
Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 600 Explanation

Yahiko spoke earnestly, not understanding why Konan suddenly wanted to raise such a demand. Before this, he had never even considered the idea of relocating.

Now, this place was the Land of Rain.

It was where all dreams set sail.

Yahiko harbored grand dreams in his heart. He wanted to change the world, to bring peace to the world. And the beginning of these dreams was to change the current situation in the Land of Rain.


If the position of the Akatsuki organization was changed... No longer in the Land of Rain, but in the Land of Fire, then everything he feels will change.

He wants to help the Land of Rain.

It was where he was born.

The Land of Fire was also within the scope of the world, but for the entire world, all he wanted was peace.

At this moment...

Yahiko stared closely at Konan.

Regarding the decision proposed by Konan to relocate the Akatsuki organization, it made him extremely dissatisfied, to the point that he still paid very close attention to it in his heart.


Yahiko still didn't speak out about what was on his mind.

These words...

He felt they were inappropriate to say.

So, he spoke about the matter of Nagato's parents, hoping to dispel Konan's thoughts in this way.

After Yahiko said this.

Nagato stared at Konan tightly the whole time, the nervousness in his heart already beyond words. These were the questions he wanted to ask. He didn't say them himself but asked through Yahiko's mouth. Yes, this thing was very important to him.

"I haven't forgotten."

Konan shook her head lightly, her tone sounding casual as if she were saying something trivial. Then she raised her hand to rub her temples. She didn't sleep well last night, and when she was reading just now, she was so absorbed that she now looked a little tired, not in the best of spirits, but it didn't stop her from continuing to talk about these things.

"It seems I must give you an explanation."

Konan stood up and walked towards the door of the meeting room. Although the door was tightly closed, it wasn't completely sealed. If someone passed by the door, the sound inside could still be heard.

Konan's actions immediately caught the attention of Yahiko and Nagato. Both of them had a big question mark in their minds. They simply couldn't understand Konan's actions.

Almost at the same time.

Yahiko and Nagato glanced at each other, seeing the shock in each other's eyes, and the confusion that kept flashing in the depths of their pupils.

What's going on?

Yahiko and Nagato couldn't understand at all. Since Konan knew about Nagato's parents, why did she still say such things to Nagato?

As Konan approached the door of the meeting room, she raised her right hand. Her right hand directly turned into sheets of paper.

These white papers were neatly cut, each one containing Konan's chakra.

Rustle! Rustle! Rustle!

The sound of paper flipping slowly rang out, clearly audible to Yahiko and Nagato's ears. These papers sealed the gap in the meeting room's door, making the sound insulation effect here even better.

"The next thing I'm going to say..."

Konan stared at the gap in the meeting room door and slowly spoke. Her tone didn't have much fluctuation, but it exuded a deep sense of suppression. With her back facing Yahiko and Nagato, her slender figure seemed to become extremely tall, instantly displaying an indescribable momentum.

"You need to pay attention to your emotions!"

"Don't be too surprised!"

"Don't make too much noise!"

"After all..."

"This is a very important secret!"

After saying the last sentence, Konan suddenly turned around. The cold expression on her face restored her proud aura, without the fatigue and absent-mindedness she had when she just entered the meeting room. She looked like she had regained her former elegance.


Yahiko and Nagato were both stunned. They felt that Konan had changed after this return, but they couldn't pinpoint exactly where the difference was. However, this feeling of change was truly profound, completely different from before.

Now, their aura was completely suppressed by Konan.

There was no trace of the protective attitude they had toward each other before.

Most importantly...

They could clearly feel the change in Konan's aura!

This was...

Someone who has seen the light!

For a moment.

Yahiko and Nagato had even forgotten the real purpose of coming to find Konan.

They couldn't even utter the words of questioning.

They just wanted to wait for Konan to continue speaking.


Konan's icy, solemn gaze swept over Yahiko and Nagato before her, and she could clearly see that the aura of these two had noticeably weakened.

This was not because she was deliberately suppressing the two of them.

Aura, it was not something you could just conjure up.

It requires one's own qualities, character, and closely related experiences.

