The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend!

Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 566 The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend!

Black Zetsu's words seemed to be very simple, but they revealed a deep helplessness. Even Nagato could feel this helplessness very clearly.

This was not an excuse.

This was what he truly thought!

This kind of emotion was not something that could be casually disguised.

Nagato could feel the feeling that Black Zetsu was giving off.

For a moment.

Nagato also became silent.

The person in front of him who said that he would take him to Konan knew who had taken Konan away and what kind of strength he had. This made things very difficult.

"I can't put myself in danger because of your affairs, and I only get such an illusory promise from you."

Black Zetsu slowly spoke again. His tone became much deeper. What he was saying now was exactly what he wanted to express and what he wanted to say.

He was just here to take a chance.

He wasn't here to risk his life for Nagato!

Everything had to be paid and earned.

Although the stakes needed to be invested in this kind of gamble would be a little bigger, and there might not be any benefits. However, the price to pay could not be too big. Otherwise, it would be very disadvantageous to him!

"I don't need to lie to you about this!"

"I can tell you where Konan is."

"This is the limit of what I can do!"

"Other than that..."

"I can't say anything!"

Black Zetsu stared coldly at Nagato. He also said his bottom line.

He came here.

Do these things.

It was just to get a promise from Nagato.

That was all.

This promise was like a lottery ticket that had not been scrapped.

He had no idea what would happen in the future!

This kind of lottery ticket.

Black Zetsu could gamble, but he couldn't play ALL IN.

Not to mention...

Right now, he absolutely could not offend his so-called "uncle" for such a lottery ticket that had yet to be scrapped.

After all.

Regardless of whether that "uncle" named Toneri wanted to save his mother or not, that person could prevent him from saving his mother!


After hearing this, Nagato was speechless. He had already felt the determination in Black Zetsu's words.

For a moment.

Nagato was also confused.

After all.

The current him was not as strong as the future him!

His Rinnegan had yet to awaken!

All he could use was the wind-release ninjutsu he had practiced!

This was an objective reality in terms of strength.

Of course.

Nagato was also very clear about it.

With his current strength.

If he wanted to deal with the person who captured Konan!

There was obviously a big gap.

This made him feel that even if he wanted to, he was unable to!

It was precisely because of this.

He wanted to know that person's identity even more.

This way, he could know himself and his enemy.

And he could also be somewhat prepared.

Not only that.

In fact.

Even if Nagato did not want to admit it, he knew in his heart that as long as he knew this person's identity, he could go back to find Yahiko and then bring the people of the Akatsuki Organization together.

After all, he wasn't a person who would lose his rationality just because he was hot-headed.

After experiencing that anger just now, he had completely recovered. As long as he could save Konan, then he wouldn't care about the so-called face at all.

At this time.

There was only one thought in his mind.

That was to successfully rescue Konan.

Everything else did not matter. It was not important at all. Moreover, he did not care at all.

He would not be willful on such a matter.

If he relied on his own strength, it would have been difficult to rescue Konan, but he still insisted on going his own way. If Konan was put in danger by alerting the enemy, which ultimately led to the failure of Konan's rescue, then he would blame himself very much.

As long as it was Konan matter.

He could not take the risk, nor did he dare to take the risk...


Nagato's expression turned serious. His gaze was completely focused on Black Zetsu. Right now, he only hated himself for not being strong enough. His tightly clenched hands, even though he exerts great strength, still seem particularly weak.

"Can I bring the people from the Akatsuki Organization with me?"

Nagato bargained with Black Zetsu for the second time. After all, after the psychological activity just now, he had thought through many things.

Now was not the time to show off!

If he could bring the members of the Akatsuki Organization along!

Then, he would have a greater chance of rescuing Konan. Moreover, he and Yahiko could take care of each other even more, so he wouldn't have to bear such great pressure in his heart.

It seemed.

This was the best choice.


Black Zetsu shakes his head without any hesitation. In addition to selling Nagato a favor, he also hoped that Nagato could use this stimulation to awaken Rinnegan's ability.

He was very clear that the pair of Rinnegan that Nagato had was not Nagato's own, but the eyes left behind by Uchiha Madara, which were equivalent to the eyes of the Uchiha clan.

The eyes of the Uchiha clan had a common characteristic, which was that they needed special stimulation. As long as enough stimulation was achieved, there would be strange changes.

If there were no changes...

Then the stimulation was still not strong enough!

Black Zetsu understood that Nagato had such a powerful pair of eyes, but he did not gain too much power from them.

It was not that Rinnegan was not strong enough!

Instead, it was Nagato who was not strong enough!

If he could take advantage of this matter of Konan being taken away and awaken the Rinnegan, then Nagato who had completely awakened Rinnegan would have the ability to collect nine tailed-beasts. This way, the seed he planted would have the hope of germination.


If Nagato was unable to awaken the Rinnegan in the end.

Then the plan failed.

At this time.

Nagato had to move forward alone without any thought.

Any other method will have an impact on such a thing.

Whether it was settling accounts after knowing the other party's name or the actions of bringing his teammates along, they all provided Nagato a relatively safe harbor in his heart. This kind of harbor would make Nagato lose the power to explode.

"I can only take you there alone!"

"Now you must make a decision immediately!"

"Konan has been captured for a while. Whether she will encounter danger or not, no one can tell!"

"If you decide not to save, I will go back immediately. We don't want to waste each other's time. But if you decide to continue to save, we will go quickly now."

