5 Students their names where Colby, Cole, Carter, Beatrice,and Anastasia, they loved doing crazy things even if it meant they would get hurt well right before they got sent to the infirmary they thought it would be cool to tie a dumbell to their legs and jump into the pool and see how long it would take them to untie their legs and swim up during that time under water only Anastasia was able to get free the others tried so hard when Anastasia saw no one coming up she started panicking and ran out to find a teacher it took her two minutes to find one when they got back the teacher was able to pull all of them up but only Colby was that was still awake the rest weren't breathing that's when the teacher got the principal he said to take them to the infirmary and then call the ambulance as Colby and Anastasia sat in the infirmary with their unconscious friends Colby was acting strange Anastasia tried talking to him and all he did was stare at the floor she thought it was because of trauma and sat away from him to let him breath and register that he's okay now soon Anastasia fell asleep and when she woke up it was night she looked around and everyone was gone except Colby but when she looked at him his entire body was covered in blood she ran to him but as soon as she looked at him she saw his Stomach ripped open and his organs missing she ran out searching for an exit but there was just walls trapping her near the infirmary doors as she tried banging on the walls hoping this was some illusion she heard something crawling around in the room behind her when she go's into the room her friend is gone only the blood stains were there she looked around and found her friend but some one in a nurse outfit was sitting by him Humming while sewing different body parts to him Anastasia yelled at her to get away from her friend as she yelled the nurse quickly looked up showing her friend Beatrice face was stapled onto her Anastasia let out a scream of terror the nurse quickly grabbed her and shoved sleeping pills down her throat after a couple hours Anastasia woke up she tried looking around but everything was so blurry but what she could see so far was outlines of body's when her eye's finally adjusted she saw her friends and other dead people laying in beds Anastasia tried to get up but she was chained to the bed and she tried screaming for someone to help her but there was a bloody rag in her mouth she looked around again to see if any one was alive if they could help her but then that's when she saw the nurse taring the flesh off of someone's body and putting it in a rusty bucket soon the nurse noticed her and smiled as she walked over and started outlining her face with a black marker After the nurse was done she walked over to her desk quickly grabbing something walking over to her tray that had a surgical knife as she did that Anastasia noticed that one the nails in the chain of her left arm was loes and tried hard to break free but before she could the nurse soon grabbed her face and started cutting the only sound in the room was screams of agony And a knife cutting flesh the next day at school when the nurse walked into the infirmary she screamed in terror seeing bloody students stitched together in one big human spider they kept twitching and she was so terrified she grabbed her desk chair and started hitting them she kept going for what felt like a hour for her and then when she opened her eye's she was met with students that weren't stitched together they looked normal it was like she was hallucinating the whole thing but as she snapped out of her thoughts she began to realize she bashed in a couple of students head's The principal who was just walking into the school heard the noise from the infirmary and went to check when he saw the mess of bloody dead students with heads open and their brains allover the floor he looked at her and said "There's no turning back now.Quickly put them in the basement near the incinerator I will distract the other's Make sure this never happens again" and then he left going to lead the students and teachers away while she did what he told her she was angry and sad but also shocked she quickly snapped out her thoughts and soon dragged the bodies one by one until all that was left was the dirty blooded floor she new she had to act fast and clean it before anyone saw her and so she did she started cleaning as fast as she could and finished when everyone started going back to their routine and as she walked into the infirmary she saw writing in blood saying "no students after midnight" she quickly washed off the window before anyone saw and began her work but little did she know that there was a certain ghost watching her waiting in the dark for the perfect moment to attack and end her life like the other's later after the end of the day she walked home and when she arrived she saw the same students that were stitched like a spider she wanted to kill it, but after the day she thought she was hallucinating again Thinking it was her dog Lulu.

She Held out her hand and "said come on girl it's time to go outside" But little did she know it wasn't her dog It was something else and it quickly ran towards her startling her and before she had time to move away It started eating at her flesh ripping off her bones she screamed in agony yelling and begging someone to come and after a little while someone finally came they kicked down the door and police behind them they were met with a horrific site there she was the nurse of the school stomach open organs ripped out and face half off and tongue ripped from her on a knife that was in her hand the police did some investigation on what happened but all that was found was her finger prints and a woman that died in her 50s that was the nurse before her was named Carmella she had worked there for 50 years and was found killing a boy saying she wanted to create a human spider and was later put in a mental hospital but soon died on her 56th birthday and later her body disappeared no one knows where her body is until this day and rumors started saying she haunted the school searching for victims to continue her project of making a human spider