Before, Konan followed behind Yahiko, and the circle she had been exposed to was just a small part of the Land of Rain. The strongest presence she had encountered was Amegakure's Hanzo, a ninja known as the "demigod."

Even their teacher, Jiraiya, wasn't a match for Hanzo.

This made Konan feel that reaching the pinnacle of the ninja world should resemble Hanzo's stature. However, overturning or altering Hanzo's reign was no easy task. Yahiko dared to entertain such thoughts; in terms of aura, he was already the strongest among them.


This time.

Konan's experiences made her change her view of the whole world. Her worldview was completely shattered and rebuilt.

She now understood.

The ninja world was just a small, insignificant part of this planet, overshadowed by vast oceans. Within these oceans, there were many beings they couldn't name or describe. Before she left, she even quietly asked Toneri a question.

This also made her admire Toneri's knowledge.

It was too vast.

Simply too vast.

She vividly remembered Toneri mentioning a name.

Sea Kings!

In the vast oceans enveloping the ninja world, there were immensely powerful life forms, even stronger than ninja. Those were the Sea Kings.

Of course.

That's not the point.

The point was that the planet she inhabited was just a tiny speck in the universe, like a drop of water in the vast ocean, completely lacking in presence.

As for Otsutsuki Toneri.

He was a member of the Otsutsuki clan that ruled the universe.

After learning about these things and hearing them from Toneri, also known as Aoba, although she hadn't personally seen them, she understood in her heart. Her perspective had expanded; she wasn't the little girl hiding in the Land of Rain anymore. The place where she was now is completely insignificant compared to the entire world.

Because of this.

After being influenced by Toneri, also known as Aoba.

When Konan saw Yahiko and Nagato again, she no longer harbored any awe for them. It wasn't that the bond between them had disappeared, but rather, she no longer admired what they had done or were doing as much as before. It was like a child suddenly growing up, watching their companions still playing with dolls, still dressing them up, feeling like they were just playing house, completely not on the same level anymore.

Of course...

Konan overlooked one thing.

That was, in her eyes, the adults, also known as the members of the Otsutsuki clan, were just like those adults she thought of, playing various games, just on a larger scale.

Children like playing with dolls.

As for adults, don't they also enjoy playing with dolls?

Konan's gaze swept over Yahiko and Nagato. Now, she was like someone who used to play with mud together in kindergarten, seeing her companions again, her mental age had become more mature, and her perspective had completely opened up.

"About the matter of relocating the Akatsuki Organization to Konohagakure..."

Konan slowly spoke, her tone as calm as ever. She was trying to find a suitable entry point because, after all, such a topic, whether long or short, contained a lot of information. She originally wanted to say it later, especially since her attention was now focused on that book.

But now she understood.

If she didn't explain these things clearly...

Then she wouldn't be able to read that book quietly anymore.

"Let's start from the moment I was taken away."

After saying this, Konan's words caught the attention of both Yahiko and Nagato, and they both held their breath. Their attention was now fully focused on Konan's words.

Is she finally going to talk about that day?!

Both of their hearts were filled with anticipation.

After all.

From the moment Konan returned.

They had both asked Konan what exactly had happened during her disappearance, but among them, none had asked specifically what had happened.

This matter had formed a huge question mark directly in their hearts, a question mark that hadn't been answered until now.

Now, hearing Konan's words.

Yahiko and Nagato both realized.

She was going to talk about the matter of her captured.

For a moment.

Yahiko and Nagato's gazes toward Konan became more complicated, as they speculated and listened at the same time.

"I was taken away by Otsutsuki Toneri!"

Konan slowly began to explain to the two of them, after all, such a matter, she had to speak sooner or later. Especially since she was tasked with informing Nagato of these things. If she didn't tell Nagato about such things, then she would be failing in her duty.


When she mentioned this name.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

This was something even she hadn't noticed.

"Otsutsuki Toneri?!"

Yahiko and Nagato both paused simultaneously. They had never heard of this name, and they could be absolutely certain that they didn't know this person. The question marks in their heads hadn't been dispelled; on the contrary, they became even larger, and many new question marks emerged.