3 Girls Lucy, Adrianna, and Eloise were playing in the bathroom but Eloise didn't like being there because it was her birthday then she heard her 2 friends saying bloody Mary then she got scared because she heard a noise coming from one of the stalls she tried telling her friends but they just laughed at her so she went to see what was happening in the stalls but their is nothing there so when she turned around there was a tall girl looking down at her she ran out of the bathroom she saw both her friends stitched together and blood on the wall saying happy birthday :) the girl was terrified so she started screaming and ran to the nearest classroom and told everyone what happened so everyone went to the front of the bathroom and saw children's Heads hanging from the roof and body parts all over the floor and dolls stitched together and taped to the wall the class started screaming and telling everyone in the school and now no one is allowed near the third floor bathroom

the police came and checked the entire school then they heard something ripping something's skin off and when they checked they found a dead girl body with a school uniform the next few weeks they found out that the dead girl was missing for a month her name was Emma and was dismembered and shoved into the pipes of the school the police found fingerprints that belonged to 2 people her sister and boyfriend turns out the boyfriend was cheating on Emma with her sister and they wanted to make their relationship public and they thought they couldn't do that with Emma being alive so they killed her later they caught them walking out of the school and arrested the boyfriend is in prison and her sister she died the first night in prison by one of the inmates slicing her throat in her sleep



3 Boy's we're studying for a test that they had to do in a few weeks when a dead girl named Emma was found the boys didn't like being in this class room a boy named Aiden said he was done and left the class room the other 2 boys Leo and mark kept studying until they heard Aiden screaming they thought he left Aiden started banging on the door and begging the boys to let him in Leo got up to open the door until he realized there was blood on the floor Leo started hearing a man's voice saying sit down Leo was scared and fell down in his seat marks body parts were all over the floor so Leo started studying again the man's voice again said go home Leo listened and when he got home he told his parents and they took Leo out of the school after telling the police 8 months later they found Aiden's body taped to a chair along with mark but Mark's body parts are taped together

and a dead teacher that went missing on the same day when the school girl Emma went missing the teacher and the missing student were planning to get married when the girl got older but she went missing and when the man heard she was missing and no one can find her he killed himself in the basement under his class room people say that the man had a wife and was secretly dating other girls or some would say they would make out in the bathroom with him but no one knows now everyone stays away from the class room 2-B