Black Zetsu and Nagato!

Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 564 Black Zetsu and Nagato!

Black Zetsu appeared directly in front of Nagato. He didn't have time to hide in the dark like when he tricked a Uchiha. Instead, he showed up directly and met him in his true form.

Because he understood.

He didn't have that much time.

A lot of time had passed since his so-called uncle brought Konan back to that dark cave.

When he secretly ran out to find Nagato, he had used up a lot of time.

If he were to be sneaky again.

All that awaited him was a wasted time without result.

After all.

In his opinion.

That Toneri might cancel the barrier at any time.

At that time.

He would find that he was no longer in the cave.

So there was really not much time left for him!

He must seize this opportunity now and let Nagato understand what he means in a short period of time. Then he still has the possibility of sowing this hope, and in the end, he may even be able to make a comeback.

Because of this.

Black Zetsu stood directly in front of Nagato.

His black appearance was completely different from the others. He even used his orange eyes to stare fixedly at Nagato.

Now, his heart was also in a panic.

He did not know how to convince Nagato to believe him in such a short period of time.

Everything had happened too suddenly.

He had never thought that such an opportunity would appear before, so he had almost never made any preparations. But now, he had no time to think about it, so much so that he did not even have a specific plan to follow.


Although Black Zetsu had already met Nagato, he did not know what to do. However, after thinking about this matter, he felt that he should do something and fight for it. Otherwise, he would still have regrets in his heart.

"What do you mean by that?"

Nagato stared coldly at Black Zetsu. Now, he had stopped searching. After all, he faintly felt that this black thing in front of him seemed to have something to say.

"Who are you?"

Nagato's eyes were full of vigilance. There were too many strange things that had happened recently. First, Konan had been taken away, and now, another strange person had appeared.

Who was this person?

Something doesn't seem right!

After a moment of hesitation, Nagato asked again.

"What exactly do you mean?"

Nagato's tone became a little impatient. Now that Konan has been taken away, he is like a headless fly looking for a needle in a haystack. He was simply searching aimlessly, but searching was also searching. But a strange person disturbed him from continuing to search for Konan, and he felt strongly dissatisfied with this.

"Who I am is not important!"

Black Zetsu directly shook his head. His orange eyes kept staring at Nagato in front of him. He was observing Nagato's movements while trying to figure out what to do. Through Nagato's expression and actions, he was not only trying to understand Nagato's thoughts but also trying to figure out what to say next.

"The important thing is..." Black Zetsu deliberately dragged out his voice for a while. He used this method to deliberately arouse the curiosity in Nagato's heart. After that, he said, "I know where Konan is!"

Black Zetsu directly explained his purpose for coming.

His eyes flashed with deep meaning.

In fact.

Looking at the current ninja world.

Except for Aoba, no one knows Nagato better than him. Moreover, he did not know about the existence of Aoba.

In his eyes.

Aoba was Otsutsuki Toneri.

But Otsutsuki Toneri may not know the important details about Nagato!

That was...

That pair of Rinnegan!

Black Zetsu quickly thought in his mind. At present, only he knows that Nagato's Rinnegan belongs to Uchiha Madara. Now that Uchiha Madara was dead he had not been able to leave behind any spokesperson.

As a result.

Those who knew the truth.

Only he was left.

Not only that.

In the original plot of the story.

Even when Nagato died, he did not know that his Rinnegan was not his and always thought that he was the heaven-chosen child.

With this time difference and intelligence gap, Black Zetsu could use this matter to guide Nagato to do what he wanted to do and help him turn the tables.

After all.

Rinnegan still had a very powerful ability.

That was the Rinne Rebirth!

As long as he could guide Nagato to collect nine bijuu, and then use the Rinne Rebirth to resurrect Madara, there might still be a chance to save his mother!

"How do you know?" Nagato's eyes slightly changed. He did not completely believe Black Zetsu, because he had been shouting Konan's name. Who knew if this person heard it and deliberately ran over to say this?

"I saw her taken away with my own eyes." Black Zetsu said with a smile. Now things were finally going to go according to his plan.

