Chapter II

The morning hustle and bustle of people working woke me up, I woke up groaning even though I felt comfortable, I managed to sleep very well last night. The sunlight was shining brightly through the window. It was just dawn, although I'm sure I would have woken up just the same without all the noise, I even skipped dinner!

"Although with how late we had lunch yesterday it wasn't that necessary..." I whispered to myself.

I got out of bed and stretched to finish waking up. I pulled out the clothes Liz gave me yesterday and put them on while I thought about what to do today.

Jeanne said she would make me work for money, that means there must be some guild here. That would be a solution not only for money but also to level up steadily. The problem is how long it would take to get at least decent armor, let alone what kind of potions I can find and their recipes to allow my weapon to make them automatically.

I decided to wait for Jeanne for this, better to have a reliable guide in these situations. With that I left the room and headed downstairs. There at the counter was Liz but the rest of the place if noticeably busier, almost every table full with a couple of waitresses bringing food to some of them. I went to the empty booth at the counter and just noticed Jeanne was already here, and if her red hair wasn't enough seeing her blue eyes suddenly seeing me would have done the trick.

"Oh! You came down on your own, good, I was beginning to think I'd have to go wake you up." she said cheerfully, for some reason.

"Well, I have to earn money and get stronger, I can't waste your 'generous' help." she just burst out laughing at my comment.

"Very well," interrupted Liz "that's the attitude, now eat so you can bring that money as soon as possible.

With that said she placed the breakfast in front of us, egg with what appeared to be chicken and bread. I couldn't help but eat with relish for missing dinner yesterday.

"So what are your plans today?"

"I'm going to check in with the guild while I report my mission and..." Jeanne answered, looking thoughtful and then turned to look at me. "I never asked what your name was."

I almost gagged when I heard that, did it take her so long to realize it? Even Liz looked incredulous as she noticed the same thing. Well I never gave it anyway so I can't blame them.

"Adam," I answered after I finished eating, "my name is Adam."

"Wow, you have the same name as my son."

"Yeah, talk about coincidence. Never mind now, come on Adam, we have work to do."

With that we got up and left the inn saying goodbye to Liz. We quickly reached the commercial area of town, which for some reason relaxed me. Perhaps it was due to the relative peace there, as if the danger of the waves was not real. Along the way I noticed a few stores I ignored yesterday; magic stores, potion stores, clothing stores and most importantly, blacksmith shops. I noted their locations in my mind to return later.

Jeanne told me more things as we walked, like the price of various items to know their price, what places she recommended to go and what to do when we got to the guild.

"Jeanne, could you avoid saying my position as an axe hero?" I asked Jeanne after her comment.

"And that..." she seemed to want to ask until understanding flashed across her face "you want to avoid recognition to focus on becoming strong, right?"

"That's right." I couldn't help smiling, having someone who understood the situation helped a lot "I don't have a problem with it coming out later, you have to fight the waves after all, but right now it would be a bit of a hindrance."

"But wouldn't being known give you access to better missions?"

"Yes, but they would expect a lot of things from me, others would try to join me for convenience, although in your case you are honest about it, and having to meet their expectations so soon would just be annoying"

"Then I'll have a hero to myself for now, we're sure to make quite a bit of money. - she said with a laugh."

I shook my head at that, it's really convenient to have such a companion, and even more so with her honest desire to make money, which reminded me of something else, the party. I sent a party request to Jeanne on the spot and she accepted it almost immediately throwing me a smile in passing. I could already see the guild building with several people coming and going, I guess looking for work early is the same almost everywhere. And it was three stories apparently.

Entering the guild I could see a hall with receptionists at the back, stairs leading to the other floors on one side and several bulletin boards for missions. Large numbers of people coming and going from the boards for missions and others with the receptionists. Not to say about the different types of demihumans there were, it really showed how active this city was. I followed Jeanne to a receptionist as I thought about it.

"Alright Adam, she'll help you check in while I go about my business." And just like that Jeanne went to another side of the building, sometimes I couldn't keep up with her.

"Welcome, would that be a check-in?" said the receptionist kindly.

"Yes, please."

As she seemed to be looking for something I couldn't help but look at her in more detail. She had a well defined face with makeup that appeared to be simple, rather attractive lips, short hair that reached her shoulders cream colored and gave off a rather strong friendly aura. Certainly the beauty I would expect from a receptionist. And if her figure showed it, which was quite attractive as well, she was strong, to deal with idiots for sure.

"You must fill out this form to register," she said pulling out a sheet of paper, "can you do it on your own or shall I help you with it?"

"I would appreciate the help, yes." I answered a little embarrassed, I had to put learning to read and write as one of my priorities.

Filling out the form was simple, she asked me things like my name, where I would stay during my activities mainly, what class I belong to among other things.

