Chibaku Tensei(Planetary Devastation)!

Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 575 Chibaku Tensei(Planetary Devastation)!


A powerful and terrifying attractive force swept toward Black Zetsu, causing his entire body to almost change shape.

Not good!

Black Zetsu was secretly shocked in his heart.

He instinctively wanted to escape, but it had no effect at all. He could only allow this kind of attractive force to appear on his body.


Black Zetsu's body flew out uncontrollably. The direction he flew in was where Aoba was.


Following a clear and crisp sound.

Aoba's right hand had already tightly grabbed onto Black Zetsu's neck. Through his palm, black lines crawled directly onto Black Zetsu's body as if they were alive.

Every time these lines reached a part of Black Zetsu's body, that part was already controlled and restrained.

Almost in an instant.

The black lines had already covered Black Zetsu's entire body.

Just like this.

Black Zetsu had already been sealed.

Not only could he not move, he could not also speak.


Konan saw Aoba's practiced movements and could not help but gasp. She stood at the side and saw the whole process clearly. She was hit by this set of moves at that time and could not resist at all.

At this time.

This set of moves was used on Black Zetsu.


"This kind of ability..."

"Nagato's Rinnegan can also use it after awakening."

"Now I want to show you another ability."

"That is..."

"A technique that seal Otsutsuki Kaguya!"

Aoba said one sentence at a time. As he spoke, he raised his left hand and grabbed at Konan's elbow.

If it was anyone else who did this to Konan, they would definitely be ruthlessly opposed by Konan.


This person was Aoba.

Or to be more precise...

This person was Otsutsuki Toneri!

Konan just dodged it in her mind and made no real movements. She allowed Aoba's left hand to grab her elbow.


Almost in an instant.

A terrifying amount of chakra wrapped around Konan and Black Zetsu.

This force directly led the two people to disappear where they were and appear in another place entirely.

This was a place in the dead of night.

Occasionally, the wind would blow by.

When she first arrived here, Konan only felt that it was a little cool.

Then it quickly turned into a cold feeling.

"This is..."

Konan looked at Aoba doubtfully. Her body was not sealed, and she still had her own ability to move. Thus, she voiced her doubts.

As for Black Zetsu...

He was already unable to speak.

It was like a fat piece of meat waiting to be slaughtered.

"This is the Land of Earth."

Aoba said indifferently. He did not bring them too far away. They were still within the Land of Earth. There was a Flying Thunder God Formula he left behind here. He had just used Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique) to bring Konan and Black Zetsu here.

"It's so cold here!" This was the first time Konan had left the Land of Rain, and it was also the first time she had come to the Land of Earth. She felt that the air here was very dry. The cold night wind blew across her face, giving her a very dry and cold feeling.

"The Land of Earth climate is like this. It is very hot during the day and cold at night. There is still a big difference from your Land of Rain. You can use your chakra to resist the cold."

Aoba let go of Konan's arm. While speaking, he did not look at Konan. Instead, he focused his attention on Black Zetsu.

"Black Zetsu."

"I just told you the contents of the punishment."

"This is just a small punishment for you."

"If something like this happens again in the future..."

"Then it won't be so simple!"

Aoba's tone became particularly serious. The reason why he wanted to seal Black Zetsu now was not only because Black Zetsu had made a mistake. Of course, this was also one of the reasons. However, more of it was because Black Zetsu had already completed his task. If he was allowed to say more, then his plan would be ruined.


Aoba did not want to kill Black Zetsu.

Black Zetsu's existence had a very important meaning to him.

If he could not show the results of his operation in front of Black Zetsu, then what was the point of everything?


Black Zetsu could not say a word. He just widened his orange eyes because he understood what Aoba said. He would be sealed the same way his mother was.

Thinking of that seal...

A hint of fear flashed through Black Zetsu's eyes.

That was something he did not want to face!

Not only was he unwilling to recall such a thing, but he also did not want such a tragedy to reappear in him.


Right now, he does not have any power to prevent this from happening.


Aoba suddenly turned his head to look at Konan. His Rinnegan flashed with purple light, revealing a sinister power.

"Now, I will let you experience the true power of the Otsutsuki Clan!"

Done speaking.

Aoba threw Black Zetsu up with his right hand.

In an instant.

Black Zetsu's body was thrown into the air.

It was just that Black Zetsu still couldn't control his body and couldn't prevent such a thing from happening.

Konan took a deep breath. Her gaze followed Black Zetsu. Especially after hearing Aoba's words, she became extremely nervous. This was not a simple matter so deep down, she became nervous.


After Aoba threw Black Zetsu into the air, he suddenly clapped his hands together.

"Chibaku Tensei(Planetary Devastation)!"

Aoba's voice was suffused with a strong majesty. This feeling had already reached the extreme. The chakra within his body even went through his throat just to create this feeling.

When Black Zetsu heard Aoba say those words, his expression changed drastically. Fear first appeared on his face, and after that, it gradually turned into deep despair.


A small black ball appeared in Aoba's hand.

This small black ball was a dense collection of chakra, and it contained a strong gravitational pull. It instantly flew toward Black Zetsu in the air.

In fact.

What Aoba said was not completely correct. He only said it for Konan to hear.

At that time, the Planetary Devastation that sealed Kaguya was not a simple Planetary Devastation. Instead, it was the Six Paths Planetary Devastation using the Six Paths Yin and Yang power.

Aoba omitted these things because his goal was to make Konan believe his words.

Almost in an instant.

Pieces of rocks broke away from the ground, especially the gravel that covered the ground. They quickly flew towards the black ball in mid-air and quickly piled up together.