"Who took Konan away?" Nagato continued to ask. However, in his heart, he still did not completely believe Black Zetsu. After all, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that Black Zetsu was here to blackmail.

"I can't tell you who he is. I can only tell you where Konan is, and I can even take you there... on the premise that you are willing to believe me." Black Zetsu was rather carefree. He had only come here to take an opportunity from Nagato. As for whether that opportunity was useful or not, even he himself did not know. Thus, he did not insist on it.

"Do you really know where Konan is?"

Nagato's expression immediately turned cold.


If this black person in front of him knew Konan's exact location...


He was almost certain.

This person was related to Konan being taken away!

Perhaps this person was the accomplice of the person who took away Konan!

This was something that was not hard to deduce!

All of a sudden.

Nagato became even more vigilant. He clenched his fists tightly, ready to enter battle at any time.

He had no idea what the person in front of him meant by coming here.


He understood.

Anyone who dared to hurt Konan.

They were all his enemies!

He would not let such a person go!

Because of this.

The way Nagato looks at Black Zetsu now has a layer of hostility attached to it, but he has not determined such a thing yet so he does not act.

"Do you want to find her?" Black Zetsu did not pay attention to Nagato's hostility. Instead, he continued to speak meaningfully.

As soon as he said this.

Nagato hesitated.

He did not know the background of this person in front of him at all.

He did not know if this person really knew something or was playing a prank.

He needed to save Konan.


He had no clue at all.

What the person in front of him said.

It could be said to be the only clue.


Nagato nodded coldly. Right now, he had no other choice. Other than choosing to believe in the black person in front of him, he had no other choice.

After all, even if he didn't believe in Black Zetsu.

He had no better way.

"I can believe you!"


"You have to tell me the truth!"

"Do you really know where Konan is?"

After asking this question, Nagato became nervous, and even his breathing became rapid. As the saying goes, concerned people were easy to deceive. Now he was like this. His whole mind was tied up by Konan's matter, and he had lost a lot of ability to think.

"That's right!"

Black Zetsu nodded. He could already tell that Nagato was starting to believe his words. Thus, he could not be polite. He had to take care of this matter.

"I know who took Konan away!"

"I also know where Konan is!"


"I can also take you there!"

Black Zetsu directly started his deception. He knew very well what kind of posture Nagato was in now. It was like a Uchiha on the verge of collapse. His chakra was on the verge of unlocking the Rinnegan real strength at any time.

So as long as he guided Nagato, he could let him go on the road of collecting bijuu to realize his ultimate dream of saving his mother.

"Then... where is Konan?"

When Nagato heard Black Zetsu's words, his pupils suddenly shrank. He focused all his attention on Black Zetsu. This was the only clue he had. He had to grasp this little clue.

"I can tell you, but..."

Black Zetsu looked at Nagato with a deep meaning. He felt that he was about to crush this person. After all, this kind of worried look was the easiest to fool. With a little spiritual guidance, things would enter his rhythm.

"What good will this do me?"

Black Zetsu said the most important thing.

He did come here to find Nagato.

But he was not obliged to help Nagato.

Instead, he wants to use Nagato to help him do things.

Now, Madara was dead.

The only person who could help him was Nagato.

As for that so-called uncle.

Black Zetsu did not believe him at all.

"As long as I can save Konan, I will do anything you want me to do!"

Nagato said coldly. There was a strong determination in his tone. There was no intention of wavering at all. He directly filled up his sincerity.

At this point in time.

He wasn't afraid that Black Zetsu would demand an exorbitant price from him.

Anything he asked for, he would give them all.

What he was most afraid of now was that the information provided by Black Zetsu was fake!

At this point in time, Konan had been missing for a while now. The worry in Nagato's heart was burning fiercely, and he was anxious as if his whole body was on fire.

He just wanted to find Konan regardless of the cost.

"Very good!"

Black Zetsu smiled and nodded. What he was waiting for was Nagato's answer. After all, he had deliberately taken the risk to come here so that Nagato could help him accomplish what he wished for.

"My request is very simple...You can do it easily!"