"Okay, that would be all about the form. There is also a test for beginners that allows you to advance in rank immediately if you are qualified, do you want to take it?"

I really wanted to take it but as humiliating as it seemed to me I wasn't ready, I was barely level 2, they would sweep the floor with me and it's something I couldn't accept.

"Not right now, but can I take it another day when I have gear ready? I only have these clothes after all."

"Of course but this one has a small cost." she replied glancing at my clothes.

"Well, there's no other way."

"Very well, if that's all we'll finish with the registration, wait a moment."

With that she walked away and I got to thinking while I waited. Learning to read and write, while important, I think I can postpone it. My priorities now are getting armor to start doing quests, leveling up and getting as many weapons as possible before the next wave.

"Hey Adam!" I was greeted by Jeanne snapping me out of my thoughts "Are you done with the registration?"

"Almost I guess, she left for a moment." And just in the nick of time the receptionist appeared.

"Sorry for the wait," she said handing me a card "this would be your ID proving you belong to the guild, if you wish to travel to another country you will need to let me know beforehand plus you will need your card to accept each mission and claim your corresponding reward. That would be all."

"Thank you Allison. Now come on Adam, we have things to do."

"Thank you very much for everything." I thanked the receptionist, Allison, and followed Jeanne out of the guild. "And where are we going now?"

"We are going to find you some armor, I know a blacksmith that you will have no problem with who knows your situation and his equipment is very good, you will see that you will love it."

Taking the same road it didn't take long to reach this blacksmith. It was a fairly normal store, with windows displaying product and a well kept interior was visible. It wasn't extravagant like others I saw along the way but it was obvious of its quality, although it seemed to be empty, not counting the man at the counter, but it was convenient for me.

"Oh Jeanne, you're back." Said the man as he saw us enter "Are you bringing a new customer?"

"Something like that old man, but first you'll have to give him credit."

"Credit?" He didn't seem to like that very much "You know I don't work like that."

"Well, I thought working with a hero would help make an exception."

Faced with his confused face I decided to introduce myself by showing the axe and making it take another form.

"My name is Adam and somehow I ended up being the axe hero of this world."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait." I couldn't lie, his confusion was funny "There has been an axe hero of the seven stars for years, how come a new one appears?"

"Well old man," Jeanne replied, "I think he had to die in a wave somewhere, remember they said he was really arrogant. He sure deserved it."

"Even if you think that..." the blacksmith thought for a moment and then shouted in exasperation "It doesn't matter! Whatever happened is not our problem, at least there is a new one. What will they need?"

"I knew you'd understand old man! Just give us some simple leather armor for him, the rest we'll get it when we make more money."

I laughed lightly as the blacksmith looked for armor in my size, I was having so much luck with these people that I was even beginning to fear for the future. I looked around the store at the vast amount of weapons and remembered something important, copying weapons, right now I could get a great deal with such different styles of axes. I could just take them but I would be upset later for the favor he was doing to me. The blacksmith arrived with a set of yellow armor and I went to where he told me to put it on once he handed it to me.

It was quite simple, the breastplate had no shoulder pad and ended at my waist, with forearms and greaves that went down to my knees.

"Very well," said Jeanne as she saw me leave "with this you are ready for us to go out after lunch."

"Before that," I interrupted her and turned to the blacksmith "I wanted to see if he was interested in this."

I pulled the armor I had out of inventory and presented it, its metals might be worth something in this world if nothing else.

"This is... a kind of magic metal alloy, it reminds me of the siderite series of weapons but clearly it's different."

"I wanted to know if you were interested in it, as armor it doesn't work and I have no materials to work on it."

"Yes, I could do something interesting with it. Let me see how much I could give you..."

"I don't really want money," I interrupted him "I want you to let me copy all your axes."

"Copy my axes?"

"Dude, what are you talking about?"

At the confusion of both of them I moved to a simple axe on the side of the counter to show my point.

[Weapon copying activated.

Conditions met:

Iron axe.

Red iron axe.

Blue iron axe.

Pink iron axe.

White iron axe.

Light blue iron axe.

Brown iron axe.]

Next to the iron main every color variation was unlocked. I showed the iron axe shaped axe to the two and disbelief appeared on their faces. It was quite funny.

"Wait, what?" - shouted the blacksmith "By copying you mean that?"

"That's right, I don't want to appear to be stealing from you by copying the axes from your store so I'll give you the armor in exchange."

The blacksmith seemed to still be processing it. Jeanne walked over to watch during that.

"It's really identical, only the gem is the difference between them."

"Yes, this gem is constant in all forms, think of it as the core of the weapon."

"Very well," answered the blacksmith at last while showing the color variations to Jeanne "I will accept your armor for that. At least you have the decency for that."

