Kill Konan!

Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 572 Kill Konan!

Konan's words hit the nail on the head.

The problem at this time was very clear.

Black Zetsu went to look for Nagato.

This was already acknowledged by Black Zetsu.


There was no way to justify what happened next.

Black Zetsu has definitely gone to find Nagato, and he also said that he knew Nagato a long time ago, so this can explain a certain problem.

After hearing Konan's words, Aoba nodded directly and understood what Konan meant.

This was a loophole in Black Zetsu's own language.

He just did not expect to be caught so accurately by Konan.

This kind of insight was really sharp!

After seeing Konan ask Black Zetsu this, Aoba also thought that Konan could be said to be the first person to analyze Obito's Kamui. Moreover, she had prepared so many explosive tags to counter it. It was very, very hard for a person to reach such a level of insight.

For a moment.

Aoba could not help but rejoice that he had successfully fooled Konan!

After all, this kind of thing was not so easy to do. Konan was very careful. When she listened to him, she had asked him about almost all the details that needed to be considered.


Black Zetsu was directly speechless by Konan's question.

This question was the point that he wanted to blur the most.

However, it was a point that he had missed out on due to his carelessness.

After all.

Once he admitted his subjective point of view, it would expose his purpose. However, the problem now was that he had no way to say it out. How did he know Nagato?

It was hard to fabricate an answer to this!

He can't just say...

He was monitoring Uchiha Madara's Rinnegan, right?!

He couldn't say such words at all!

"What is it?"

When Konan saw Black Zetsu's silent appearance, she immediately became angry. Her entire face became incomparably cold.

"You don't dare to say anymore?"

"What are you afraid of?"

"Everything you've done..."

"Are you afraid that others will find out?"

Konan said coldly. In her heart, what Black Zetsu had done was nothing more than about the conflict between the Otsutsuki Clan. She had already learned about it through Toneri's statement.


In her opinion.

The black person in front of her had no secrets in her eyes!

"Cough cough... Cough..."

At this time, Aoba immediately cleared his throat. He could already see that Konan had brought the topic to a very awkward point. If Black Zetsu did not make it clear, then this matter would be stuck here, and the whole situation would be in a situation where it was difficult to continue.

It was precisely because of this.

Aoba, who had been silent all this time, also accurately captured this chance that was suitable for him to speak.

"Black Zetsu!"

Aoba slowly called out Black Zetsu's name. His speed of speaking was very gentle, but his tone was harsh.

Just this name alone.

Black Zetsu was already nervous.

After all, the person who spoke was his so-called "uncle." He didn't even consider whether there were relatives or not. Just that pair of Rinnegan was enough to make him feel fear.


Black Zetsu focused on Aoba.

Compared to Konan.

He was more concerned about Aoba!

After all, this person was a real threat to him!

"Just say it!"

Aoba's cold voice clearly entered Black Zetsu and Konan's ears. It had completely attracted both people's attention.

"You are Otsutsuki Kaguya's son!"

"No matter what you did..."

"I won't hurt you!"


"You can say it now!"

Aoba looked at Black Zetsu with a serious expression. His Rinnegan's eyes were cold, and there was a hint of persecution in his tone.

He was not curious about such things because he knew why Black Zetsu knew Nagato.

He said this not because he wanted Black Zetsu to say anything.

Instead, he wanted Konan to hear this!


Truthfully, he was also curious about what Black Zetsu would say about this!

After hearing Aoba's words, Black Zetsu was stunned. There was a strange look in his eyes when he looked at Aoba.

Damn it!

This person!

He actually said his mother's name!

Black Zetsu's face became very ugly. He understood that this so-called "uncle" in front of him was not a good person.

Very bad!

This was his most kept secret!

And it had been exposed just like that!

This was too much!

Black Zetsu's orange eyes immediately shot out a ray of cold light, but it was only for a moment before he took it back.

Black Zetsu had long understood that other than himself, he could not easily trust anyone else. It was the same for this so-called "uncle".


He did not expect this.

He was exposed so quickly by this so-called "uncle"!

Black Zetsu knew that if he wanted to save his mother, he could only rely on himself. He really did not want this so-called "uncle" to help him. Instead, he hoped that this person would not interfere with his matter.

He was really helpless about this!

He couldn't afford to provoke this person!

Much less offend him!

The more Black Zetsu thought about it, the more aggrieved he felt.


In such a situation.

He had no way of changing it, nor could he defend himself, so he could only bite the bullet and continue.

After all, this so-called "uncle" had Rinnegan.

"I know Nagato because he has Rinnegan. I have always admired geniuses. Nagato is such a genius!"

Black Zetsu began to lie with his eyes open. The matter of Nagato's eyes being Madara's eyes was already his last stubbornness. Those eyes kept his last hope of saving his mother.

"It is because of this that I know Nagato better and know the relationship between Nagato and you..."

Black Zetsu immediately looked at Konan. He didn't dare to linger on this topic for too long and immediately went to the next topic.

He knew that between the lesser of two evils.

Instead of exposing the issue of the ownership of Nagato's Rinnegan.

He might as well reveal the reason why he was looking for Nagato to divert her attention.

"I went to look for Nagato because I saw Konan here just now!"

"I think that Konan's sudden disappearance..."

"It might cause Nagato's Rinnegan to awaken!"

"After all, I have always known about Nagato's existence. I want to see if he can grasp his true strength!"

"But I really didn't do anything!"

Black Zetsu deliberately released some information about the person she cared about to cover up the information he could not say. Through such a matter, he evaded Rinnegan's question.

