Nagato!"

Aoba directly told Konan the newly adapted version of the story and took Konan to re-understand a completely different and new Black Zetsu.

"This unfilial son..." Konan shook her head with a cold face. In her heart, she had already completely defined Black Zetsu as an unfilial son. After all, she had never seen a son kill his mother.

"When Black Zetsu came to find me, I read his memories in the same way, so I knew his plan," Aoba added.

At this time, he had already changed his unique Mind Reading System into an ability that only the Otsutsuki clan could use.

In any case, no one could investigate this kind of thing!

If Nagato couldn't...

He could only use the words that Nagato had yet to awaken it to cover it up!

This kind of excuse was too easy for Aoba.

"I understand."

Konan slowly nodded. She could already understand Black Zetsu's plan. After all, she was not a fool and it was not completely impossible to comprehend it.


Konan understood what Black Zetsu meant.

She also understood Nagato's ability.

After she sketched out such a thing in her heart, a new question appeared in her mind.

These questions were all questions that she could not guess by her imagination.

"There are still some things I don't understand."

"For example..."

"Why don't you tell Nagato?"

Konan stared at Aoba. She wanted to see the changes in Aoba's expression, but she couldn't see it at all.

"If I told Nagato this directly, he wouldn't believe me at all!"

Aoba said with certainty. This was also why he chose Konan as the breakthrough point. Nagato had a very serious psychological problem. Even Nagato himself didn't realize this problem. He was very extreme and very paranoid.

"Whether it is me or Black Zetsu."

"In Nagato's heart, we are just strangers to him."

"He will have a very serious resistance to our words."

"Nagato will think that I am using him!"


"It will be more convenient for me to tell you."

Aoba gave his explanation, and this was indeed what he was thinking. Konan was indeed the best breakthrough in this matter.


Konan suddenly lowered her head. She retracted her gaze and just looked at the ground quietly and seemed to ask unintentionally.

"What is your purpose?"