"Thank you," I replied stretching out my hand "this will help me like you have no idea."

"I'm glad I guess, my name is Wilson by the way." he introduced himself accepting my hand.

With that I set about copying all the axes I had, of various sizes for one or two handed use, of materials such as bronze, copper, steel, silver and a couple of magical versions of the latter. Along with all their color variations. It would take a while but having all the equipment bonuses from mastering the weapons made it completely worth it. But it was two axes that interested me.

[Tomahawk Axe

Abilities locked: equip bonus: agility 1

Special effect: "weapon throw", agility 2.]

The Tomahawk surprised me, I hadn't encountered it in my previous world so I didn't think I would find it here. The other one was a "Great steel axe", it didn't meet the level to use it but it seemed to promise even more than the magic steel one for some reason. A simple great iron axe I could use at my level fortunately. I tried to copy the halberds Wilson had as well but as I expected it was not possible. It didn't really matter, what I got was enough.

"Thanks again Wilson, with this I can make good progress."

"Don't worry, just make sure you bring materials and money for when you go to get better armor."

"Sure, see you later." I said goodbye to Wilson and turned to Jeanne as we left the store "And now let's go eat, I guess."

Yes, it took longer than I thought to be in the store, I was getting hungry again, I wouldn't go out hunting on an empty stomach.

"Of course, I know a place you're going to love."


After eating quickly we left town and started looking for monsters. We fought balloons, rabbits and some wolves that we found allowing me to unlock new weapons from the latter, using the axe to tear it apart and absorb it for parts. Besides that I collected some herbs that Jeanne said were medicinal to get money the next day which came out better quality once I used the axe I had gotten from them.

When I went up to level three I noticed how Jeanne was level twenty-two, which seemed strange to me since I expected her to be higher but I didn't think anything of it.

While I was gaining experience I decided to try the different axes that I had obtained with the copying of weapons, I had to get used to the differences in weight.

Then I experimented with the Tomahawk. With my low level switching between axes of different size and weight was problematic. Being a special effect I just threw the axe at a tree in the distance, realizing that I missed it. I quickly threw it again when it came back to my hand hitting it this time, I would have to practice my aim with this weapon. Mostly to avoid the taunts I was getting from Jeanne.

"Well that was fun," she said finishing laughing "it's almost dusk, do you want to do something else before we go?"

"Actually yes, I wanted to see how magic works in this world, could you cast a couple of spells?"

- Uh, sure. - she answered raising her hand to a tree and reciting something so fast that I didn't fully understand her, she cast a spell. "Wind Blade First."

And indeed a wind blade came out of his hand tearing the tree a little.

"That's just a quick way to use it but it is used this way too." Raising his hand again she began to recite "I am the source of all power. Listen to my words and understand them! Cut my enemies with the wind! wind blade Zweite!"

The spell was similar to the previous one but with an obvious increase in strength cutting through much of the tree. I could see that it was similar to a type of magic from my world but the way she recited it was different. What I didn't understand was why the end seemed to be in another language.

"Now show your magic again, those hand movements yesterday surprised me."

Right, I used my magic without thinking yesterday on the way to the city. Well, no use regretting it now. I began to make a quick motion with my hand forming a rune that within my understanding meant the creation of earth from magical power. Just as a stone stake formed from the rune a rabbit appeared so I fired the spell at the monster killing it instantly. Oh! I went up a third level today with it.

"How do you do that? I could only see magic power in a figure and magic just appeared." She was trying very hard to understand it.

"I guess you need to study to recite the magic you used." With her nodding I continued "It's the same with this, but instead of reciting you transfer your knowledge into runes that activate magic. But I'd better explain it in depth another time, it's not something to talk about so late in these parts."

"Ok. Don't forget to save everything we collected, don't waste money."

Making sure I had everything in inventory, along with the rabbit I just killed, we headed back to town.

"Critter parts like these are permanent quests, you'll get good money for them." Jeanne said on our way.

Once in the city we went to the guild to deliver the materials, which I took out of the inventory before entering the city and we carried with a bag Jeanne had, and we left once we got the money.

On the way to the inn we passed an apothecary where I sold the herbs I had collected. I wanted to buy a potion recipe book but I had debts to pay, it would be for another time.

With that fact Jeanne took us to a store full of camping tent-like objects, I couldn't help but be confused.

"We will buy at once where you will sleep on the trips." she commented seeing my confusion.

"What are you planning now?"

"Tomorrow we will go to investigate some bandits that have been hanging around, you are low level but you will level up along the way and I am sure you will perform well."

We were moving fast it seemed. Well, that suited me and these bandits may have items I could use.

Finished shopping we went straight to the inn where we finally ate and drank. There was nothing to note during this time, except meeting Liz's husband, so I went to sleep to wake up early tomorrow.