"If you continue to ask about some other things..."

"I can only leave!"

Black Zetsu said in a deep tone. He had a completely fearless attitude. After all, for him, the impact would be minimal even if he failed almost negligible.

Therefore, he had nothing to care about at all.

This was nothing.

However, for Nagato...

This was another matter.

Of course.

Black Zetsu said this.

It was not just to force Nagato to try and see if he could break through Rinnegan's boundary.

It could also avoid many unnecessary troubles.

If more people went to save Konan, then his "uncle" would definitely understand what was going on. As long as he found him, he would have nothing to say.

It was best now!

Black Zetsu already had the best method in his heart. He would not easily make any concessions to Nagato. After that, continued to pressure Nagato.

"I'll say it one last time!"

"I can only tell you where Konan is!"

"If you had agreed earlier, you could have gone to save Konan earlier. If too much time had dragged on and Konan died, then I could only express my helplessness!"

"So you must give me an accurate answer now."

"Do you still want to continue this transaction?"

Black Zetsu did not give Nagato any time to think. After all, if he thought too much about such a thing, the sense of urgency and crisis he had created would be gone.

Black Zetsu had no idea why his "uncle" wanted to catch Konan!

This kind of thing was very outrageous!

It was completely out of his expectations!

However, he saw an opportunity to stimulate Nagato through Konan in this matter, so he came up with this idea. He hoped that he could use this matter to get a chance for him.

Of course.

Black Zetsu was also very nervous.

He didn't know when his "uncle" would realize that he had disappeared.

This was still very dangerous!

It wasn't that he was terrified!

But his personal safety was still very important!

This was not just about his life, his life was not his alone. If something happens to him, no one in this world will save his mother.

Of course.

Other than his life safety.

Whether his mother could be rescued or not was in the hands of his so-called "uncle".

"Damn it..."

Nagato stared fixedly at Black Zetsu, his face full of black lines. He looked at Black Zetsu's pitch-black appearance, and there was an indescribable sense of powerlessness in his heart. How could he not see that Black Zetsu was constantly putting pressure on him?

But this pressure.

He had no choice but to endure it.

"I understand."

Nagato nodded and looked at Black Zetsu. Now he understood. At this point, even if he didn't want to take the risk and didn't dare to take the risk, he had to take the risk. Otherwise, Konan would always be in a trap!

"I agree to your request!"

"Take me to Konan now!"

"Hurry up!"

"I don't have any more time to waste!"

Nagato's face became anxious. After he determined the choice in his heart, that was, the choice without any other choice, his mood reached another level.

He had to save Konan first.

So he could only agree to Black Zetsu's conditions.

He vaguely realized.

If he misses the black person in front of him now, then he may never have the chance to find Konan again.

No matter what the black person's goal was.

He had to bear it!

There was no other way!

He had no choice!

"Remember what you said!"

Black Zetsu nodded in satisfaction. Now that he had gotten what he wanted, it was time to fulfill his promise.

"Come with me!"

After Black Zetsu finished speaking, he turned around and headed to the Land of Earth direction. His gaze was directed forward, but his mind was always on Nagato.

In fact.

He had been worrying about one thing.

That was how to avoid the possibility that his "uncle" Toneri might find out in Nagato that he was doing all this behind his back.

This was not an easy choice.


He also knew in his heart.

It was not easy to hide things from people like Toneri.

It was not easy.

Even if Nagato did not say anything, Toneri could make a rough guess based on his speculation. Moreover, Toneri had many techniques that even he did not understand.


In his opinion.

Even if Toneri could guess such a thing.

But as long as Nagato did not say it...

The other party also has no evidence!

This way.

This so-called "uncle"...

He would not be angry with him because of such a matter, right?

"That's right..."

"There is one more thing!"

Black Zetsu did not stop moving forward, but at the same time, he turned to look at Nagato, who was following closely behind him.

"The matter of me looking for you..."

"Don't tell anyone!"

"This won't do you any good!"

Black Zetsu said in a deep voice. He felt that there was still a need to say this. At the very least, Nagato would more or less have a bottom line in his heart regarding this matter and wouldn't casually reveal his matter.

"No problem."

Nagato agreed without hesitation. He no longer cares about this kind of thing.

Of course.

In fact, in his heart.

Although he felt that Black Zetsu was very hateful...

Black Zetsu was taking him to Konan's location after all!

This caused the anger in his heart toward Black Zetsu to gradually disappear and then tilt toward the person who had taken Konan away.

He did not know what kind of relationship Black Zetsu had with that person!

He also did not know why Black Zetsu would suddenly jump out and tell him where Konan was!


Black Zetsu could come and tell him!

This allowed him to see hope in despair!

At least.

In Nagato's opinion...

Black Zetsu and the person who took Konan away were not so friendly. It was more like Black Zetsu had betrayed that person!

After all.

Only betrayers would worry about saying such things!

This black person seemed to be very afraid of the person behind this matter!

Nagato was not a fool, but he was very smart. He just had a muddled head over Konan's matter, causing him to be very impulsive when doing things.

However, his impulse was only for Konan. When it comes to other things, he was still very calm!

So he could immediately analyze the importance of Black Zetsu in this matter in a short time...

As long as Black Zetsu was on opposing sides of the person behind this matter!

Then, they could temporarily be considered to be on the same side!

After all.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

So he won't sell Black Zetsu easily. As long as Black Zetsu was around, he may keep causing trouble for that person.