As expected.

Just as Black Zetsu had expected.

After hearing Black Zetsu's words, Konan immediately focused his attention on Nagato and Rinnegan's awakening. The light in her eyes also changed.


Black Zetsu did not know.

The words he said...

When it entered Konan's ears.

She did not focus on Nagato's Rinnegan awakening instead it confirmed in Konan's heart that Black Zetsu was jealous of Nagato's talent.


Just as Konan was about to speak a burst of laughter interrupted her.


Aoba's laughter echo in the bright cave. The laughter was filled with a deep meaning.

"Do you think I will believe you?"


"I understand if you don't tell me."

"I know what you mean."

"After you see me bring Konan back..."

"You immediately went to find Nagato!"

"Do you think I don't know anything?"

Aoba's tone suddenly became fierce. He wanted to frighten Black Zetsu in this way, and at the same time, he could consolidate Konan.

All of a sudden.

Black Zetsu and Konan's curiosity was aroused by Aoba.

Even Black Zetsu wanted to know.

What does this so-called "uncle" know?

"You want to use Nagato to kill me!"

Aoba said something that shocked even Black Zetsu.

Black Zetsu really wanted to use Nagato.

But he just wants Nagato to awaken the Rinnegan to save his mother.

He had no intention of killing his so-called "uncle" Toneri.

The reason was very simple!

With Nagato's half-baked Rinnegan...

It was impossible for him to do such a thing.

Before Black Zetsu could open his mouth to explain, Aoba's voice rang out once more.

"After all..."

"The only person who can possibly kill me... is Nagato!"

Aoba said meaningfully. His words were not meant for Black Zetsu but for Konan.


After hearing Aoba's words, Black Zetsu's head was full of question marks. He felt that this so-called "uncle" was just joking.

What the hell?

How could there be such a thing?

Nagato killed Toneri?

Kill him with his head?

This was an impossible matter!

Why did Toneri think this way?

Could it be...

Was there some secret on Nagato that he did not know?

Black Zetsu's eyes flashed with intense doubt. He began to think quickly.


When Black Zetsu began to think and fell into Konan's eyes, it became a different feeling.

This person...

He had been exposed!

Only an Otsutsuki could kill an Otsutsuki!

This black person wanted to use Nagato to kill Toneri!

All of a sudden.

Konan seemed to have understood everything.

Aoba took in their expressions, and the feeling of control rose in his heart once again.

Everything here was completely under his control.

"Let me think about it..."

Aoba slowly opened his mouth again. The corners of his mouth slightly curled up, revealing a meaningful smile.

"Since you want Nagato to kill me!"

"Then why didn't you let Nagato come over?"

When Aoba said this, he paused and put on a thoughtful look, as if he was really thinking about Black Zetsu's thoughts.


"You don't think Nagato is a match for me, do you?"

"In this way, Nagato will die for nothing!"

"Am I right?"

"Black Zetsu."

Aoba said Black Zetsu's name heavily. His tone carried a sense of oppression, completely putting Black Zetsu in a passive situation.


When Black Zetsu heard Aoba's words, he directly sucked in a breath of cold air. He never had such a thought. Killing Toneri was something that seemed almost impossible to him.


He really felt that Nagato couldn't beat Toneri, so he didn't bring Nagato over.


"Absolutely not!"

"I don't dare to do that!"

"I didn't!"

"You're thinking too much!"

After a moment of hesitation, Black Zetsu immediately denied it. After all, it was a huge black pot. He absolutely could not bear such pot, even if he was beaten to death.

This involved whether he could save his mother!


Konan smiled coldly, her laughter filled with disdain. After listening to Black Zetsu's words, she deeply believed in Aoba's words and understood what Black Zetsu meant. He was completely jealous of Nagato's bloodline talent.

In fact.

She had her own interpretation in her mind.

She felt that Black Zetsu did not want Nagato to kill Toneri.

Instead, he wanted Nagato to die!

He wanted to use Toneri to kill Nagato!

This was a qualified logic.

After all, with Nagato's current strength, he was still far inferior to Toneri even if he awakened his Rinnegan.

Nagato had potential, but not strength. He needed a certain amount of time to transform potential into strength.

Konan had never seen Toneri's strength completely, but relying on that tyrannical and terrifying chakra, she was almost certain that this Toneri was an almost invincible existence in this ninja world.

There was simply no one who could be Toneri's opponent!

Including Nagato!


In Konan's eyes.

Even if Nagato possessed a pure Otsutsuki bloodline, there was still a very long way to go before he could reach Toneri's level.

The background and experiences of their lives, as well as the training and cultivation they received, would affect their development in different directions.


Aoba slowly opened his mouth. His goal had basically been achieved. He had successfully made Konan believe what he had said, and he also knew that Black Zetsu was already in contact with Nagato.


He needed to confirm one last point.

"Nagato's Rinnegan hasn't awakened yet, right?" Aoba asked in a low voice.

"No... no..."

Black Zetsu answered honestly. He was already frightened by Aoba's words just now. Therefore, he was very cautious when he spoke. He did not dare to be negligent in the slightest. He was afraid that this so-called "uncle" in front of him would cause some misunderstanding.

"I think that his stimulation might not be enough..."

"To awaken his Rinnegan..."

"I'm afraid it is not enough to capture Konan..."

"You need to..."

"Kill Konan!"

Black Zetsu deliberately directed the topic to Konan, because he had a faint feeling that this so-called "uncle" in front of him seemed to have put more attention on Nagato.